Monday, July 2, 2012


"Rhizoactivity: Toward a Postmodern Theory of Lifelong Learning"


not so much - is it true (because how would we know)
but does it work... (for us.. now..)

Jason Silva (@jason_silva)
7/2/12 6:19 AM
...Even the unsuited for improvisational wordplay become fit to outdo the ablest masters of this preposterous craft...

Dan Hill (@cityofsound)
7/1/12 11:02 PM
"There is no fixed point; instead there is combination, control, mobility, unpredictability ... arriving not…

Vincent Horn (@VincentHorn)
6/30/12 7:11 PM
Zen, as I understand it, is not about Oneness, it's about no-fixed position.