Friday, March 15, 2013

plenary panel from dml2013

Plenary Session #1: “Remixing Citizenship, Remaking Democracy” w/ Craig Watkinsdanah boydAstrid SilvaBiko BakerCathy Cohen

connected learning

danah boyd
young people make videos hoping it will make it better for them in the community.. so video became a part of a movement, but they themselves were not a part of it.. they were back in home communities
importance of networks.. when people can tap into networks
requires talking to strangers
how to build meaningful sustained networks

so much becomes numeracy - rather than about people

in order to empower youth, need to make sure that they are
1) safe - connected to people
2) have skills

when is participation not really a first step

cathy cohen
spaces for young people to speak for themselves
founder of black youth project

the difference between voice and power

rob "biko" baker
executive director of league of young voters

astrid silva
undocumented and unafraid