Sunday, February 27, 2011

tacit knowledge

great find from Adam...
on tacit knowledge

They are among the most important
structures of any organization where thinking matters; but they are, almost
inevitably, subversive of its formal structures and strictures’ (Stewart

do not attempt to formalise your communities of practice (a surprisingly
common response). Instead, give them the time and space they need to do what they
do well. Stewart talks about how organisations need to ‘fertilise the ground but keep
away from the tending’. If you give the communities too many resources, this will
increase the pressure on them for outputs and defeat the whole point. The best way to
‘fertilise the ground’ for communities of practice is to recognise the important role they
play in the organisation, and then provide members the time and space they need to
come together.

Storytelling has been described as ‘possibly the most
effective way to convey knowledge and understanding
