Tuesday, July 24, 2012

people agenda (open uni)

to piggy back on this post: open university

this idea is great - sam's post on helping parents (people) become their own startups..
but let's not settle for one book.. (and i confess - i haven't really looked at it.. but what i read below makes me wonder).. that might not even address the means to setting our youth free - is it addressing - non-compulsion? or is assuming a publicly prescribed curriculum. [i know, i know, with good intent, but we do need to open our eyes a bit more, this is the human spirit we are (mis)shaping, no?]

"How People Learn" examines these findings and their implications for what we teach, how we teach it, and how we assess what our children learn.

what if those 3 things aren't the road to betterness? (haque)

This popular trade book, originally released in hardcover in the Spring of 1999, has been newly expanded to show how the theories and insights from the original book can translate into actions and practice, now making a real connection between classroom activities and learning behavior. This paperback edition includes far-reaching suggestions for research that could increase the impact that classroom teaching has on actual learning.

what if what we need is to get out of the classroom, what if the classroom(including the compulsory curriculum here) is what is causing the behavior and the non-learning

Like the original hardcover edition, this book offers exciting new research about the mind and the brain that provides answers to a number of compelling questions. When do infants begin to learn? How do experts learn and how is this different from non-experts? What can teachers and schools do-with curricula, classroom settings, and teaching methods--to help children learn most effectively? 
what if we are spending our time answering the wrong questions?

i do agree we need local conversations - to both hear voice and to inform. most people don't realize the options they have, many don't believe it's legal to think for themselves, so they are looking to pick sides. and today - they don't have to.
if we can help people see that.. let them co-create their own options, crowdsource their own dreams..
practicing the art of conversation will not only pull us through all this mess.. it will get us back to us. - what tech wants - and what it could be helping us with.