Tuesday, September 30, 2014

jacob george

the absurdity of poor farmers sent to kill poor farmers while people are starving...

all of us need to heal

Monday, September 29, 2014


Recommended #ferguson follow: @deray

Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/audreywatters/status/516062461594566656

Before Twitter I didn't realize this many people were angry about white people.

Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/MazMHussain/status/516088994573320192

SNHR has reported 6779 children killed in #Syria from 1 Jan 2013 to 31 Aug 2014, an avg. of over 11 children killed per day. (via @SN4HR)

Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/EatingMyPeaz/status/516089075674386432


posted on fb by e3

The Wire creator David Simon: why American politics no longer works http://t.co/nuGH16d6BX via @guardian

Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/Larryferlazzo/status/516199644586442752

is based on a non-fiction book of the same name by formerNew York Times writer Lisa Belkin

cycle of violence that is visited on places such as this when it notes that the arrest of two dozen gang members two years before had paved the way for a rival to thrive in their absenc

In 1985, US federal court judge Leonard Sand ruled in favour of the NAACP and instructed Yonkers to build 200 units of public housing on the east side. That’s when the trouble started.

What attracted Simon to this story was not the issues of housing or race or deprivation but something more fundamental – the dysfunction of the American political system. The story, Simon says, is tailor-made for showing how US politics now runs on fear and money, two forces that are slowly corroding American society.
“What intrigued me about the story was that it’s an almost perfectly allegorical argument about how our political processes are no longer equipped to recognise or solve problems. You have this mid-size American city, Yonkers, that didn’t have terrifying racial dynamics before the controversy. It had problems like any city but there was no reason that fear should be such an effective currency in the political process. And yet fear and money are the only currencies in the American political process that get their due any more. Nothing makes people more stupid and foolish than money and fear.”
What was required in Yonkers was to ask: ‘Are we all in this together or are we not all in this together?’ Is there a society or is there no society, because if there is no society, well, that’s the approach that says ‘Fuck ’em, I got mine’. And Yonkers coincides with the rise of ‘Fuck ’em I got mine’ in America

"How We Got To Now" Looks Like A Terrific PBS Series http://t.co/7NYfijzK6o

Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/Larryferlazzo/status/516198788122161153

Driving back home in #Kuwait last night, I got stopped by a police checkpoint... #ThirdCultureKidhttps://t.co/c9cuR36UBJ

Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/ASE/status/516240577390583808

Fed whistleblower secretly recorded 46h of regulatory capture inside Goldman Sachs via @BoingBoinghttp://t.co/KCMid4fMmL

Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/singularityblog/status/516272750239825921

Neil deGrasse Tyson (@neiltyson) on Learning, Education, and Technology http://t.co/RpHt2uuevU #edchat

Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/dmlresearchhub/status/516271317302411264
So there’s a lot of things you do in school that accrue in other ways to your talent and enlightenment. But there’s so much that does not, and that worries me. These are precious hours that we spend that we will never get back, unless you continue on to educate yourself after the time where the law says you don’t have to.
also - tidbit - snippets.. 24/7 ness of twitter vs courses/classes et al


The real issue in the Southern border: The lessons of El Paso http://t.co/ouOnQ76ten

Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/CanalesRo/status/516311200712634368

How I feel about arguments over definitions of “open” http://t.co/mTQuvAhj0U #sharefest14

Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/cogdog/status/516423191556677632

Meet the Edgeryders coming to this year's Living OnThe Edge @unmonastery. Up to 40 and going up!https://t.co/ssWQiFr0xv #lote4 #mt2019

Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/edgeryders/status/516522474226589696

Bonnie Stewart (@bonstewart)
9/27/14 7:24 AM
"social relationships less transitory than at any time modern history" b/c of persistent contact of social networks: @mysocnet #smsociety14

Jason Silva (@JasonSilva)
9/29/14 6:42 AM
"None of the ways we have so far found of looking at quantum theory are entirely believable."aeon.co/magazine/scien…
While the mathematics of quantum theory works very well in telling us what to expect at the end of an experiment, it seems peculiarly conceptually confusing when we try to understand what was happening during the experiment. To calculate what outcomes we might expect when we fire protons at one another in the Large Hadron Collider, we need to analyse what – at first sight – look like many different stories.


