Sunday, August 5, 2012

what could be standard..?

Brad Ovenell-Carter (@Braddo)
8/5/12 7:30 AM
Not news, but I love the sentiment: connectedness as the

what we're imagining an app could aggregate for people
[ie: the brain via me - after i put about 1 hour into it,
the brain via jerry michalski - he has put 15 years into it, ...]..
esp starting k-12, imagine spending less time on proving things and defending things and seeking applause and/or attribution.. and more just doing/being/sharing/connecting.

elizabeth helfant (@ehelfant)
8/5/12 6:32 AM creates cool bios- wonder if this could make a cool digital profile/resume activity for kids


Indy Johar (@indy_johar)
8/5/12 6:38 AM
RT @simon_penny: Scale - @wewillgather ask' how many people is enough'? Nice#servicedesign and one to watch @Lloyd ...
People ask us how we’ll measure success and I like to say things like “I’d love everyone in the country to have the chance to be part of ‘a good thing’ together with four or five other people”.


human ability (C Davidson)
If a tree falls in a forest and there’s no one there to hear it, does it make a sound?  If there is no fixed standard of educational success, do learning disabilities exist?

imagine if these signs of success, connecting and doing things  that matter, becomes nodes over time... 
then all the defense that Argyris brings up - that esp the more academic we are the more defensive we get.. as to who is attributing who, et al.. may fade because
1) connections would show up more
2) connections showing up more - would notify others talking/doing the same..
3) cooler things get done, so less desire to be attributed..
imagine if those that came up with the same thing without even copying each other... find each other.. imagine where they could go..

Karen Steffensen (@kstef2)
8/5/12 6:44 AM
Excellent video re problems of Organized Complexity: RSA Animate - The Power of Networks | @scoopit
networks as success.. 

5:33 - wikipedia
esp because connectedness helps us be more us...
interdependent polymaths..

and esp - imagine the power if this is all we need: