Saturday, November 30, 2013

אריק אינשטיין - אני ואתה

posted on fb by Yaacov

"אני ואתה נשנה את העולם" הוא חלק ממני...
והיה לי עצוב לקרוא את מילים שהוסיף אריק אינשטיין לשיר -
"אני ואתה לא שיננו שום דבר..." (עבור ידיעות אחרונות)
אז אריק אני מעוניין להפנות אותך לנאום קבלת הנובל של ויסלבה שימבורסקה שבו היא מתארת שיחה בדיונית אפשרית עם קהלת. 
"אין כל חדש תחת השמש" – כך כתבת, קהלת, אבל אתה עצמך נולדת חדש תחת השמש. ושיר שיצרת גם הוא חדש תחת השמש, מכיוון שאיש לא כתבו לפניך. וכל קוראיך גם הם חדשים תחת השמש, שהרי מי שחיו לפניך לא יכולים היו לקרוא את שירך. והברוש הזה תחתיו אתה יושב לא צמח מאז שחר הימים. הוא נוצר באמצעות ברוש אחר הדומה לשלך, אבל איננו זהה לו. וקהלת, הייתי רוצה גם לשאול אותך מהו הדבר החדש תחת השמש שאתה עובד עליו? תוספת למחשבות שכבר הבעת? או אולי אתה מתפתה עכשיו לסתור חלק מהן? ביצירתך המוקדמת הבעת שמחה – אז מה אם היא חולפת? אולי שירך החדש תחת השמש יהיה על השמחה? כבר רשמת רשימות, יש לך טיוטות? אני לא חושבת שתאמר ´כתבתי הכל, אין לי עוד דבר להוסיף´. אין משורר בעולם שיכול לומר זאת, ופחות מכולם משורר דגול כמוך"...
והשורה שאני הייתי מוסיף..."אני ואתה משנים את העולם", 
שבת שלום

You and I will change the world " is a part of me ...
And I was sad to read the words Arik Einstein song added -
"Me and you are not memorized anything ... " ( For latest news )
So Eric , I want to refer you to a speech receiving the Nobel Wislawa Szymborska in which she describes a fictional conversation possible with Ecclesiastes .
" There is nothing new under the sun " - so wrote , Ecclesiastes , but you yourself were born new under the sun . And a song you've created is also new under the sun , because no one wrote you. And all your readers are also new under the sun , for those who lived before you could not have read the thigh. And cypress that sits underneath you did not grow since the dawn of time. It was created using another cypress similar to yours , but not identical . And Ecclesiastes , I'd like to ask you what new thing under the sun you're working on ? Addition already expressing thoughts ? Or maybe you're tempted now to refute some of them ? Early expression of joy in your work - so what if it passes ? Maybe the new shuffled under the sun will be the joy ? Been making notes , you have drafts ? I do not think you say ' I wrote everything, nothing further to add . No poet in the world can say this, least of all a great poet like you " ...
And the line I would add ... "Me and you change the world "

Shabbat Shalom

david allen welsh

Friday, November 29, 2013


Tim Berners-Lee: “Vigilância prejudica confiança das pessoas na web”

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So @alaa was summoned by prosecutor. He said fine, I'll turn myself in. Instead, they arrest him, beat up his wife @manal.

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What is people are justfying what is happening to the @Alaa h others & saying the law must be followed. #Egypt #عبث

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"Slow torture": Finland’s mould-ridden schools causing breathing difficulties for kids, 250k kids and staff affected

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A reflection on labs and the stamina to have real impact  -> A Lab of Labs (via @Pocket) - #systemic

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Sylvia LibowMartinez (@smartinez)
11/28/13 5:40 PM
Black Friday and Cyber Monday - Free Invent To Learn eBook

Austin Kleon (@austinkleon)
11/29/13 6:55 AM
This one’s called “The Speed Limit.”

