Tuesday, August 13, 2013


Bonnie Stewart (@bonstewart)
8/9/13 11:30 AM
thank gawd. MT @ecshowalter MLA announces proper form for citing tweet in an academic paper.bit.ly/173YnCU via @hannahbethbell

Beth Sanders (@MsSandersTHS)
8/10/13 6:29 PM
@MattMurrie loose cannon is now on my list of top 5 favorite tags anyone has ever tagged themselves with ever (officially unofficial list)

Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald)
8/11/13 6:14 AM
On the NSA's claim - hilariously meant to be reassuring - that they "only" "touch" 1.6% of all internet trafficbuzzmachine.com/2013/08/10/nsa…

PermanentCultureNow (@PermCultureNow)
8/11/13 6:15 AM
an interesting short piece about sleep :) cheers' Steve larabriden.com/the-myth-of-th…fb.me/13iTo6B11

The wake times of famous graphic designers http://t.co/9udWFgD4ZM

Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/brainpicker/status/366363903887814656

Perhaps because Americans as a nation have a gift for organizing, we tend to meet any new situation by reorganization, and a wonderful method it is for creating the illusion of progress at the mere cost of confusion, inefficiency and demoralization.
Charles Ogborn

KevinHodgson (@dogtrax)
8/11/13 6:22 AM
Our short attention span with video sharing theatlanticwire.com/technology/201… (or, why Vine won't die)

Ted Graham (@TedJGraham)
8/10/13 9:12 AM
Open our eyes RT:“@hbnguyen18: "The United States will not be a leader in education until we are no longer a leader in childhood poverty."”

bunker Roy ish....

techstars (@techstars)
8/11/13 9:08 AM
When The Sh*t Hits the Fan With Your Startup by @ericabiztsta.rs/1cKMlDt

Most accelerators won’t pick based on an idea. They are betting on you, not your idea–Techstars is pretty clear that 30-50% or more of their teams will change their idea during the program. (For us, it was not really about changing our idea, but more about honing down the finer points of how we wanted to execute on this whopper of an idea.) So spend way more time focusing on why you are the right fit, and less time on why your idea is awesome.

Chris Finlay (@chrisfinlay)
8/11/13 9:09 AM
Getting obsessed with Coke's Happiness campaign. thisisnotadvertising.wordpress.com/tag/coca-colas… cc@michaeldila

Aron Solomon (@aronsolomon)
8/11/13 9:10 AM
"Running a #startup is like playing Candy Land." - now a @Medium Editor's Pick!medium.com/editors-picks/…

Marlo Thomas (@MarloThomas)
8/12/13 6:33 AM
"Life is not a perfect science. That's why it feels like a laboratory at times." - Bart Potenza

all the time... no?

Pasi Sahlberg (@pasi_sahlberg)
8/12/13 6:34 AM
Marc Tucker on the New Dropouts? How much should states pay for their standardized testing systems?blogs.edweek.org/edweek/top_per…

But why would they use such expensive tests?  Because, in testing, as in other things, you get what you pay for.  Conventional multiple-choice, computer-scored tests are quite good at measuring the acquisition of basic skills and facts.  They cannot measure whether you can write well; build a robot, make a pleasing drawing or design a unique solution to a complex problem requiring the synthesis of knowledge and skills from a variety of fields of study—the very kinds of tasks that are now being demanded of adults in jobs that are going to pay well in the modern economy.  Those things can be measured, but it costs a lot more to measure them.

unless... the pay isn't for a test.. but for the community.. experimenting with any and all ideas.

city as school

Whatever you are spending on testing, it is a tiny fraction of what you are spending on elementary and secondary education in your state.  But that tiny fraction is crucially important.  It will largely determine what your teachers choose to teach.  If your tests can only measure a limited range of basic skills and basic knowledge, that is what your teachers will teach, and not much more, even if they might wish to teach at a much higher level, because your accountability system will be tied to your tests.

