Monday, December 31, 2012

tweets dec 31

continuing from her yesterdays #1

Jennifer Sertl (@JenniferSertl)
12/30/12 7:59 AM
2) #Introspection: The Myth of Free Will… my pov with @draminspires #a3r

Then we are asked to “kick the ball” - that is respond to the world. The “kick the ball” means a choice is made. The word decide comes from the root “to kill” as homicide and suicide also come from same source. So when you “kick the ball” you are killing all other possibilities. 
perhaps why less than we want happens..
The sub-conscious does not understand negative. So if you visualise what you don't want because of fears or constantly think about something fearfully, you invite those very incidents and people in life (which you want to avoid). That's why they say, "We get in life what we love and fear the most
we are prone to share negatives.. few people visualize that.. toward a decide.  more do.. are doing... toward suicide.. homicide 

and #3
Jennifer Sertl (@JenniferSertl)
12/30/12 8:01 AM
3) #Introspection: How serious are we about learning?… sober view@cdnorman #a3r

illustrate the first point I simply ask people to consider the last conference they went to where there were options on what sessions to attend. How many of the sessions did they attend that featured content that confirmed or gently extended what they already knew versus content that was new? If you’re a health promoter doing community engagement work, sessions on Bayesian modelling for epidemics might offer far more learning than a session on working with diversity in communities (particularly if that is what you already do). Even more, how often do people go to sessions from people they know or have already seen speak? Chances are, many
he same thing goes for knowledge. Academics are famous for ending studies with “more research is needed”. We never seem to have enough knowledge. There are two problems with this idea.
zuckerman's .. imaginary cosmopolitanism

whoa... conviction..

We will not read it all nor can we hope to synthesize it all, but we can do much with what we have. Just looking at my own personal library of physical books (not including all I have in the digital realm between books and papers) it’s easy to see that I have more than enough knowledge to tackle most of what I am facing in my work. Most of us do. But do we have the wisdom to use it? Do we have the systems — organizations and personal — that allow us to take the time and soak this in, share our ideas with others, and be mindful of the world around us enough to learn, not just consume?
When we spend as much time creating those spaces, places and systems, then we can answer “yes” to the question of whether we’re serious about learning.

DML Research Hub (@dmlresearchhub)
12/30/12 8:00 AM
Does Google help us "become less occupied w/ facts & more engaged in larger questions of understanding"?

The sub-conscious does not understand negative. So if you visualise what you don't want because of fears or constantly think about something fearfully, you invite those very incidents and people in life (which you want to avoid). That's why they say, "We get in life what we love and fear the most

Heidi Siwak (@HeidiSiwak)
12/31/12 8:19 AM
RTing this from? Who predicted the Spanish economic miracle of 2013-2017?…

be ing

be you. converse with self.
be us. converse with others.

pay attention.
whimsy matters.
breathing matters.

people matter.



via Bernd
What if you stop imagining true fulfillment? What if it can only be realized, freshly discovered? 
a stillness aware of the whole play

Seth's Blog: Writer's block and the drip

Seth's Blog: Writer's block and the drip

Sunday, December 30, 2012

the constitution

almost no one blames the culprit: our insistence on obedience 
true for constitution as well as ed.. no?

Instead of arguing about what is to be done, we argue about what James Madison might have wanted done 225 years ago.
As someone who has taught constitutional law for almost 40 years, I am ashamed it took me so long to see how bizarre all this is.

 if only we could see.. how bizarre..

Constitutional disobedience may seem radical, but it is as old as the Republic. In fact, the Constitution itself was born of constitutional disobedience. 
No sooner was the Constitution in place than our leaders began ignoring it. 
No one can predict in detail what our system of government would look like if we freed ourselves from the shackles of constitutional obligation, and I harbor no illusions that any of this will happen soon. But even if we can’t kick our constitutional-law addiction, we can soften the habit.

