Wednesday, October 23, 2013


jack andraka (@jackandraka)
10/21/13 7:00 AM
nice blog on the importance of #openaccess and happy Open Access Awareness Week:)

Scott McLeod (@mcleod)
10/21/13 7:01 AM
‘Chayn’, a New Website for Pakistan’s Victims of Domestic

Bryan Alexander (@BryanAlexander)
10/21/13 7:03 AM
@cogdog is revving up a project on education on the open Web. This is fun, important stuff, so feed him…
what scales is the teaching (to many) not necessarily the experience of those aiming to learn  


There is a better model out there for scaling open learning, it is right under our browsers… the web itself.

huge. yes.
of rather than on... ness

Randy Kluver (@rkluver)
10/22/13 6:28 AM
@barrywellman @wenhongchen refers to twitter's web traffic, 60% comes from outside of…

Global Voices (@globalvoices)
10/22/13 7:04 AM
Today's digest - Moroccan Netizens Protest Teen Trial over Public

Michael Lewkowitz (@Igniter)
10/22/13 7:05 AM
On relentlessness and time horizons for social impact -> Luck and doggedness - by @nicktemple1#socent #impact

Trust is a Drug by @DovSeidman in @bigthink

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very keen - spent at least an hour taking Dov in..

“@msuster: Stunningly fascinating part of American culture & misperception. Including my own


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double whoa.. - the danger of just one story..

"Teaching Value in Academic Med Centers" in @JAMA - excellent article mentions @CostsofCare video modules:

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Essay of the Day: The Economics of a Self-Managed Society

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so resonating with a people experiment..

RT @Edutopia RT @dmlresearchhub: Using #Minecraft to teach youth abt the global food market at @AMNH #edtech

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The Piano Guys did it again. After hauling a piano up the Great Wall, maybe they wished they were the Violin Guys.

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Michael Josefowicz (@toughLoveforx)
10/22/13 12:03 PM
@NewsNeus On a different thread, I've been mulling gov policies compare contrast. Alberta, Colorado, Barcelona at#ecosys cc @JennaR

Alfie Kohn (@alfiekohn)
10/22/13 5:08 AM
1 of 3: Two new books offer complementary critiques of traditional educ & intriguingly different alternatives, both worth a read…

Alfie Kohn (@alfiekohn)
10/22/13 5:09 AM
2 of 3: Leaving to Learn ( argues high schoolers need to do real things outside of school…

Alfie Kohn (@alfiekohn)
10/22/13 5:10 AM
3 of 3: Invent to Learn ( sees kids as makers, shows how tech can be used to play & discover, not memorize facts

Alfie Kohn (@alfiekohn)
10/14/13 7:27 AM
How'd I miss this? Bill Gates in '09 explained why he funds Common Core: “a large uniform base of customers”

Alex Osterwalder (@AlexOsterwalder)
10/23/13 6:37 AM
Can you prove your business model? From Idea to Business - Episode 5 #bmgen#leanstartup #custdev

Fred Bartels (@fredbartels)
10/23/13 6:37 AM
The Fugitive Slave Act forced northerners into supporting slavery. RTTT & #CCSS are forcing liberals into supporting poverty.

Downes (@Downes)
10/23/13 6:39 AM
A Few Words on ePortfolios [Stephen Downes at Limited News]

In the MOOCs we have offered over the years, such as Connectivism and Connective Knowledge (CCK08), we approached this issue by encouraging students to use their own blogs or websites. In this case, the primary function of the central course management system was not to create and store student ePortfolios, but to aggregate from them and to facilitate the sharing of their contents with other students. In this light, a worthwhile project developed at University of Mary Washington called "a domain of one's own" is probably the modern version of ePortfolios. It incourages students to establish their own web presence independently of service providers.
future platform in head.. the brain - ness