According to this approach, a scientific question makes senseonly if we have a direct way of verifying the answer. So, asking what we’ll see in our particle detectors is a scientific question; asking what happened in the experiment before anything registered in our detectors isn’t, because we weren’t looking. To be looking, we’d have had to put detectors in the middle of the experiment, and then it would have been a different experiment


via katherine on fb

I'll be on @NPRatc tonight talking about the Atlanta cheating trial, and this @npr_ed post:http://t.co/gWQIo2EkGm

Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/anya1anya/status/516627112699379712

posted on fb by Ahmed:
"Drown out the voice of uncertainty with the sound of your own heartbeat. Burn away your self-doubt with a fire lit beneath you. So believe that voice that says you CAN run a little faster, that you CAN throw a little harder, and that for YOU, the laws of physics are merely a suggestion."

make sure this is something you want

This is BRILLIANT. "Baseline reality dissolves and no new reality emerges in it's pixelating wake"http://t.co/5Ewi1vDvv7

Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/JasonSilva/status/516550081185861633

“A lot of people interrogate guests, but don’t interrogate ideas,” says @heffnera about @OpenMindTV. Well put! http://t.co/sz7EZWZ7oy

Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/astradisastra/status/516639742243659776

[Podcast] Q&A w/ Dale Dougherty (@dalepd) on how the #MakerMovement inspires social connectionhttp://t.co/YvYIYt3ao7

Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/TheCLAlliance/status/516739231939444736

Philip P. Pan@panphil
 Follow Follow 
New day begins in Hong Kong with protesters still defying police. The Umbrella Revolution? buff.ly/YCfihppic.twitter.com/Quz9ppxjmh
 01:06 AM - 29 Sep 14

Arun Sundararajan@digitalarun
 Follow Follow 
we're competing with people driving alone in their cars, not with @Uber@johnzimmer at#CityLab2014 pic.twitter.com/YLwGT8hAps
 06:00 PM - 29 Sep 14

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Between the By-Road and the Main Road: Being Tested

Between the By-Road and the Main Road: Being Tested: The Weight of Living (Reilly, 2011) I. My grandfather was a piano player.  I'm told he took great joy in sitting down to play ...



Meet the 14-Year-Old Who Helped Legalize Medical Marijuana In NY [Docume...

Meet the 14-Year-Old Who Helped Legalize Medical Marijuana In NY [Docume...

Saturday, September 27, 2014





Inspiring documentary by dear friend @markpollack hits cinemas next week. “Unbreakable" in spirit and resilience. http://t.co/rbEZxmGPrm

Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/aprilrinne/status/515159405491281920

Regular people, the broad citizenry, have the means to easily help media correct misinformation.http://t.co/35tG47lVQw #factcheck

Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/craignewmark/status/515217332734808064

Masdar - what if we build a sustainable city and nobody came: http://t.co/H8H1D1sfjA

Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/EthanZ/status/515217676655132672

My wife (@velveteenrabbi) used her R'H sermon to talk about textual common ground between Jews and Muslims: http://t.co/jbz4EKbsn0

Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/EthanZ/status/515225796651540481
there's more that connects us than divides us. Imagine if we all woke up in the morning with the intention of strengthening what connects us, instead of digging in behind what divides us.

via cfasummit14

From #PeoplesClimate to #FloodWallStreet, journey with these Canadian filmmakers thru an epic #climatejustice weekend http://t.co/rkOd5WPSeB

Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/thischanges/status/515263150930022401

Announcing our partnership with the City of SF in Central Market - https://t.co/PaBamxdzaZ #cfasummit #withnotfor http://t.co/bIsMd1kGHA

Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/Neighborland/status/515285876817936384

Tim O'Reilly @timoreilly
.@phae lays it on the line, explaining how badly broken the process of designing city websites usually is #cfasummit pic.twitter.com/tUDqcrLVBS

Excellent long & meta #ccourses post by @mizuko http://t.co/4YjNR8Vnf4

Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/hrheingold/status/515299462776750082

We are all temporary.

Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/xeni/status/515372985037774849

This will blow. Your. Mind. “@Ian_Fraser: secret tapes reveal extent US regulators "captured" by Wall Streethttp://t.co/MV1IDn3Duo

Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/umairh/status/515466021642444801

If you haven't, a must read: 50 Myths and Lies That Threaten America's Public Schools: The Real Crisis in Education @GeneVGlass

Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/YongZhaoUO/status/515512266394198017

People closest to the problem are closest to the solutions @glennEmartin  #GULD2014 http://t.co/z4XW4KJ1uK

Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/angelopinto720/status/515506411439423488

Angelo Ricardo Pinto @angelopinto720
We have to be careful when engaging and using the oppressors language. #GULD2014 @glennEmartin

Gleason says the next step students are considering is to skip school on what's known as "count day" on October 1. That is the day districts across Colorado are supposed to measure the number of students in class to submit to the state to receive per pupil funding. The Colorado Department of Education says for this school year the state average will be $7,021 per student.
"If a thousand of us step out, even 10,000, if we can get that many students to step out, then we're getting their attention and telling them that we have a voice," Gleason said.