But before abandoning our heritage of self-government, we ought to try extricating ourselves from constitutional bondage so that we can give real freedom a chance. 

via paul on fb posting

tweets dec 30

Toma Bedolla (@Toma_Bedolla)
12/29/12 8:37 AM
Surprised to find traits I often live by RT @ForbesTech: The top 10 lessons Steve Jobs taught us

Jennifer Sertl (@JenniferSertl)
12/30/12 7:55 AM
In the midst of being connected to the globe, please continue to strengthen and deepen your connection to yourself. . . #introspection

Jennifer Sertl (@JenniferSertl)
12/30/12 7:57 AM
1) #Introspection: Awareness is Not Enough… my pov via@ogunte #a3r

What was impactful about this was that I realised that my focus had been on helping individuals and companies compete. The World is Flat and especially this message made me realise that the issue was not competition it was conditioning. In order to “run” when you need to, you have to be in great condition.  This new awareness made me realise that I wanted to help individuals and companies be in great mental condition. What would be timeless regardless of advances in technology and macro influences?
That was the central question that was answered by Agility3R. I wanted to help individuals and businesses be in great mental condition by helping them build capacity and practice with resilience, responsiveness and reflection:

Zoe Weil (@ZoeWeil)
12/30/12 7:55 AM
Interview in Forbes (of all places) on The Heart of…

Ryan Bretag (@ryanbretag)
12/30/12 7:51 AM
Scrubbing Digital Footprints in High

David Jakes (@djakes)
12/29/12 8:31 AM
Stop Making It Personal, from

interesting.. isn't this how we got to common core? everything thinking what they knew/liked is what everyone should know/like?

Line Dalile (@LineDalile)
12/30/12 7:57 AM
#Code2012 Java, Python, a little bit of JavaScript.

brainpickings best of 2012

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Friday, December 28, 2012

john hagel - human capital via pull

Similarly, so-called support functions for business – as the IT & HR depts are – must become truly supporting in the meaning of new ways of working. Social IT, as my dear friend Chris Dancy calls it. He has also coined another interesting notion: ‘People as a Platform‘.
indeed - future platform in our heads.. the brain.. no? - v miemis
Human Capital as a Service – in the cloud, beautiful!

A stateful talent system focuses on a single purpose and seeks to optimize it to the utmost; a stateless model recognizes that they could be doing different things at different times and balances variety with skill 

matt mullenweg - wordpress

seth godin via anne mccrossan - icarus

here i made something.. and it might not work.
the challenge - to scale our work but to not industrialize it
capitalism (take capital & a project and make it into something that might not work) is very different than industrialism (not taking a risk) 
we have industrialized what the capitalists have made
upside of art - of capitalism - is increasing - but it's an artistic solve
the marketing of the future is the product, the service, not the talking about it (the advertising)
art - what is it we can do when we make something - that's worth talking about, might be a conference a new kind of steal, ... 
kevin kelly - as we roboticize everything, most productive people will figure out things robots can do...
relationship between humanity and machine
rushkoff's new book
just about all the famous charities are industrial, metrics, et al.
it's difficult when the stakes are high to say...

and yet - that's all that we're going to pay attention to.
put new interactions into the world.. interactions that are bigger than writing a check.
industrialists are that keen on philanthropists because it gets in the way of the consumption cycle
seek out and reward failure.


lovely interview dear..

tweets dec 28
The road to hell is paved with good intentions. People MEAN WELL when they put out these standards and other criteria for text selection, but taken together, the criteria undermine the whole purpose of the enterprise of instruction in “reading” and “literature,” which is to create readers.
by catherine stevens 
Mark Oakes (@MarkOOakes)
12/28/12 7:29 AM
Holding a grudge = letting someone live rent-free in your head

DML Research Hub (@dmlresearchhub)
12/28/12 7:35 AM
Lessons about youth from youth: 1) They care about learning. 2) Their voices matter. 3) They want via @mmmooshme
"We've lost kids in school who no longer have a great deal of interest in learning, because not all kids learn in the same way," Mr. Goldberg said. "Connected learning is about catching kids in their passions and making their learning passion- and interest-driven. This means connecting them through their intersecting interests with other learners to expand their own learning." 
Students learn digital and communication skills by sharing community stories and information via an online platform and other digital media

Meenoo Rami (@meenoorami)
12/28/12 7:36 AM
RT @buffyjhamilton: Honored to be part of the conversation! Do we still need libraries?…

Global Voices (@globalvoices)
12/28/12 7:43 AM
"dignity of a human is the least appreciated thing" #Bahrain police "slap" video goes

Richard Florida (@Richard_Florida)
12/28/12 7:43 AM
Detroit sees highest homicide rate in two decades - Free Press -… My take on urban homicide here…
homicide - suicide - ..

