Saturday, July 7, 2012


rules for the direction of the mind
1) the aim of our studies should be to direct the mind with a view to forming true and sound judgements about whatever comes before it
 - indeed it seems strange to me that so many people should investigate with such diligence the virtues of plants, the motions of the stars, the transmutations of metals, and the objects of similar disiplines, whilehardly anyone gives a thought to good sense - to universal wisdom. for every other science is to be valued no
t so much for its own sake as for its contribution to universal wisdom.

descartes and wurman - what a combo..
but both onto our silly game of obscuring/hiding what we do or don't know under the pretense of not wanting to appear a fool - when that is precisely what creates a fool - because it keeps us from things - like life.

we don't share findings (descartes talking specifically about mathematicians) - because when we really get them - they seem so simple. and we end up believing that others will think we really just don't get things - because to most - simplicity isn't the answer.. it's the lazy way out. oh the wisdom of assumed foolish thinking. [shaw - the problem with communication is assuming that it has been accomplished]

math - as the language of science - it's soul purpose perhaps - to make what appears so complex - simple.
not to keep people from it - that essence - rather - to allure them to it.

my thinking - we take away the compulsion - of public ed - of math in particular.. [after a time - allowed for us to detox from compulsory breathing even] - our nature will call out to us - and we'll all be falling in love with mathematical thinking, with common sense, with reason. will just be in it.. w/o even knowing it. because it is the essence - mathematics as discipline..
[and how to we take away the compulsion? we realize that public ed as law is just a conversation - that hasn't been finished/accomplished, grazie gb shaw]

we've chopped up life - so that it is just not as appealing as it has the potential to be.
so - from the words of youth - let's chill. let's zoom out. let's take it all in.
as in eudaimonia..
let's breathe. enough. daily. to question. to betterness. to fittingness.

and grazie lehmann - if it is fittingness - if it's part of the fractal - it will permeate - no? in a very good way.. because now we all believe the conversation is not only - not finished - it needs us.
Jeff Delp (@azjd)
7/7/12 6:48 AM
"When you have a vision for what a school can be, it has to permeate every pore of the school."@chrislehmann #cpchat

umair haque (@umairh)
7/7/12 6:36 AM
Indeed. The challenge. “@indy_johar: “but reality is usually barely visible & by the time it is it's usually too late!”

Deb Mills-Scofield (@dscofield)
7/7/12 6:17 AM
Power of #paradox RT @johnsonwhitney: “I am terrified and confident all the time.” ~ Richard Saul Wurman c @jhagel

pammoran (@pammoran)
7/7/12 6:17 AM
reading abt the curiosity gap RT @Jabaldaia: Curiosity helps to reduce uncertainty in business

Melissa Edwards (@mwedwards)
7/7/12 6:21 AM
RT @Wonderopolis: Wonder is a universal language! Wonder #643 IS IT EVER TOO LATE TO LEARN A NEW LANGUAGE?