Prior to joining Generation YES, Sylvia oversaw product development, design and programming for consumer software, console games, and educational games at several software publishing companies. Sylvia started her career designing high frequency receiver systems and navigation software for GPS satellites.
She holds a Master's in Educational Technology from Pepperdine, and a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering from UCLA.
what helps people to get to this point... philosophical...
there's a lot of status quo in pd - we need to question are practices... constant challenging is a philosophy needed
school is the most locally driven thing there is...
can't have autonomous students w/o autonomous teachers
we give power away.....
you can't have people solving your problems for you
"Assessment is worthless if it doesn't help, first and foremost, the person being assessed."
what's the bigger waste of time - the thing that takes longer and works or the thing that is easy and doesn't work
schools that are successful always question - does it work
demo and demarko
any campus - teachers 8%, students 92%
citizenship - a two way street
digital citizenship - can't be about teaching rules,,, means stepping up and taking responsibility
nancy willard - like teaching kids to swim without a swimming pool
Check out what is going on with other student technology projects, CREATE for Mississippi, The Mouse Squad, SWAT ( Students Working To Advance Technology, Urban Technology Project, the START project, (Service and Technology Academic Resource Team) That Corporation for National and Community Service, and Microsoft Partners in Learning
Steve Taffee - Castilleja School: yes. There could be threaads in ISTE and other national conferences on women in tech
I heard Doug Rushkoff speak at the Celebration of Teaching and Learning in NYC on March 5, 2010 - panel discussion on the PBS documentary Digital Nation.
programming language for kids - graphic
scratch is like programming with legos!'
are there things in tech where you are the unintentional roadblock
d Jones: Sylvia, Ohio has a new law to give credit for extra activities. What about other states?
community service credit
new hampshire - mandatory electives, mandatory choice...
love it.
kieran egan
roger shank
top of sylvia's list for change:
local control
she thinks they are out there - just not getting a lot of publicity
how do we tell these stories so the people start hearing them...
create a series of local events that created that conversation in the community
anyone have that documented.... what steps to take
future search model
bernadine porter - certified future search leader
focus - getting people in the room