MooshaMooshaMooshme (@mmmooshme)
12/28/12 7:55 AM
A list of the top Museum blogs:…

catherine stevens - grades

School rewarded getting good grades above all else. So if I was confused about something, I was discouraged from taking the time I needed in order to fully grasp the concept. Instead, I crammed and memorized facts I didn’t even understand in the hopes that I would be able to use them to pass the next test. And even if I understood what was being taught, it wasn’t beneficial to me to go ahead to something I had an actual interest in learning because that meant I would fall behind the prescribed curriculum that my grade was based on. In essence, the entire school system actively discouraged me from taking control of my education because my grades (and by extension, I thought, my “future”) depended on me learning a set amount of material in a set amount of time.
This problem is inherent to the entire educational system as a whole. And with tuition costs rising and the value of a college degree declining, the UnCollege movement is more crucial than ever before. Consider what you gain from being in a situation in which, among other things, you are encouraged (and often required) to do the minimum amount of work needed in order to fulfill the goal of getting a good grade. By not going to college, you get to do what you’re truly interested in rather than being constrained by a curriculum you have no control over. Instead of being extrinsically motivated by grades and other things that don’t even matter in the long run, you have the chance to pursue projects you have a genuine interest in and as a result, are more motivated to put lots of effort into. Finally, as an added bonus, you end up with something to actually show for what you’ve done rather than vague, often meaningless grades.  

Seth's Blog: The pitfall of lock in

Seth's Blog: The pitfall of lock in

Thursday, December 27, 2012

jeffrey wright - love matters most

tweets dec 27

Insight Labs (@insightlabs)
12/27/12 7:45 AM
Change the world to what?

Stephanie Dulmage (@stephe1234)
12/27/12 7:41 AM
How Teachers Can Think Differently Steve

tap into...

the restlessness of the curious mind
thanks Amy
Noah Geisel (@SenorG)
12/27/12 7:55 AM
"Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up" - Pablo Picasso #quotes
Catherine Q. (@CatherineQ)
12/27/12 7:55 AM
Interesting take RT @jrkuhns Shy of the Social Media Spotlight? Get Over It. via@HarvardBiz #hr

A necessary step in developing a powerful reputation is spending time "toiling in the wilderness" and perfecting your craft and ideas while few people are paying attention

Ethan Zuckerman (@EthanZ)
12/27/12 7:59 AM
The connection between Jell-O salad and broadband - great Harry Lewis review of @scrawford's new…

Bud Hunt (@budtheteacher)
12/27/12 8:00 AM
Colleges help students scrub online footprints via@USATODAY

DML Research Hub (@dmlresearchhub)
12/27/12 8:05 AM
Kids Online: A new research agenda for understanding social networking forums [PDF]

Why Students Today Complain About Grades—and How We Can Fix It | HASTAC

Why Students Today Complain About Grades—and How We Can Fix It | HASTAC

Seth's Blog: Believing what we want to believe

Seth's Blog: Believing what we want to believe

talk to yourself. no?

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

tweets dec 26

from seth's post the other day.. been reading up on
curious why we can't crack the afterschool mode...
rather than as the day...?
imagine Jim's work exponentiated.

Jason Silva (@JasonSilva)
12/24/12 7:38 AM
" In a post-Darwinian future where we are empowered by technology to live however we choose, how will we choose to live?"

Jason Silva (@JasonSilva)
12/24/12 7:41 AM
"postgenomic medicine can genetically alter our “hedonic set-point” so we enjoy mental health based on gradients of intelligent bliss"
Jason Silva (@JasonSilva)
12/24/12 7:42 AM
"our super-intelligent descendants will be fired by gradients of bliss orders of magnitude richer than today’s peak experiences"
Jason Silva (@JasonSilva)
12/24/12 7:44 AM
"neuroscanning tech will enable us to identify the molecular signatures of pure bliss and genetically “over-express” its substrates." Pearce
Jason Silva (@JasonSilva)
12/24/12 7:45 AM
"the best way to make ourselves stronger... is to amplify our pleasure circuitry and enhance our capacity to anticipate reward."
Jason Silva (@JasonSilva)
12/24/12 7:49 AM
This. "Information is a more fundamental substrate of reality, an implicate order. “Pattern” replaces “matter.”"