Increasingly in the future students will be responsible for managing their own online learning records and creative products. Though they may use a variety of services -  such as Blogger, Flickr, YouTube, Google Docs, and more - to store their work, they will need to manage these resources, index them, and enable access to them. This will enable them to balance between the process-oriented and product-oriented aspect of their work. This will become important as employers will over time rely less on tests and formal assessments, and will instead look for tangible evidence of personal achievement in web-based repositories. Maintaining an ePortfolio will become tomorrow's equivalent of achieving certification and polishing up one's resumé.
David Gilbert (@DavidGilbert43)
10/23/13 6:40 AM
I sense a tension (lovely phrase) between the emerging more lively model for #NHScitizen assembly & NHSE (TK?) need for a central 'thing'

Diane Ravitch (@DianeRavitch)
10/23/13 6:39 AM
Jason Stanford: What Alternative to Standardized Testing?

Brent Leary (@BrentLeary)
10/23/13 6:40 AM
#pbls13 is kicking off. Looking forward to Walter Isaacson's keynote.

Boing Boing (@BoingBoing)
10/22/13 1:24 PM
Antibiotic resistance: Watch a documentary tonight, join in a live chat

David Wees (@davidwees)
10/23/13 6:59 AM
@grantwiggins @gfrblxt @DianeRavitch No disagreement here that the system needs to change, but I am pretty sure the coaches are part of it.

Jennifer Borgioli (@DataDiva)
10/23/13 6:09 AM
If this is last tweet I ever tweet, I'm okay with that. By @grantwiggins, an amazing open letter to…

I always find it odd that defenders of teachers won’t ever criticize teachers and want to highlight forces outside of classrooms and schools because then they are tacitly admitting that teaching doesn’t make much of a difference.Good teachers get good results; weak teachers don’t. Why can’t we say this and thus work on what is in our control – the teaching?

what if the idea of control is the issue.
how could you possibly have control of authentic teaching?

we can mostly control what we model.
but that holds nothing over someone seeking knowledge.
unless of course we fabricate/manufacture/shame people into thinking that

ie not a teacher if I don't produce a b c et al in students

In terms of evidence, let’s start with the remediation rate: Nationwide, as you know, the remediation rate in college is 40%. ACT reports that 30% graduating HS students are not ready for college. This can only happen in a “K-12 system” that is not a system at all. I find it hard to blame poverty and privatization for such an institutional failure to link K-12 to college in assessment and grading locally. And having spent decades in schools, I can tell you why this occurs: teachers are allowed to work in isolation and set grading and testing policies completely on their own.

oh my.
perhaps more like 70-90% not ready by terms we give for ready.. according to d pope's 95%.
unless we are actually affirming that cheating is #1 skill. then 95% ready.

oh my .. grant wiggins?

Let’s look at Hattie’s research: there are over 30 powerful interventions thattrump socio-economic status, yet it is extremely rare to find those practices in use in any one school. The pressing question for all teachers and administrators is: why is it so rare, in the face of two decades of research? Poverty, politics, and privatization have nothing to do with teachers using best practices. In medicine it is termed malpractice not to use such practices.

look at weak curriculum, a need you underscore: in 20 years of doing UbD work I still find local curricula and assessment to be woefully inadequate and primitive. Our research shows that over 90% of curricula are still framed by discrete topics instead of complex ideas, challenges, and tasks – a fact that Ralph Tyler bemoaned over 70 years ago. Teachers still march through discrete low-level content because that is how curriculum is written. How is that anything but a local-educator and supervisor problem?

true.. good point. but we can do much better than that.. no?

and perhaps we stay where we are because of original statement about teachers grading et al ... in their own way..?

Let’s look at structural issues that are also within the control of educators: schooling is still organized based on “seat time” instead of  demonstrated mastery. Students are typically grouped by age  and follow a curriculum that is jam packed with content to be covered (often driven by rigid pacing guides) despite the obvious fact that people learn at different rates and have varied interests. This issue is as old as Ralph Tyler’s criticisms

well that is spot on.. if teachers felt they had control.. but they don't.. ie mandatory finals week et al.. people you are talking about... principals teachers .. too afraid of loosing money... so they bow to money givers