Wednesday, January 29, 2014

morning question... evening question - what matters to me.. am i doing what matters...

Key Reference TPA Proposal/MIT Climate CoLab Video documentary “Chattanooga: A Community witha Vision” #secgen #wef14

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imagine this happening every day...
8 min in 700 million dollars brought in because a community came together on consensus

10 min - process - again - now can do it daily via tech - google sketch up

Watch the #Davos Download webcast now: Review #wef14 with @WSJeurope & @eFinancialNews editors

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Stress-related ailments cost the nation $300 billion every year in medical bills and lost productivity, while our usage of sedative drugs keeps skyrocketing; just between 1997 and 2004, Americans more than doubled their spending on anti-anxiety medications like Xanax and Valium, from $900 million to $2.1 billion. And this anxious strain hits us well before we reach college. As psychologist Robert Leahy points out: "The average high school kid today has the same level of anxiety as the average psychiatric patient in the early 1950s."

We live in a culture where fear is used to motivate us."

We vilify our aversive emotions and fight them, rather than letting them run their own course.
ie: medicating a fever rather than letting it take care of itself

And maybe, just maybe, our college kids will one day be able to return to the state of appallingly irresponsible, beer-soaked carelessness that is their birthright.
what ?

Zachary Rousseas (@ZRousseas)
1/26/14 9:56 PM
@alyssiapaula yeah I'm keeping my feelings on twitter bc I do not want to engage with them...

heywho (@heywho)
1/26/14 9:58 PM
Don’t you know who he works for? @BarackObama [.] jail for corporate obstructionists and resistors?"… @bluecheddar1

Tomorrow in Michigan, activists go on trial for felony obstruction and resisting arrest charges for simply following their conscience.
not only not awake... but criminalized when we try to wake.. awaken others....

Mary Ann Reilly (@MaryAnnReilly)
1/27/14 7:42 AM
Philip Memmer’s compelling poem, “Knowledge.”…#engchat #edchat

J. Marc Hopkins (@JMarcHopkins)
1/27/14 7:52 AM
"Are you brave enough to let me be me?" #oetc14  - honeycut

Catherine Q. (@CatherineQ)
1/27/14 7:55 AM
Nobody has an excuse not to experience an amazing view from the office #space

sign of success... no..?

when 7bill people have choice beyond zombie hood that man created...?
kool beans ness

Ashoka Changemakers (@changemakers)
1/27/14 7:57 AM
Jobs program @YearUp trains thousands of disadvantaged youth for internships, helps land them corporate jobs: #socEnt

6000 BOLD young leaders #choose2matter - change lives/worlds #MUSTSHARE #MUSTREAD This kids are remarkable!

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Cruel headset makes video games harder the more frustrated you get.

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Rob Wall (@robwall)
1/28/14 6:53 AM
One of the greats - Pete Seeger, iconic folk singer and activist dead at
“Be wary of great leaders,” he told The Associated Press two days after the march. “Hope that there are many, many small leaders.”
“He reached out and shook my hand and said, ‘Thank you, thank you, this is beautiful,’” Rodriguez-Seeger said. “That really did it for me. The cops recognized what we were about. They wanted to help our march. They actually wanted to protect our march because they saw something beautiful. It’s very hard to be anti-something beautiful.”
 It’s very hard to be anti-something beautiful.”
 It’s very hard to be anti-something beautiful.”

Peers (@peers)
1/27/14 11:10 AM
Join #sharingeconomy superstars @gorenflo and @instigating for the very first #ShareSessions! RSVP now:

@sweden / Irma (@sweden)
1/28/14 7:07 AM
…if we wanted to stay in the US we would be forced to marry because of his visa expiring.

crazy world.
brilliant bio... new swede every week..
how govern... no...?

Woody's machine may have killed Fascists, but Pete's surrounded hate and forced it to surrender. RIP #PeteSeeger

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What Did You Learn in School? -- Pete Seeger

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Instead of trying to change people just try to understand them

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Orthodox priests standing between Ukrainian protesters and Ukrainian police forces, praying for peace

"I’d love to see fewer biographies of individuals and more biographies of villages." - @rogre

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Capitalism vs.
baker on intellectual property and patents..
daron acemoglu at MIT
Wolfe and worker ownership...
second to last paragraph.
aren't we there..?

syamant sandhir (@syamant)
1/29/14 6:54 AM
Refresh, refresh, refresh… Twitter is monetizing your compulsiveness

father time is monetizing our busy ness ... our zombie like busy ness... no...?

posted on fb by philippe

I have never heard of "detention" in schools until I started reading about US and UK ed systems. Strange concept. @chrislehmann

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