Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Zeynep Tufekci (@zeynep)
9/25/13 7:04 AM
School district pays to monitor student social media for "violence, drug use, bullying, truancy & suicidal threats".…

TheAtlanticEducation (@TheAtlanticEDU)
9/25/13 7:14 AM
Pressured Parents Phenomenon: a "visceral anxiety" triggered by competition between…

9/24/13 6:05 AM
80+ Presentations from Genius Hr to #Mlearning to
Check out the #RSCON4 presenter interviews #Edchat

Paul Thomas (@plthomasEdD)
9/25/13 6:54 AM
Schools Matter: Children should not be allowed to behave like…

is this for real? what?
Paul Thomas (@plthomasEdD)
9/25/13 6:54 AM
Schools Matter: The missing…

Katherine von Jan (@kvonjan)
9/25/13 6:55 AM
Join @Will_Shortz awesome puzzle tournament in Pleasantville Friday! $45 to play or $5 to watch the masters battle!

crazy.. should be the other way around perhaps..?

lisagansky (@instigating)
9/25/13 6:56 AM
Love this. On writing: 'Write with the door closed. Re-write with the door open.' Stephen King#refections #connected #audience

Ben Grey (@bengrey)
9/25/13 6:58 AM
It's amazing what can be done if you just sit for five minutes being still and focusing on one single problem/challenge/idea.

Sarah Kathleen Peck (@sarahkpeck)
9/25/13 6:58 AM
Story of my life right now: "Make space for your future."

Dirty Wars (@DirtyWars)
9/25/13 6:59 AM
Detaining human rights activists, blocking visas for lawyers... What do UK US govts want kept secret about their #drone wars? #everything

Marlo Thomas (@MarloThomas)
9/25/13 7:00 AM
"To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong." Joseph Chilton


Rhizome (@rhizome)
9/25/13 7:00 AM
Fantastic line-up for Seven on Seven London to be announced 10/1; trust us, buy discounted early-bird tkts today.

Doug Belshaw (@dajbelshaw)
9/25/13 7:03 AM
We're currently reflecting on some random words that "are well researched and will have a significant impact on education". #slf13 #keynote

Global Voices (@globalvoices)
9/25/13 7:04 AM
Today's digest - Humanity Defeated Again in

Clint Hamada (@chamada)
9/25/13 7:03 AM
Is this @courosa's pic in a @WIRED article? Sweet!

Milton Ramirez (@tonnet)
9/25/13 7:04 AM
Does Public Education Stink?

Aron Solomon (@aronsolomon)
9/25/13 7:10 AM
It's just an app. It's not going to redefine how we look at the world and we won't pay for it.

unless. it's not just an app.. but a link.. hypertext .. to personal fabrication..

and.. it's free via public Ed...

Aron Solomon (@aronsolomon)
9/25/13 7:12 AM
That's the default position that startups need to overcome. The key is simplicity. The enemy, complexity and BS.

Aron Solomon (@aronsolomon)
9/25/13 7:16 AM
But an app for frozen, mail-ordered sandwiches? Wow! CERTAINLY worth $3M investment!…

John Hagel (@jhagel)
9/25/13 7:18 AM
Looks like one of my childhood fantasies - the jetpack - may soon be

Morgan Clendaniel (@MClendaniel)
9/25/13 7:12 AM
Check out these amazing photos of tiny Japanese apartments (with a great story by@stan_alcorn):

Ben Wilkoff (@bhwilkoff)
9/25/13 7:18 AM
Honesty and Authenticity are to intertwined. Can you schedule an authentic conversation?#ipdgameon

David Wees (@davidwees)
9/25/13 7:18 AM
@DataDiva Self-assessment is somewhat unreliable as a measure of how much students know.

but perhaps the most reliable/authentic/useful...

AJ Juliani (@ajjuliani)
9/25/13 7:19 AM
Choose Kind Even When You Want Change via@pernilleripp

When I push my students to grow and change I do it with kindness and persistence.  I ask themto prove everybody wrong, I ask them to prove themselves wrong.  I ask them to grow and to learn from this journey.  So it is only fair I ask it of  everyone else as well.  Before we enter debates, choose kind.   Choose open mindedness, choose the higher road.  Choose to see both sides even if your heart lies on one of them.  ask for a debate and proceed knowing that there are people with pride involved, people who have invested in what you want to change.  People like ourselves who are only doing things because they believe in the good of them, not because they want to hurt others.  It is time we, as adults, choose kind like our students and give others the respect they deserve.  Even if we think they have the wrongest opinion of them all.

Fast Company (@FastCompany)
9/25/13 7:12 AM
There's a lot of talk about prototyping - here's how to actually do…

Insight Labs (@insightlabs)
9/25/13 7:13 AM
When you encounter an outlier, consider whether it is an exception or an extreme, says@Folletto -…

WikiLeaks (@wikileaks)
9/25/13 4:06 AM
Clearing Gottfrid Svarthom (Anakata) is an important victory. Thanks to all who helped, especially @ioerror for testifying as an expert.

MacArthur Foundation (@macfound)
9/25/13 7:15 AM
#Playwright Tarell McCraney named 2013 #MacFellow. Explores African American experience, evokes shared humanity

Greg Satell (@Digitaltonto)
9/25/13 7:11 AM
What Michael Jordan Can Teach Us About Big Data, Strategy And

Paul Thomas (@plthomasEdD)
9/24/13 6:03 AM
CAKE reminds us: "Do not wear clothing woven of two kinds of material." -- Leviticus

Cooking over open fire is equivalent of smoking many, many cigarettes a day. Greg Spencer, @paradigmproject. #awareness #2030now

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Best post I've read in a very long time. Thank you @ariannahuff // Are You Living Your Eulogy or Your Resume?

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#itlchat see @garystager and @smartinez (me) discuss Invent To Learn and Making the Case for Making in the Classroom

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The key is the idea that people's behavior is altered to serve their interest in a system - @itsDanielSuarez #MLTalks

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Miss any of the #2030Now Social Good Summit? Watch all of the speakers here  via @socialgood

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