An absolutely epic article by @RobJGreenfield How To Travel America Free. This deserves to go viralhttp://t.co/tUo91nxGaG

Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/zerototravel/status/515533401496236032

The best thing I've read about Ello, which is actually about how hard it is to break a pattern.https://t.co/L9naiP62EF

Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/mattdpearce/status/515586125252292608

New blog post: "From Radio to Television to Wire 106 or, Why I teach" http://t.co/qekQqem3LX #ds106 #wire106 #ccourses

Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/jimgroom/status/515643073192542208

I started "giving" my kids permission to question everything (incl me) by modeling it. The things they question now regularly blow me away!

Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/HHG/status/515721643587829760

Learning {RE}imagined – Seth Godin on Education Reform http://t.co/TY6EvjoKhT

Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/GrahamBM/status/515755974427426817

Ira Socol (@irasocol)
9/14/14 7:09 AM
@arreyJB @readywriting remember #prezi @prezi continues to refuse to be accessible. Using it in a school may violate federal laws

Larry Ferlazzo (@Larryferlazzo)
9/27/14 6:34 AM
PBS NewsHour Video: "Backlog of children’s immigration cases challenges judges, lawyers and sch… larryferlazzo.edublogs.org/2014/09/26/pbs…

Jeff Jarvis (@jeffjarvis)
9/27/14 6:35 AM
Why not start w/ net neutrality? The Verge: Comcast: honestly, 'it may take years' to improve our reputation. google.com/newsstand/s/CB…

pat kane (@theplayethic)
9/27/14 6:36 AM
So angst, such existential, very yearn, in the Hampstead Waterstones todayow.ly/i/71QYf

Mike Klonsky (@mikeklonsky)
9/27/14 6:36 AM
Schooling in the Ownership Society: 'The last honeypot for Wall Street' …ingintheownershipsociety.blogspot.com/2014/09/the-la…

Vinay Gupta (@leashless)
9/27/14 6:36 AM
Discrimination on height and beauty is still discrimination. The bias against the short and ugly is measurable and real, with little fight.

9/27/14 6:37 AM
Now, the point I am making here is that there is organized *political* oppression - slavery is a good example of it. Impact lasts centuries.

Bob Marsh (@bobmarsh5)
9/27/14 5:15 AM
Amazing story // A Lesson From Alan Turing: How Creativity Drives Machinesonline.wsj.com/articles/a-les…

Jon Becker (@jonbecker)
9/27/14 6:39 AM
My inner sociologist wants to go to @RVAMakerFest@va_pride, and @StateFairVA all this weekend and just observe the different crowds. #RVA

Richmond.com (@richmonddotcom)
9/27/14 7:01 AM
Top Five Weekend Events - Find out what you are doing this weekend #RVA!bit.ly/1rmXjqO

sounds like pbl....

Vinay Gupta (@leashless)
9/27/14 6:39 AM
There is also disorganized and general biopolitic in which the weak/ugly/short get *hammered* with no organized resistance at all. Very bad.

Vinay Gupta (@leashless)
9/27/14 6:33 AM
@anarchodin nerd / autism stuff is really key there - an awful lot of it is harsh treatment of people on the ASD spectrum called "culture."

Vinay Gupta (@leashless)
9/27/14 6:34 AM
@anarchodin no, it means that we need to think beyond "oppressed" and "advantaged" in assessing political power.

Jelle Haandrikman (@jhaand)
9/27/14 6:49 AM
Ended my membership to the Dutch Socialist Party today. Input from @leashless was helpfull for this decision jhaand.nl/2014/09/opzegb… (dutch)

We will Live Stream the full 4 days of #Innotribe #sibos > check out this link as from Monday morning  http://t.co/Ozi80riWSn

Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/petervan/status/515944272063758336

"We need a movement ecosystem" @michaelpremo on #FloodWallStreet nxt steps 4 my @thischanges blog piece http://t.co/gB7GbuAw0H @NaomiAKlein

Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/tempus_flies/status/515949173552975872


listening to #goldmansachstapes and clear that banks bargaining power is out of control #americastruenorth  http://t.co/KRyk17FgFS

Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/alexaclay/status/515963555892695040

@bchesky @digitalarun @JBennet very much looking forward to it! New Dynamics of the Sharing City panel:http://t.co/GtGMpA5nuL #CityLab2014

Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/aprilrinne/status/516037014462820352

Recommended #ferguson follow: @deray

Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/audreywatters/status/516062461594566656

Tim O'Reilly@timoreilly
.@phae lays it on the line, explaining how badly broken the process of designing city websites usually is #cfasummitpic.twitter.com/tUDqcrLVBS
 11:45 PM - 25 Sep 14

 Christopher N. Fox@ChristopherNFox
 Follow Follow 
Not just usual suspects - unprecedented number of businesses & investors calling for #climate action - @MindyLubberusatoday.com/story/money/bu… - 22 Sep
Daryl Hannah@dhlovelife
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good start -we still need a paradigm shift HT@ChristopherNFox Not usual suspects businesses calling 4 climate actionusatoday.com/story/money/bu…
 11:15 AM - 22 Sep 14