\RT @hanelly: "All this technology is making us antisocial"” (great, great picture)

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We find that it's pretty difficult to engage in critical reflection when we're in a “selling” and “persuasion” mode—that is, the mode we're often in when we go to social innovation conferences, meet funders, and reach out to potential partners and colleagues.

posted on twitter by michael lewkoski

Abominable RT @RyanNewYork: 48% of American public school kids live in poverty

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CBS This Morning (@CBSThisMorning)
11/29/13 6:35 AM
Inspiration is defined by its impermanence --@JasonSilva

Alex Osterwalder (@AlexOsterwalder)
11/29/13 6:57 AM
Customer Profile japanese style

ingrid cruz (@ingridiswriting)
11/29/13 6:58 AM
RT: @miabuelasabia: La paz de la mente no es la ausencia de conflictos de la vida, sino la capacidad de enfrentarse a ellos.

Ira Socol (@irasocol)
11/29/13 7:00 AM
@NickKristof news organizations mostly need to listen more and more widely. Interaction will get you audience

JackieGerstein Ed.D. (@jackiegerstein)
11/29/13 7:00 AM
Google Lat Long: Tour Builder: Tell your stories with Google Earth…

ReachScale (@ReachScale)
11/29/13 7:01 AM
For ThxGiving: Experts say need 2find new narrative that creates confidence 2take more radical steps@GuardianSustBiz…

ok.. got it.. a new/old narrative... for 7 billion people.
exponentially sustainable. doable. urgent.

Joe Bower (@joe_bower)
11/29/13 7:14 AM
Rise Above the Mark - Premiere Trailer #abed #ableg #edtech #bced #onted #edreform…

Nigel Cameron (@nigelcameron)
11/27/13 11:14 AM
As usual, full of insight. RT @GregCan: From @CathyNDavidson , one of the best pieces on college cost that I've read:

Michael Doyle (@BHS_Doyle)
11/29/13 7:27 AM
@irasocol @mtechman "Hour of Anything" fascinates me--we have so little connection now to how hours happened.#Time #Clocks #astronomy #god

WikiLeaks (@wikileaks)
11/29/13 7:28 AM
#Sweden to weaken transparency laws, increase

UN Refugee Agency (@Refugees)
11/29/13 7:30 AM
More than a million children have fled #Syria, & 75% of them are under age 11 – that’s around 800,000 young children #FutureofSyria

Alfie Kohn (@alfiekohn)
11/29/13 7:36 AM
US Incarceration rates over time ( & as compared to other countries (, p.2). Astounding.Ira Socol (@irasocol)
11/29/13 7:37 AM
@BHS_Doyle @mtechman if you've never read Hoeg's Borderliners you need to. Essential on education and concepts of time
Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald)
11/29/13 7:40 AM
Agenda journalism RT @YousefMunayyer UNREAL @nytimes story on Palestinian refugee experience quotes Israelis but precisely ZERO Palestinians
RT @ruchealain: Are we a material?
A material that can regenerate itself when damaged

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"Let cities, the most networked and interconnected of our political associations, ... do what states cannot"

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posted by michel bauwens on fb

#WhatIf it takes a city for a sharing economy to thrive? “@FastCoExist: Here's how.” @thewhatifllc #SocEnt

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Coursera lands $20 million in new funding, despite online education turmoil (via @rayschroeder) #elearning #edtech

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via Philippe:

Seth's Blog: What do we get when we give to a good cause?

Seth's Blog: What do we get when we give to a good cause?

Thursday, November 28, 2013


Land and community: Creating a 21st century commons | NewStart via @Diigo

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the boy - gettysburg:

Exclusion and inequality. Such an economy kills.

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Seriously love this!! What if kids did the darndest things? Ft. @jackandraka via @HuffPostImpact

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Liz and Bryant and Solid State Depot, FYI

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How is #PopeFrancis linking radical economic change with protecting the environment? Watch this discussion:

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'3 Day Student-Led Social Media Summit Begins Today"

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This is awesome: The Safest Suburb In The World Did It By Ending The Culture Of Cars

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Maria Popova (@brainpicker)
11/28/13 6:43 AM
Today's Literary Jukebox: Anne Sexton on what love is really like + Aretha #LitJuke

literary movie..

literary f to f convo... Shirky... no?

