Saturday, January 25, 2014


I want @alaa to be free; how do we make it happen?

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Today in terrifying numbers: 7 school shootings in 14 school days. Our children need us to act. #DemandAction #p2

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You can watch the whole Higher Ed & MOOcs Davos debate here. #wef14 c @tressiemcphd

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The health hazards of sitting

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Give childhood back to children: we must allow more time for play, not less

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Micah Lee (@micahflee)
1/24/14 7:11 AM
Thousands of websites are planning a massive protest to end surveillance on Feb 11th. I’m joining them — will you?

World Economic Forum (@wef)
1/24/14 7:17 AM
Turkey wants all non-Syrians to leave #Syria today - Turkey Foreign Minister Davutoglu #wef14

Fast Company (@FastCompany)
1/24/14 7:17 AM
The secrets of the best public speakers:
Jane Praeger, who teaches storytelling in Columbia University’s Strategic Communications programs, adds, “In order to sound spontaneous, you have to be prepared.” She likens it to the way actors rehearse their scripts for more natural delivery. “It’s the preparation that allows you to be spontaneous,” says Praeger.
That’s the paradox.
“Ideally rehearsal frees your mind to be as improvisational in the moment as possible,” says James Vincent Meredith, an ensemble actor with Chicago’s Steppenwolf Theater. “Successful actors are able to empty their minds of everything except the immediate moment and yet have the ‘muscle memory’ to remember lines and blocking.”

best at improv.. have become one with their medium.. through hanging out together... no.... ?

Fast Company (@FastCompany)
1/24/14 7:17 AM
The secrets of the best public speakers:
For public speakers, it’s the content and body language that must be committed to “muscle memory.” Connecting with an audience means feeling comfortable enough to be expressive.
Meredith adds, “You only get that strength--that ability to go off the path--when you know where the path is.”
Anthony J. Habra (@SupeTony)
1/24/14 7:00 AM
How do you lower the number of deficit districts? Give them some money. Mike Flanagan #masa14
last line... or metrics could not even exist... no...?
ie: what happens sustains... ness

Derek Bruff (@derekbruff)
1/24/14 7:35 AM
Read this, and then promise never to have the same old conversation about MOOC completion…

last line... or metrics could not even exist... no...?
ie: what happens sustains... ness

New study debunks idea that more education equals more pay

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"There is no military solution to the problem of Syria." Sec. Kerry @davos  #wef14

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Christian Long (@ChristianLong)
1/25/14 8:38 AM
Beautifully said. #mindsetislife RT @andycinek#makered is not a shopping list or a special place, it's a stance towards learning. #educon

Howard M. Glasser (@hglasser)
1/25/14 8:40 AM
There's a need for digital literacy among educators. How do we increase teachers' digital literacy?#educon #edtech #edchat

or perhaps.. just literacy.. aka ability to communicate/understand... no matter what form... no?

perhaps for universal.. it's visual literacy ness... and perhaps for blind... perhaps visual is in music ness
perhaps because we resonate more with something we can see.. hear.. swim in..

here is example.. os seeking way to invite everyone to love digital literacy party..

what if rather.. we said. ish..
there's a need for authenticity...  to a t (thumbprint)...
ie: value from...are you human...? rather than .. are you (______) digitally literate, woman, short, old, green... et al

Peter Vander Auwera (@petervan)
1/25/14 8:40 AM
Bits or pieces?: Should I be ‘outside-in’ or ‘inside-out’?… > as always, excellent stuff from @swardley

zoom dance ness

Michel Bauwens (@mbauwens)
1/25/14 8:57 AM
Lack of politics will doom the promise of today’s maker

One thinker who saw through the naïveté of Illich, the Homebrewers, and the Whole Earthers was the libertarian socialist Murray Bookchin. Back in the late sixties, he published a fiery essay called “Towards a Liberatory Technology,” arguing that technology is not an enemy of craftsmanship and personal freedom. Unlike Brand, though, Bookchin never thought that such liberation could occur just by getting more technology into everyone’s hands; the nature of the political community mattered. In his book “The Ecology of Freedom” (1982

It didn’t make sense to speak of “convivial tools,” he argued, without taking a close look at the political and social structures in which they were embedded.

the clearer and more defined I get for you.. the more I die.. and the more yo crave something "missing" outside yourself..
ie the more I invite you to a dead space..

ie if everyone comes-  and says.. I see.. no longer reason to keep that piece ness alive ness

A reluctance to talk about institutions and political change doomed the Arts and Crafts movement, channelling the spirit of labor reform into consumerism and D.I.Y. tinkering. The same thing is happening to the movement’s successors. Our tech imagination, to judge from catalogues like “Cool Tools,” is at its zenith. (Never before have so many had access to thermostatically warmed toilet seats.) But our institutional imagination has stalled, and with it the democratizing potential of radical technologies. We carry personal computers in our pockets—nothing could be more decentralized than this!—but have surrendered control of our data, which is stored on centralized servers, far away from our pockets. The hackers won their fight against I.B.M.—only to lose it to Facebook and Google. And the spooks at the National Security Agency must be surprised to learn that gadgets were supposed to usher in the “de-institutionalization of society.”

address the potential of attachment and authenticity to be at the root of all... with trust as it's glue/guide..

and re addressing natural (and so not so obvious) pathways to a new/old game

play in particular..
modeling.. being...
about freedom to quit... so need to listen..
place to practice fear et al...