Jason Silva (@JasonSilva)
12/24/12 7:50 AM
"What we really are is a community of mind, knitted together by codes and symbols, intuitions, aspirations, histories, hopes" T. McKenna
Jason Silva (@JasonSilva)
12/24/12 7:51 AM
virtual reality not as a way of escaping the notion of empirical reality, but as a way of re-portraying invisible levels of the given world

Jason Silva (@JasonSilva)
12/24/12 7:53 AM
"The emergence of “artificial” intelligence is a process of symbiosis, transcendence via inclusion, and the posthuman integrates the human"
Jason Silva (@JasonSilva)
12/24/12 7:55 AM
Claiming to know how these trends will manifest is what Leary called “caterpillar fantasies about what post-larval life will be like.”
Jason Silva (@JasonSilva)
12/24/12 7:57 AM
"people will become more comfortable with the notion that unpleasant psychological states are simply bad code in the Darwinian bio-computer"
Jason Silva (@JasonSilva)
12/24/12 7:59 AM
"there is no particularly compelling reason not to debug the mind with consumer molecules."@erik_davis

Tim Kubik (@Kubikhan)
12/24/12 7:44 AM
For Poor, Leap to College Often Ends in a Hard Fall #edu. The answer is networks, not more standards.
Daniel Pink (@DanielPink)
12/24/12 7:48 AM
What the World Needs for Christmas Is New Specs Not Used via@BloombergView

Providing a pair of recycled glasses is almost twice as expensive ($20.49) as delivering a new, ready-made pair ($11.28), the researchers concluded. It’s also less effective, given that used spectacles are sometimes unfashionable, gender- inappropriate or mismatched to the person’s face shape. Moreover, supplying donated glasses does nothing to develop a sustainable eye-care industry in the community being served.
Creating or expanding educational facilities would require an injection of funds. Training centers, however, eventually could become self-sustaining by seeing patients and dispensing glasses.
smart.. yet perhaps more... a better version of pbl... perhaps instead of steering some people some places ... we set everyone free.. as the day... city-wide..  [ again like jim's exponentiated]

The researchers also factored in the costs of establishing, equipping and running eye-care shops for the first five years. Their assumption is that, after that, day-to-day costs could be recouped from patients. Once the optometrist’s training and startup costs have been covered, an exam and a pair of ready- made glasses might cost a patient $2.
All in all, these investments would total $20 billion over five years. That’s serious money in any field and certainly in global health. Governments, multilateral groups and nonprofit organizations spent an estimated $16.8 billion last year combating HIV, the biggest draw on global health dollars. They invested $1.5 billion addressing malaria. 
 Expanding economies could enable developing countries to address other health needs with their own resources. Thus, a strike against the 14th most harmful disease is also a blow to the other miseries on that list.
90bill loss or 20bill spenc..
imagine that.. exponentiated


Michael Zimbalist (@zimbalist)
12/24/12 7:50 AM
Techmeme's top 20 headline terms of 2012, and what they signify via@Prismatic

us is #13 - take heed 2013... mocking jay singing a song..

Preston Learning (@prestonlearning)
12/24/12 7:50 AM
Is 1/4 of med sch a waste of time/$ ? NYU and Other Medical Schools Offer Shorter Course in Training, for Less

Daniel Pink (@DanielPink)
12/24/12 7:53 AM
The Geography of Stay-at-Home Moms (via @NAHBMedia &@emccullough)

Hugh MacLeod (@gapingvoid)
12/24/12 7:56 AM
@gpetriglieri Happiness is terrifying because it requires knowing one's own limitations, including its inevitable end.

Andrew Hibel (@HigherEdCareers)
12/24/12 7:56 AM
The 20 Smartest Colleges In America

that's just 150 from each uni... how were they picked..?
and smart how...?
happy smart?
safe world smart..?

Codecademy (@Codecademy)
12/24/12 7:54 AM

Happy Holidays!

Code your own card:

Ira Socol (@irasocol)
12/26/12 7:07 AM
If we could all adopt the idea of feedback and mapping instead of measuring and ranking, schools would be better@johntspencer
spot on...

Ira Socol (@irasocol)
12/26/12 7:26 AM
It is important to use this teacher grading issue as a way to get teachers to reflect on their practice @johntspencer@Larryferlazzo

and admin to teacher and kid to younger sibling... et al, no?

Ira Socol (@irasocol)
12/26/12 7:24 AM
@johntspencer every teacher needs an IEP, just as every student does
so scale individual..

John Spencer (@johntspencer)
12/26/12 7:31 AM
@trescolumnae @irasocol I won't let my own kids participate in the school bribe-to-read program.

John Spencer (@johntspencer)
12/26/12 7:31 AM
@trescolumnae @irasocol I told my son, "I'll take you out for pizza when this is all over regardless. Just go back to reading for fun."