Jabiz Raisdana (@intrepidteacher)
11/28/13 6:44 AM
@bonstewart @zbpipe @paulallison Some interesting insights into what some kids think about blogging here-…

Blogging is a great way to share thoughts and ideas in an open and productive manner but is not an important part of English class because one big reason is that often, seeing that blogging is currently optional and not homework, kids just don't have time to do things like blog. Homework is also a big interference in the time kids would have to blog because after coming home late from an activity and having over an hour of work to do, blogging is just not possible. Miles

Online confidence can turn a kids life around. When a kid cannot be accepted into a certain type of environment or cannot express himself to anyone. He turns to online writing. Brendan 

Greg Satell (@Digitaltonto)
11/28/13 7:02 AM
The New Rules Of

The truth is that disruption is largely a function of group dynamics and has little to do with any mysterious powers.  In effect, everyone is a potential influencer.  So we’re much better off seeking out those who are likely to be receptive and passionate about our idea, rather than wasting time and effort seeking out mysterious “Influentials”.

We can no longer pretend that our charts and diagrams amount to anything more than wish lists.  In a connected world, things have a way of self organizing.

Yet in the age of disruption, planning is not as effective.  Technology moves too fast, new connections form and lines between industries blur or disappear altogether.  A new disruptive competitor can emerge with blazing speed.  It’s not even a question of coming up with the right answers anymore, coming up with the right questions is hard enough.
The upshot is that we need to take a more Bayesian approach to strategy where we are no longer concerned with predicting the future and “being right,” but rather becoming less wrong over time.  Stability and certainty have become dangerous pipe dreams, we need to react to an increasingly complex world in real time.
And so, the formula for disruption is not necessarily becoming smarter, but becoming more aware and creating organizations that can adapt in real time.


Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Phillip Askew & Lydia Walker - Variations On Surya Namaskara (Music by J...

8.5 trillion


The Period, Our Simplest Punctuation Mark, Has Become a Sign of Anger | New Republic

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"this weird assumption that we have to make kids suffer in order to prepare them for life" and other misconceptions:

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Libraries need to stop concerning themselves a single physical space. The time is ripe to see the library as mobile & omnipresent

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lovely.. if we could just stop the insistence on package deals..

26 Nov 2013 11:18 pm | ajleon
Indeed, I can run further and faster on a paved and well-set road. But I can run deeper when my foundation isn’t fully set. Where each step matters. Where I cannot coast or place my being into autopilot, where I can feel the intensity and effort of each footprint left as a remnant on the shores. Where the shifting sands make each new movement less predictable. Sometimes too, in a life, it feels as though we need a more solid foundation in order to start moving forward and gain the most traction.
But that is rarely the case.

Michael Lewkowitz (@Igniter)
11/26/13 8:01 PM
The trolls out there are frightful, and there words are oh so spiteful. Who knows what hurts them so, think I'll just let it go, let it...

Global Voices (@globalvoices)
11/27/13 6:29 AM
Africa's Technological Potential: The Next Frontier? #StartupBusAfrica via@risingvoices

Kampala, they visited KampaBits, a school teaching underprivileged youths web design, print design and web development and the students were more than grateful for the ideas and encouragement the AHT team brought to them.
A similar venture is the Startup Bus Africa. 15 African and 15 international entrepreneurs engaged in an entrepreneurial road trip to conceive ideas and establish the conditions for their implementation. The bus travelled for the first time in Africa from the 18th till the 22nd of November, from Harare in Zimbabwe to Cape Town, through Johannesburg and Bloemfontein in South Africa. Participants were coders (50%), designers (25%) and business developers (25%) all focused on the areas of mobile, healthcare and energy. One of the many outcomes of the bus trip was the platformSterio.Me, which engages young rural African learners through a simple, teacher-generated phone-call to reinforce learning outside the classroom. They also pitched to investors along the way.
The continent has an undeniable potential in high technology but a distinctive framework for Africa’s technological development smoothly integrating both the old and new cultures has yet to be established

Eric Mazur (@eric_mazur)
11/27/13 6:30 AM
On my way to Lausanne to speak about Assessment and Project-based

on the heels of Africa.. oh my

VC4Africa Mentorship (@VC4AfricaMentor)
11/25/13 6:07 AM
90+ experienced and enthusiastic business mentors at your service! Placing a request is easy (and free) @VC4Africa

Nancy Hunt (@nancyhunt)
11/27/13 6:30 AM
I just backed Kano: A computer anyone can make on

HuffPostEducation (@HuffPostEdu)
11/27/13 6:30 AM
4 important lessons for

Jenn Egroff (@JennEgroff)
11/22/13 2:08 PM
The u of c campus is buzzing with future entrepreneurs. Perfect spot for the @startupcalgary launch party #sclp2013

ReachScale (@ReachScale)
11/27/13 6:46 AM
Congratulations @Citi and @Walmart for winning the Best Economic Empowerment @ChamberBCLC #CitizenAwards

Greg Satell (@Digitaltonto)
11/27/13 6:46 AM
4 Popular Marketing Buzzwords That Are Really Complete

Susan Crawford (@scrawford)
11/27/13 6:46 AM
Moving into 02138 bldg today that has a "collective agreement" w Comcast. No choice. Students: Is this legal? #captiveaudience #fcc

Lainie Liberti (@ilainie)
11/27/13 6:47 AM
Whew. Just got all the veggies washed. Time to start chopping. Anyone care to guess how much this bounty cost me...

Anya Kamenetz (@anya1anya)
11/27/13 6:57 AM
liquid thanksgiving, here I…

Seb Paquet (@sebpaquet)
11/27/13 7:01 AM
Mentally Strong People: The 13 Things They…

Aron Solomon (@aronsolomon)
11/27/13 7:01 AM
RT @anya1anya: liquid thanksgiving, here I come:… 
"My Family Has Been Separated For 19 Months Now": Immigrant Activist @JuHong89 Interrupts Obama Speech

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September Campaign 2013 - India

democracy now - Ju Hong

"My Family Has Been Separated For 19 Months Now": Immigrant Activist Interrupts Obama Speech

Tuesday, November 26, 2013


johnmaeda (@johnmaeda)
11/26/13 5:01 AM
"You are ... what you do ... when it counts." —John

You are
What you do
When it counts.
In summary, we are extraordinary as the situation demands. Luckily the situation in one’s life fluctuates all the time from the challengingly hard to the oh-so-soft to the largely unnoticed, and wonderful quiet of, just plain living. JM
Paul Thomas (@plthomasEdD)
11/26/13 5:01 AM
Charter Schools: A Primer via@plthomasEdD

NWP Digital Is (@NWPDigital_Is)
11/26/13 7:01 AM
RT @dmlresearchhub: A Guide to Hanging Out, Messing Around, and Geeking Out: #nwpam13 #nwp

James M. Lang (@LangOnCourse)
11/26/13 5:38 AM
Three small ways tenured faculty can help adjuncts; add your own suggestions in the comments!… #highered @Adjuncts

spot on holt quote..

we know exactly what to do..

we can do it.
it will work..

Dorothy Day once observed that we could solve the homeless problem in America if every family simply took in one extra person. We can't quite solve the adjunct problem in the same way; there aren't enough full-time jobs for all of the adjuncts who want one. But we can at least help the adjuncts on our campuses bulk up their job files, and we can take the time to demonstrate an interest in their work and careers.

... comparing apples to oranges..

live with homeless..
to have their own full pay job....


open committee membership is closer to first example..

and just imagine the solutions   suggestions we are missing with closed input...

benefits return to college that pays the bill...?

oh my.

Harvard University (@Harvard)
11/26/13 7:05 AM
See House life at Harvard, where communities eat, sleep, study and play together under the same roof [video]

Bud Hunt (@budtheteacher)
11/25/13 2:28 PM
Me, the filibuster, and some other Presidential stuff.… (Well, that's how I'd title the video.)

