Wednesday, February 2, 2011

simon sinek

trust is a uniquely human experience, there's no check list
ie: most valuable possession on planet - children,
trust to babysit, someone you don't know with 10 yrs experience, rather someone within your community w/little experience?
we pick the 16 yr old we know.
why don't we do that at work - why do we rely on a paper vs community
why are we more obsessed with a resume, whether than - do you belong here

biggest challenge any organization has it its success
success begets forgetting the original vision

when stress goes up and passion goes down
you worked really hard in the beginning.. why didn't you feel it then

technology is incredible for so many things - but terrible for creating human relationships

since when is a person a luxury

we need hand-shake dialogues - where trust becomes the standard and not the exception

Simon you rock.

humanity 4.0 convo starting tomorrow, interested in how that pans out..
