Friday, July 2, 2010

harold rheingold - dinner

my first encounter with Howard was a podcast chat he did with Dean Shareski (who i now have met face-to-face) and Alec Couros

the biggest gem i got from that first encounter was thinking hard about -  
seat time..

well - since the world is our classroom - we should be ready for any opportunity where we might encounter seat time.. 
dinner with Howard was a fluke...
because of a very kind heart...
otherwise - who would have thought...
and how do you plan for that...
and once i
  • sit there with my mouth open
  • stammer around a bit
  • listen - certainly would hope so
  • and/or ask questions of this expert - i'm getting to reach out and touch this live brilliant document... 

we need to model for kids (and for ourselves) how to be ready for the unexpected - so we don't miss things that matter.
if the world is our classroom.. 
and there is value in being together in a room... 
we need to


we so need to be drinking every moment up..
swimming in it.
