Thursday, January 2, 2014


My minor heresy was #1 on Guardian Comment today. Kind of troubling, in that this far more important piece was #2.

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Thanks for all the comments today, I’ll hopefully be able to reply. in the meantime, One Vision!

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Beyond these personal gifts, it is the beauty, courage, and goodness of human beings that sustains me. It is my wife, Stella, in childbirth, utterly in the process, never despairing, never even complaining. Here is a what a human can be. It is the piano player at Gezi Park, miraculously halting the violence with the power of music. It is my son, Jimi, starting a “feelings group” after school and an appreciation box in the cafeteria. It is the Idle No More movement seeking to end ecocide, the striking non-unionized workers of Wal-Mart and McDonalds, the whistleblowers Manning and Snowden, the people on the streets in Brazil, Turkey, Thailand, Spain… It is the especially the people I meet who perform the most humble, invisible acts of service, caring thanklessly for children or the sick or aged or disabled.
All of these people confirm my intuition of what human beings really are, and what the world could be. That same intuition is fed by the occasional bits of good news that seemed especially significant in 2013. For the first time, public opinion stopped the U.S. from going to war (in Syria and maybe Iran). A sacred plant medicine, cannabis, became fully legal in Uruguay, Colorado, and Washington. Thanks to public outcry, the EU Seed Law was halted.

Fred Bartels (@fredbartels)
1/1/14 5:24 AM
With #cityMOOC1 I'm attempting to connect those who study #cities#communities#networks,#neurons#schools#evolution and the #brain.

 Max Stirner wrote in 1842 a long essay on education called The False Principle of our Education. In it Stirner names his educational principle "personalist," explaining that self-understanding consists in hourly self-creation. Education for him is to create "free men, sovereign characters," by which he means "eternal characters ... who are therefore eternal because they form themselves each moment".

Schools and districts jumping through hoops to create a set of meaningless documents. An incredible waste of time and resources.

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posted on fb by howard with this..
Something problematic is definitely happening in San Francisco, and gentrification is part of it, but the focus on the Google Bus and tech workers, the vast majority of whom are not entitled loudmouths like Peter Shih and Greg Gopman, is a good "trend" story and bad social criticism. Robert Rossney takes on Rebecca Solnit. He's a clear thinker and an excellent writer.

If you really want to know how San Francisco became unaffordable, don’t ignore the San Francisco Redevelopment Agency - decades ago

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.@_jden @burritojustice “Ten years that shook the city” & “Imperial San Francisco” cover how, who, why of San Francisco urban shaping

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Parents' Message to de Blasio

The future of higher education shouldn't be reduced to a series of bizarre turf wars. There is a bigger game afoot.

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Idiots. Institutional arrogance.

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posted on fb by anne and michel

Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald)
1/2/14 7:28 AM
Former Obama State Dept official RT @SlaughterAM I agree with @nytimes on Snowden. "Edward Snowden, Whistle-Blower"

Global Voices (@globalvoices)
1/2/14 7:33 AM
Hundreds of Local Chinese Lawmakers Dismissed Over Massive Bribery Scandal

According to social media, the Hengyang bribery scandal was not a secret. Earlier this year, the case was circulated among some investigative journalists in China, but they weren't able to publish due to pressure and censorship. Doctor Liu Yun from the Haikou College of Economics wrote:
In addition to exposing the drawbacks of the electoral system, it's worth noting that such a large-scale bribery case was only able to be identified and exposed with the highest level of direct intervention from the central government. 

Spencer Ante (@Spencerante)
1/2/14 7:33 AM
Big Data: NY eclipses Valley as startup incubator. “@dtapscott: The New Global Start-Up

Richard Florida (@Richard_Florida)
1/2/14 7:38 AM
Here's the full text of Bill de Blasio's inauguration speech - via the NYT…

Jason Silva (@JasonSilva)
1/2/14 7:38 AM
Thanks for the interview! RT “@iamthatgirl: Meet the guy changing the face of digital storytelling: THAT GUY…
The Armory Workspace (@armoryworkspace)
1/2/14 7:41 AM
Pretty excited to show off the redesigned website #Loveland

Martin King (@timekord)
1/2/14 7:43 AM
Edward Snowden's Alternative Christmas Message 2013 "asking is always cheaper than spying"
George Siemens (@gsiemens)
1/2/14 7:43 AM
Reasonably short and accessible history of databases and mistakes being re-made with…