What we are headed toward is a two-tier national education system, separated by the ambition of the tests that drive state accountability systems.  There are quality testing options available to states other than the tests that will be offered by the two testing consortia, but states that chose to go their own way now—ostensibly on the basis that they cannot afford to purchase the tests offered by the consortia—will find that they have chosen to be second class education systems, states whose students will be forever behind the education systems of the states that choose quality now, much like students who make the choice to drop out of high school.  That is a high price to pay for a decision made on the basis of ideology masquerading as practical common sense.

oh my. exponentially exponentiated.
might we take a breath... and listen to ourselves..

without a preset... to competition/consumerism/credentialing/proof.
imagine we set the preset.. to... humanity.. 
in the city.
as the day.

Nathan Barber (@_nathanbarber)
8/12/13 6:03 AM
Interview from India about education in Finland with @pasi_sahlberggoo.gl/pfVOXi #Finland#Education

Pasi Sahlberg (@pasi_sahlberg)
8/12/13 6:42 AM
New Zealand's education Report Card 2013. Thoughts from Kiwis?minedu.govt.nz/~/media/MinEdu…

Saul Kaplan (@skap5)
8/13/13 5:59 AM
Hospitals are merging like crazy because that's what institutions do rather than transform their business models.

Harvard University (@Harvard)
8/13/13 6:00 AM
Digitized law student notebooks from 200 years ago gives readers a historical look at legal education in the U.S. hvrd.me/16KWzRj

Project Tomorrow (@ProjectTomorrow)
8/13/13 6:02 AM
43% of district administrators are now offering a variety of online courses to meet diverse student needs! New report-ow.ly/nMXis

FastCoLabs (@FastCoLabs)
8/13/13 6:01 AM
Every device you add to your smart home is another attack vector for hackers. bit.ly/146QElF by@michaelgrothaus

Mark Oakes (@MarkOOakes)
8/13/13 6:05 AM
We often marvel at others' accomplishments. But the powerful, untold story isn't the destination, it was their journey

Clint Hamada (@chamada)
8/13/13 6:06 AM
If you haven't already, you should check out Better Touch Tool for Mac. Gives so many options for your trackpad… and window snapping too!

Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald)
8/13/13 6:06 AM
About Snowden's choice of journalists, he often mentioned how NYT sat on NSA story for a year at Bush WH's behest nytimes.com/2013/08/18/mag…

The weight of the situation actually made it easier to focus on what was in the public interest rather than our own. I think we all knew there was no going back once she turned that camera on, and the ultimate outcome would be decided by the world

Diane Ravitch (@DianeRavitch)
8/13/13 6:10 AM
Matt Damon: A Hero of American Education wp.me/p2odLa-5x8 via@DianeRavitch

Sam Chaltain (@samchaltain)
8/13/13 6:10 AM
Finally reading this piece on how good ideas spread newyorker.com/reporting/2013… & considering its implications for #edreform

The technical complexity might have been part of the difficulty. Giving Lister’s methods “a try” required painstaking attention to detail. Surgeons had to be scrupulous about soaking their hands, their instruments, and even their catgut sutures in antiseptic solution. Lister also set up a device that continuously sprayed a mist of antiseptic over the surgical field.

true for us..? no?
Krishnamurti ness - the hardest for people to accept/adopt is 100% freedom. it's simple/doable - but hard to believe. and since it's vital - doing everything but that - won't create the sustainability.. we need/crave.

Alfie Kohn (@alfiekohn)
8/13/13 6:10 AM
Former “shamer” asks elem tchrs to rethink classroom mgmt strategies that humiliate kids: goo.gl/vknXLUvia @nancyflanagan

Aron Solomon ☕ (@aronsolomon)
8/13/13 6:11 AM
Maybe a deep dive into the world of baseball helps explain the world of #startupsmedium.com/i-m-h-o/f29a6a… @Medium

Shelly Blake-Plock (@BlakePlock)
8/13/13 6:43 AM
This Fri is your last chance to get in on the Sanderling Field Journal beta; sign up at: beta.sanderling.io#edchat #edtech #edtechchat

danpallotta (@danpallotta)
8/13/13 6:50 AM
Wow. Wow. “@billshore: inspiring read: Michael Gerson on #malaria vaccine breakthrough @ ow.ly/nSpx6#globalhealth #endmalaria