Friday, January 17, 2014


thrive by meenoo

money reduces trust

Brad Ovenell-Carter (@Braddo)
1/15/14 7:28 AM
NYC DOE creates social media guidelines for students; go beyond safety and

Highlights of Daniel Ellsberg’s Reddit AMA on Edward Snowden and NSA surveillance - Boing Boing via @BoingBoing

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Alec Couros (@courosa)
1/16/14 9:45 AM
" The sum of all positive integers"…#mathchat

Michel Bauwens (@mbauwens)
1/16/14 9:45 AM
P2P Foundation Project of the Day: Street Medics…

Michel Bauwens (@mbauwens)
1/16/14 9:42 AM
Commotion 1.0 mesh networking toolkit makes neighborhood networks easy to…

Maria Popova (@brainpicker)
1/16/14 9:42 AM
Does God exist? William Lane Craig debates Hitchens, Harris and Dawkins But the best argument:

Buddhist concept of sunyata, translated as “emptiness” — the notion that objects in the physical universe are vacant of inherent meaning and that we imbue them with meaning and value with the thoughts of our own minds
As a scientist, I firmly believe that atoms and molecules are real (even if mostly empty space) and exist independently of our minds. On the other hand, I have witnessed firsthand how distressed I become when I experience anger or jealousy or insult, all emotional states manufactured by my own mind. The mind is certainly its own cosmos. As Milton wrote in Paradise Lost, “[The mind] can make a heaven of hell or a hell of heaven.” In our constant search for meaning in this baffling and temporary existence, trapped as we are within our three pounds of neurons, it is sometimes hard to tell what is real. We often invent what isn’t there. Or ignore what is. We try to impose order, both in our minds and in our conceptions of external reality. We try to connect. We try to find truth. We dream and we hope. And underneath all of these strivings, we are haunted by the suspicion that what we see and understand of the world is only a tiny piece of the whole.
Science does not reveal the meaning of our existence, but it does draw back some of the veils.

Starting with these axioms, we can say that science and God are compatible as long as the latter is content to stand on the sidelines once the universe has begun. A God that intervenes after the cosmic pendulum has been set into motion, violating the physical laws, would clearly upend the central doctrine of science. Of course, the physical laws could have been created by God before the beginning of time. But once created, according to the central doctrine, the laws are immutable and cannot be violated from one moment to the next.

funny. fine with god as hands off.. see that as choice.

but laws unchangeable.. we see that happen within a

At any moment in time, every scientist is working on, or attempting to work on, a well-posed problem, a question with a definite answer. We scientists are taught from an early stage of our apprenticeship not to waste time on questions that do not have clear and definite answers.
But artists and humanists often don’t care what the answer is because definite answers don’t exist to all interesting and important questions. Ideas in a novel or emotion in a symphony are complicated with the intrinsic ambiguity of human nature. … For many artists and humanists, the question is more important than the answer. As the German poet Rainer Maria Rilke wrote a century ago, “We should try to love the questions themselves, like locked rooms and like books that are written in a very foreign tongue. Then there are also the questions that have definite answers but which we cannot answer. The question of the existence of God may be such a question.
As human beings, don’t we need questions without answers as well as questions with answers?

One August afternoon, the two baby ospreys of that season took flight for the first time as I stood on the circular deck of my house watching the nest. All summer long, they had watched me on that deck as I watched them. To them, it must have looked like I was in my nest just as they were in theirs. On this particular afternoon, their maiden flight, they did a loop of my house and then headed straight at me with tremendous speed. My immediate impulse was to run for cover, since they could have ripped me apart with their powerful talons. But something held me to my ground. When they were within twenty feet of me, they suddenly veered upward and away. But before that dazzling and frightening vertical climb, for about half a second we made eye contact. Words cannot convey what was exchanged between us in that instant. It was a look of connectedness, of mutual respect, of recognition that we shared the same land. After they were gone, I found that I was shaking, and in tears. To this day, I do not understand what happened in that half second. But it was one of the most profound moments of my life.

how is this helpful?
not really asking them what matters.. but rather.. how can you do school better..

ie: how can tech help you with your schoolwork..
huge agenda there.. not listening for what matters...

Hack Education Weekly News: RIP "The Professor," RIP Net Neutrality?

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Beijing residents watch sunrise on giant commercial screens via @MailOnline

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"Technology Is Not Driving Us Apart After All". Absolutely essential, fascinating piece on public space and tech:

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