Saturday, February 26, 2011

tom altepeter

he took time to find out who's in the room and some are not in the room...

the more we make it about ourselves, the further and further away we get from community

a community is a group of people interacting with one another.
culture is everything you believe and everything you do that enables you to identify with people who are like you and that distinguishes you from people who differ from you.

how do you define community

mwacker - norms

what does that mean - norms within a community
also intentional and unintentional

community exists whether we do something about it or not
it also happens with effort
hagel - create serendipity

people who feel or don't feel included in the community (figurative homeless)

what do you do to create an inclusive community

internal and external dimensions of culture
who are you
who do you serve
how do you serve them

now discover your strengths, buckingham (michelle) - of yourself and others - honor and value the skills that override changeable skills

easy to talk about grading policies/assessments/deliveries/practices
not easy to talk about the kid with deep problems or things with a student who is frustrating you with their behavior when you find out why
dynamics of community - that - what do we do with that, this is ed, we have things to move forward, we don't have time for that.

all the tools and such are great.. but what are you talking about and who are you talking to..

phone call to every 6th grader made more of an impact, than multi-blogging on tech tools, etc