Bud Hunt (@budtheteacher)
11/22/13 5:09 PM
Found a book store with a full service restaurant. So the extra day’s going to be just fine.

or a book share.. with restaurant.. no?

Global Voices (@globalvoices)
11/26/13 7:24 AM
Download for free our first E-Book. "EU in Crisis" also avaliable in 8 languages.#Freebook

If you do not care about the end user immensely, your brand will die --->>

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Sent via TweetDeck

so spot on... immensely....

Pope Francis: Capitalism is “a new tyranny”

Pope Francis: Capitalism is “a new tyranny”

In this context, some people continue to defend trickle-down theories which assume that economic growth, encouraged by a free market, will inevitably succeed in bringing about greater justice and inclusiveness in the world. This opinion, which has never been confirmed by the facts, expresses a crude and naïve trust in the goodness of those wielding economic power and in the sacralized workings of the prevailing economic system. Meanwhile, the excluded are still waiting. To sustain a lifestyle which excludes others, or to sustain enthusiasm for that selfish ideal, a globalization of indifference has developed. Almost without being aware of it, we end up being incapable of feeling compassion at the outcry of the poor, weeping for other people’s pain, and feeling a need to help them, as though all this were someone else’s responsibility and not our own. The culture of prosperity deadens us; we are thrilled if the market offers us something new to purchase; and in the meantime all those lives stunted for lack of opportunity seem a mere spectacle; they fail to move us.

Monday, November 25, 2013


@steelemaley @teach4aliving "Minecraft: The Story of Mojang" Full 1.75 hour documentary now on YouTube.

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Really enjoyed this:  The Thrill of Breathlessness

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Commons-Based Peer Production and Artistic Expression in Greece - P2P Foundation

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@buffyjhamilton ..but yes. We look at public libraries, museums, coffee shops, Tech Shops, street corners @ethorsenahs @mtechman

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Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald)
11/24/13 7:14 AM
@wikileaks I don't disagree, but I think whistleblowers & others in serious danger have the right to make some tactical choices.

Buffy Hamilton (@buffyjhamilton)
11/24/13 7:15 AM
@irasocol @dmlresearchhub @ethorsenahs @mtechman I just think the landscape is a lot more complex and nuanced than what you see.

Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald)
11/24/13 7:15 AM
@wikileaks And no matter what else is true, it's vital people be able to take the risks they're willing to take. They have to have autonomy.

Ira Socol (@irasocol)
11/24/13 7:17 AM
@buffyjhamilton that post describes 10 libraries. Bretford is a rare treat.DIY is norm @dmlresearchhub@ethorsenahs @mtechman

Buffy Hamilton (@buffyjhamilton)
11/24/13 6:53 AM
@irasocol @dmlresearchhub @ethorsenahs @mtechman at end of day, learning spaces of all kinds can learn from each other.

Ira Socol (@irasocol)
11/24/13 6:33 AM
@buffyjhamilton that was clearly the experience @dmlresearchhub spent much time w/groups that seem to hate public ed @ethorsenahs @mtechman

Buffy Hamilton (@buffyjhamilton)
11/24/13 7:18 AM
@irasocol @dmlresearchhub @ethorsenahs @mtechman if you have community partners and district policies to enable DIY, that is great.

Gary Slutkin, MD (@GSlutkin)
11/24/13 7:20 AM
"@carlbildt: Very substantial that Iran will suspend all enrichment above 5 prcent & dilute or convert all its 20 prcent enriched uranium."

Troy Hicks (@hickstro)
11/24/13 7:21 AM
Watching #ncte13 #ignite talks and following the Twitter stream at the same time is a multitasking, mind melting experience. Wow...

Jennifer Sertl (@JenniferSertl)
11/24/13 7:21 AM
To be nobody but myself-in world which is doing its best to make me somebody else~EECummings ♫…

Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald)
11/24/13 7:21 AM
@wikileaks @clivesimpkins Feeling is mutual. I've long been and remain a huge supporter/admirer of WikiLeaks. Questions are legitimate.

