Thursday, August 5, 2010

jeff bezos

In this Princeton University graduation address, Amazon founder Jeff Bezos makes the case that our character is reflected not in the gifts we're endowed with at birth, but by the choices we make over the course of a lifetime.


it's harder to be kind than clever.

cleverness is a gift - easy - given
kindness is a choice - hard - can be seduced by choices

we've synthesized life... in the future - not only synthesized but engineer it to specifications..
all the curious from the ages would have wanted to be alive most of all right now.
as a civilization we have so many gifts... how will you use these gifts...?
will you take pride in your gifts - or pride in your choices.

amazon growing 2300% each year

i'd always wanted to be an inventor - and she wanted me to follow my passion

that sounds like a really good idea... but it would be an even better idea for someone who didn't have a really good idea.
i didn't think i'd regret trying and failing.. and i suspected i would always be haunted by not trying at all.
i chose the less safe path.

will inertia be your guide? or will you follow your passions?
ease? or service?

give up or be relentless?
synic or a builder?

clever or kind...?
hazard a prediction - 80 yrs old - most personal version of your life story - the series of choices you have made. in the end we are our choices. build yourself a great story.

