dave logan saying #1 key to tribal leaders - they take one person from one tribe and one person from another and introduce them.

Steve Jobs article: Psychologists have spent years trying to discover the answer to the question: "What makes innovators different?" In one of the most thorough examinations of the subject, Harvard researchers spent six years and interviewed 3,000 executives to find out. According to the Harvard research, the No.1 skill that separates innovators from noncreative professionals is "associating"—the ability to successfully connect seemingly unrelated questions, problems, or ideas from different fields. The three-year Harvard research project confirms what Jobs told a reporter 15 years earlier:
"Creativity is just connecting things."
so - who can zoom and see what might work really well together... that's it.
and jackie - i like your question... if you learn creativity from someone else - are you really being creative..
i'm thinking regardless - today - we need to learn permission at least... we need to detox/reprogram/allow ourselves to zoom out, do our own thing, not follow the rules..
via jackiegerstein To Unlock Creativity, Learn from Steve Jobs http://bit.ly/axAzUc If we need to learn HOW to be creative from someone else, is that creative? - which got me to the steve jobs article...
more on the article: jobs doesn't see things differently from the rest of us - he sees things differently
he says
to see things through these lenses, you must force your brain to make connections it otherwise would have missed.
i need to work on some connections here
and we can all connect here - starting right now.. how cool..