Friday, November 9, 2012

noam chomsky

I thought, in some respects, since I concluded that it wasn’t my job to decide these things, but rather to present points of view, a collection of methods—an intellectual toolkit, so to speak—and an enthusiastic model. Then get out of the way. That’s all an educator can, and should do, in my humble opinion. Anything more is not education, it’s indoctrination.

First, Chomsky defines his view of education in an Enlightenment sense, in which the “highest goal in life is to inquire and create. The purpose of education from that point of view is just to help people to learn on their own. It’s you the learner who is going to achieve in the course of education and it’s really up to you to determine how you’re going to master and use it.” An essential part of this kind of education is fostering the impulse to challenge authority, think critically, and create alternatives to well-worn models.
powerful structure in the society that would prefer people to be indoctrinated..
choices we have to make.. where we stand in ed system....

cultivating the capacity to always seek what is significant

11:43 - cost or investment
human capital
do we want to have a society of free creative individuals or do we want people who can increase gdp - not the same thing
ed system - create better human beings
need spaces that encourage exploration of thought... you won't get tech that will lead to economic gains - even though that is not the prime purpose

15:40 - assessment vs autonomy
ed is about getting students to the point where they are going to learn on their own

Will Richardson (@willrich45)
11/9/12 5:09 AM
“Do you train for passing tests or do you train for creative inquiry?” Noam Chomsky #edchat#nysaishac12