Tuesday, July 20, 2010

james bach

comments from his live talk on futures of ed:

i can feel excited about anything as long as i’m serving someone who needs me..
we need to feel needed or else energy goes out of it

purpose over relevance alan november via @wendydrexler

over come your fear of not being smart enough

the idea that people don’t have motivation to do things to live their lives is a silly theory
if it weren’t for laws - everyone would be running around raping and killing each other

son dropped out of school at 12 and is 16 now.
has written 114 stories - but appears to be doing nothing
james wants him to won his own life

set up resource centers.. public libraries
all ed is free
all money for public ed pays for all ages to have universal access to learning centers

influenced by ivan illich
everybody has motivations...
maybe some will live quiet lives.. and that’s ok
letter 155 of van goh - read it

how does my son learn writing skills
he doesn’t like to be taught, he prefers indirect
he wrote 20,000 words and then stopped
he has receptive moments when he has had success.. then he’s willing to listen, he has to experiment with himself for a while, then receptive
he writes a lot but doesn’t like reading

the rethinking everything conference
radical unschooling - treat children as adults

success and failure only have meaning when they relate to a game


relax - you’re going to be fine, there’s nothing you can do to screw up your life at this point.
unless you become and addict, etc, in the ed realm - there’s nothing that is not solvable

in touch with own inner source of genius

life is social - so idea that kids won’t get socialization without school
people are as social as they want to be
“my son likes staying at home”
socialization takes care of itself.. don’t believe in forced socialization

he’s very successful and no one has ever asked him if he had a highschool diploma
all that matters is merit

dr - join community of dr’s
it’s really about community, so you find your community and go along with their rules...
if you are in it - that will give you the motivation to do it

not against school - against schoolism
school is fine for some people, but it’s not ok that i was told in gradeschool that i wouldn’t amount to anything
i find that math is easier to learn from a human - so i sought out teachers

school is driven more by political than educational channels
James Bedrin - his fav teacher - 6th grade

based on the theory that minds want to learn, minds want to grow

education is the mind i have constructed and the process of constructing it
and leave the rest to google

