Monday, July 12, 2010

dave cormier

syllabus modeling 
community as curriculum

The big difference in how it is approached in this course, is how quickly that reviewing is done, the degree to which certainty is required (or even desired) and the degree to which a given perspective can be personalized. The curriculum of this course will be made by, and I would say the curriculum of this course IS the people that will be engaged in it. That will include me as the facilitator, the learners who have chosen to take it, as well as a wider network of educators drawn from my own community and hopefully found and added by the students over the two weeks of the course.

The needs and requirements of different participants will not be the same and learners in the course will not be required to come out of the course with the same thing. 
Student success in this course will be measured by how well a student has planned for their own context.
