Saturday, January 1, 2011


world innovations summit for ed

improving ed systems

pisa results:
countries of similar prosperity get very different results
the best school systems are those that are the most equitable

policy tourism - can't just export one set to another country
1) extending ed to those not receiving it
2) enhancing it for those that are

new resources and what can be done about existing resources

Dr Qian TANG, Assistant Director-General For Education, UNESCO
we must develop capacity of all actors
4 levels capacity should take place
1) individual officers - greater recognition of planning/curriculum
2) organizational - incentives, accountability
3) public service - reform must have strong national leadership
4) external assistance must be long term
local knowledge based on strong international ownership
hepefa - program to help countries to improve effectiveness of ed systems -

[gosh.. love these people but i wonder if we try to manage too much? i don't know. i know little. i keep hearing schooling the world. are we helping people or hurting them by helping them. not just with developing countries.. but with students in our classroom.]
curricula and pedagogical assessment?..prepared w/support of the world bank.
we always say - involving all stakeholders - but we then tell them their parameters.. is that a problem?

His Excellency Fasli JALAL, Vice Minister of National Education, INDONESIA
indonesia provides ed to 51 mill children,
how can we improve? we look at pisa - we realize we are lacking in math
why did this happen - what is the role of the teacher
360000 teachers going through certification assessment.
what does certification mean?
cost for certification, and then doubling of salary once certified
0 to 5.5 bill just to pay for prof incentive
how to improve innovation: 1 year induction program for teachers?
detailing how to link salary increments to ? missed it
how can we insure ongoing prof development 78000 villages
improve system to improve teacher planning
all this to "improve the learning capacity"
i think we're missing something huge.

didn't listen to all of this.. no reason, just ran out of time

Mr Michael STEVENSON, Vice-President Global Education, CISCO
at cisco defining transformation - education 3.0
1.0- the way it was till the final 1/3 of the 20th cent - good/bad schools but little in a way of a system of schools
2.0 - set of ideas that became prevalent in may countries through 80's 90's, standards, illiteracy & numeracy, effective teaching, investent in quality leadership and accountability
3.0 - core idea - development of higher order of capabilities, everything else pedagogy to metrics need to be designed to support that,
many systems were beginning to think - what's next (even those at top of pisa results)
whether it's curriculum or teaching and learning or assessment.. it needs more than anything.. the skills to tackle complex problems,
key elements: connectivity & continuous professional development
effective change is holistic change. levers need to be pulled in some sort of intelligent sequence, and at the heart of it is ownership, of teachers and learners
it requires a systems approach - thinking of relationships over time and how they move
2009 - the global ed leaders program - gelp - a global movement for change - see if we can make these ideas work of scale
critical propositions for change
not so much about the what of ed 3.0- but how
1) the criticality of the leadership (policy maker, teachers, principals, esp at state/city level) - need to have a narrative, passion, and politically cute
2) not focus on tech, but on processes and personal relationships, one to one
3) safe spaces, licensed at the margins, authorized to innovate
some want to while intro'ing aspects of transformation - stay w/improvement, ontario, victoria, australia, new zealand, etc
others want to adopt transformation more fully, ny city, finland, s korea - want to do more than improve..
[fractals - countries are just like kids in the classroom]
w/in more transformational strategy
diff problem around engagement of students between ny and korea
diff approaches at transformational journey...
ny - split screen approach, grow disruptive innovations from within, i school to i zone, etc
finland - identifying radical innovations as they emerge and then apply knowledge management strategies to scale them up

korea - diversifying the means of assessing skills, undermining the rigid grip of assessments on the system

on assessment, you think you can put in a place a process for transforming the system..and develop leaders to push it along.. but
if the way we assess learners remain traditional and unchanged we will quickly get stuck
atc201s - with intel and microsoft - assessment and teaching for 21st cent skills program
singapore, finland, aust
designing practical tech bases assessment, complex problem solving in teams and social learning with tech
tech tool kit and a policy makers manual
international assessment bodies are fully engaged with this work, sliker of pisa is into this as well
ability to extrapolate what they learn to day and apply in new ways - from stocks to flows

his podcast - determine skills needed, are we asking the people?.. how you go about large scale system wide change... a reason to work with cisco - we see a big vision, and ambitious roadmap - we'll walk with you on that road, [but are we asking the cultures/communities what success is to them]
5 yrs ago didn't have the tech to shift big systems
this is not simply about ed tech, it's about ed transformation that takes advantage of tech to drive it
reforms have been about efficiency, numbers, start talking about what they do - teaching and learning
inquiry based and collaborative in elementary
project based in secondary
great challenge for unis think of how to better teach young students
jordan, mississippi, louisiana, using collab tech

 interesting - glad i stayed for his talk -wonder how true to form these new assessments will be. would love to get a look at it..

{interesting.. each one of these guys read their speeches}

[perhaps - why are we focusing on pisa and on math?]
so answer - is more "public ed" for teachers..[ fixing it with the thing that is wrong .. is that a good thing?]
diane ravitch on pisa
deb meier - tensions of ed reform
daniel lemire - how reliable is science 
i lamely wrote them all the same comment. is that bad?

interesting.. after all of today.. esp daniel's post on peer reviews.
here i am curious about cisco. so i google it. i know that most of what i find from them will be pat answers.. hopes and aspirations for what they want to be.. but not necessarily what/who they are.
what i really want to find, is people i trust who have an opinion on them.