WikiLeaks (@wikileaks)
11/24/13 7:19 AM
@clivesimpkins @ggreenwald A matter of public education and documenting position. We love Glenn. We've been there and know how hard it is.

Clive Simpkins (@clivesimpkins)
11/24/13 7:12 AM
Why is @wikileaks at loggerheads with @ggreenwald? Exactly what the enemies of transparency would wish for.

Buffy Hamilton (@buffyjhamilton)
11/24/13 7:22 AM
@irasocol @dmlresearchhub @ethorsenahs @mtechman I'm not listing excuses, Ira. These are realistic challenges most people face.

Buffy Hamilton (@buffyjhamilton)
11/24/13 7:23 AM
@irasocol @dmlresearchhub @ethorsenahs @mtechman many find ways to subvert them, but for you to dismiss them as excuses is rather arrogant.

Buffy Hamilton (@buffyjhamilton)
11/24/13 7:23 AM
@irasocol @dmlresearchhub @ethorsenahs @mtechman changes are helping shift their work and their role as instructional designers/leaders.

Buffy Hamilton (@buffyjhamilton)
11/24/13 7:26 AM
@irasocol @dmlresearchhub @mtechman right. I get that. But as I said earlier, some changes are more structural & district level policy.
WikiLeaks (@wikileaks)
11/24/13 7:27 AM
@ggreenwald Journalists must keep source agreements. But they must also protect sources, from themselves and in general. A difficulty.

jimmy greer (@jimmygreer)
11/24/13 7:27 AM
A universal income is not such a silly idea | @TimHarford |
city/universe as school/ home... ness

Paul Thomas (@plthomasEdD)
11/24/13 7:28 AM
Safe Spaces for Teachers' Professional Voices in a Public

oh my... this is more evidence of failed public Ed system.. than any test scores could ever be... no..?

the supposed leaders in a space... don't have permission for their own voice..

Currently, safe spaces exist for tenured professors (my status), but such is not the case for public school teachers and their students; as Arundhati Roy has explained, “We know of course there’s really no such thing as the ‘voiceless.’ There are only the deliberately silenced, or the preferably unheard.
Because, as Orwell cautioned, public discourse is dominated by partisan political voices and “[p]olitical language–and with variations this is true of all political parties, from Conservatives to Anarchists–is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.”

Professional teachers’ voices in the public sphere must, as NCTE suggests “[contribute] to honesty and clarity in public language” as a form of resistance to the continued failure of partisan political discourse, especially as that partisan political discourse impacts our public school, our public teachers, and our public school students.

every gathering (perfect sync that my spell check switched gathering to authoring.. not same).. could request 10plus gut wrenching questions.. just so the human mind can shift gears (ongoingly) to the verbiage/language of this now/space/gathering..

pammoran (@pammoran)
11/24/13 7:28 AM
What we can learn fr twitter users New Scientist News: 5 fascinating things revealed by Twitter…

Lolly Daskal (@LollyDaskal)
11/24/13 7:28 AM
RT @Simon_GB A3:Be bold, Be beautiful, Be you.#spiritchat

Miles Berry (@mberry)
11/24/13 7:29 AM
@TheoKL Blip: "We have been reviewing the Blip content library and identifying accounts that don’t meet our Terms of Service." Charming.

Ira Socol (@irasocol)
11/24/13 7:29 AM
@buffyjhamilton our librarians blog and speak for themselves from SLJ Summit to SXSW@dmlresearchhub @ethorsenahs @mtechman

WikiLeaks (@wikileaks)
11/24/13 7:29 AM
@ggreenwald Yes. But those around them should educate them and the public as to the reality of these choices.

esp if educating is via.. doing it ness... modeling.. the alternative..
we spend too much of our days analyzing/assesing/proving..  thins that can't really be analyzed assessed proved.... no?

Why the Tipping Point is Toast: Groups not individuals drive influence. via @DigitalTonto

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How much does it cost to develop an app? The true price of starting from scratch...

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Facebook is for grandparents: What we need in a next-gen social network | @scoopit via @olanderil #socialmedia

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Connections Academy (@ConnectionsAcad)
11/25/13 6:40 AM
Congratulations to Connections Academy student Sam Buck, who got a perfect score on his #ACT test! @ACTStudent

Samuel focused on subjects he liked, and it was hard for him to just drop focus and switch from class to class. His mother said he was not getting the support he needed and found an alternative with Ohio Connections Academy.

all of us.... no..?

Neus Lorenzo (@NewsNeus)
11/25/13 6:40 AM
@ddrrnt very interesting! emrging alternative ecconomy…#communitybuilding

lisaansell3 (@lisaansell3)
11/25/13 6:41 AM
Hebden Bridge reacted violently to a vending machine being installed at the train station. Hebweb was ablaze. A lapdancing club is genius.

Ben Kuhlman (@bkuhl2you)
11/24/13 7:59 PM
Ever heard of "schoodling"? #21stedchat #elachat #engchat Cool way of representing-to-learn.

Micha (@SweetCharlie)
11/25/13 6:42 AM
Bhaalu, Stievie of Telenet Rio? Ik neem aan dat iemand al een overzichtsblogpost aan het schrijven is?

Lenore Skenazy (@FreeRangeKids)
11/24/13 12:01 PM
Mayor of Small Town Declares Kids Not Allowed to Bike on Streets. (Also hates "unsupervised play.")

Levo League (@levoleague)
11/25/13 6:45 AM
It's not as daunting as you think. 4 Tips to Craft the Perfect Pitch E-mail

Kelly Hoey (@jkhoey)
11/25/13 6:46 AM
So Why...Because you’re still

YaleSoc (@YaleSoc)
10/25/13 3:52 PM
Grad students Shai Dromi and Xiaohong Xu working on a new blog on Altruism, Morality, and Social Solidarity:

Benedict Evans (@BenedictEvans)
11/25/13 6:41 AM
Idle observation: there are popular Android apps whose file size is the same as entry level monthly data bundles in emerging markets
Donald Miller (@donaldmiller)
11/25/13 6:47 AM
New post: "What If The Answer To Your Problem Is To Hit the Gas"

Yale University (@Yale)
11/25/13 7:00 AM
Yale team finds clues to origin of

chadsansing (@chadsansing)
11/25/13 7:00 AM
worked w/ PLC this AM using together.js in @MozTeach Thimble to make a RAFT prompt generator for ELA #teachtheweb

nicco mele (@nicco)
11/25/13 7:00 AM
A stunning visualization of the evolution of privacy on Facebook - how default settings have moved away from privacy:

David Armano (@armano)
11/25/13 7:00 AM
(great read by @JeffElder) Inside a Twitter Robot Factory -

HuffPostEducation (@HuffPostEdu)
11/25/13 7:01 AM
The crazy thing an injury did to this

steve blank (@sgblank)
11/25/13 7:01 AM
It’s Time to Play Moneyball: The Investment Readiness

An Evidence-based Curriculum (currently taught in the Lean LaunchPad classes and NSF Innovation Corps accelerator). In it we emphasize that a) the data needed exists outside the building, b) teams use the scientific method of hypothesis testing c) teams keep a continual weekly cadence of:
  • Hypothesis – Here’s What We Thought
  • Experiments – Here’s What We Did
  • Data – Here’s What We Learned
  • Insights and Action – Here’s What We Are Going to Do Next

yea. so imagine that for 100% of humanity...
7billion more experts..
and quite honestly.. no longer subtly hosing in current labelled entrepreneurs... no?..
app ness
ie.... daily...  hourly...
with instant feedack... connections resources.. tribe...
every day....

We focus on evidence and trajectory across the business model. Flashy demo days are great theater, but it’s not clear there’s a correlation between giving a great PowerPoint presentation and a two minute demo and building a successful business model. Rather than a product demo – we believe in a “Learning Demo”. We’ve found that “Lessons Learned” day showing what the teams learned along with the “metrics that matter” is a better fit than a Demo Day.


only zoom out more

If anyone knew them, the fact that NSFW is now funded by Peter Thiel would explode every irony and hypocrisy meter on the planet

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