Monday, July 26, 2010

anya kamenetz at #wec10

 master plan is dead with current round of budget crisis
college ed has become trapped in an unsustainable cost spiral

 there's a relevance question in higher ed... after many generations saying that college ed is key to success and prosperity

but now - economy is changing so quickly that the degree that they get now might now might not be the same when i finish
i'm not able to choose to study what i think is going to be relevant for me

diyu isn't a road map but a compass
these transformations don't just come from the tools, but from an attitufe.. summed up in one word

content - open license that anyone can access content   (mit) - only the first step, an infrastructure so that then you can build... on...socialization
socialization - enable to teach online with huge benefits like in classroom - like video chats, twitterfeeds, (tutor) - taking open content and organizing courses around it
accreditation - who gets opportunity and who gets credit, how do you prove that someone has taught themselves online
provide an assessment based model - based on passing assessments - created from scratch, rather than saying i got a degree - because of requirements, actual tests/content
behans? - upload profiles, community rating system, employers go on site and select, get a job based on the work you demonstrate
this is what i've done... vs diploma

most decisions are made by faculty, legislators, parents, but very little are made by students

the real change that has to happen is to change the way we look at the ed process. only 1 in 10 7 out of 10 grad hs, then only about half grad college. 

how is it the same?
same ideals of early schools, scholars pursuing knowledge for the love of knowledge, total free inquiry in a way that had never been done before

latin - universitas = communities
