humanity 4.0 + what tech wants + homeless people + philosopher kings + un_schooled + ?
from humanity 4.0:
converge - the more convergent the whole, ie: the more you remain recognizably you even as your cells are continuously replaced, the more resilient, adaptive and creative the living system will be - hunter gathering era - the universe is made up of individual parts
relate - the more open and free flowing the relationships, the more resilient, adaptive and creative the living system will be - agragrian era - the universe is a web of interconnected relationships
diverge - keeps us stuck thinking of ways to tweak the machine - the more divergent or diverse the parts, the more resilient, adaptive and creative the living system will be - industrial era - the universe is an unbroken whole
integrate - by itself the living system integrates all those divergent parts into a convergent whole in dynamic relationship internally and externally in an ongoing, moment by moment process of self re-creation
- integral era - the universe is an integral living system made up of parts, relationships, and wholes
we find harmony in integration
the most important task of the era is to acknowledge life
life integrates and animates.
it pulls us into thrivability vs sustainability
is the bridge to humanity.
we evolve our consciousness not by reading books and presentations but through conversation.
4.0 or status quo
from Kelly What Tech Wants):
to maximize our own contentment, we see the
minimum amount of technology in our lives.
yet to maximixe the contentment of others, we must
maximize the amount of technology in the world.
throw in cold weather - and there's a sense of urgency. no?
and if there's urgency, or desire for belonging, seems both can be found in community
and in realizing that wisdom can be found in unlikely places.
right in the middle of life, no doubt. no need for pseudo anything. just live.
school is learning. learning is life. that's it.
nothing is for everybody @irasocol
24/7 integration and flexibility
as seen here via @ewanmcintosh
and below - a random snippet of how kids learn:
what's next?
- this is next. now is next.
jump in. live. connect. converse. be.
and key to where-with-all...
if we have trust, if our premise is - we all want good...
we don't waste energy on defense.
i've got your back.