Sunday, September 12, 2010

can ed scale?

@willrich45 posted: reality check

my response... can't get it to post there.. so here:

Postman - 40 years ago..
Asimov - 22 years ago - as well....
to me it just verifies we should. not - dang we'll never get there.

the difference... now we have a means to do what Postman and Asimov and Mitra and Papert.... and so many others could just talk about.

Shirky's cognitive surplus isn't just generosity... it's tech and generosity. Mitra didn't his experiments without tech. Papert's standard of individualization can't scale without web access.

i read an article today - about how stupid the web is making us.
that's silly. anything can make you stupid if you let it.
and the web certainly will if we do ed like we have in the past.
the overwhelming web + teaching a set curriculum + mandating a set time = ridiculous.
i'd want to disengage if the web was available and people made me disconnect - to learn.

instead - let's look at the potential of the web. Mitra says, with self-supervised access to the web we could change.
self- supervised... that's the key.
we need to learn the ways of the pro-amateurs, like James Bach. his Buccaneer-Scholar is a gold mine.

so we spend a few years in detox... learning how to self-learn. and that's it.
learning what you want to learn doesn't need to be marketed... there's natural hunger there. exponentiation of networks will scale. if we let people self-impose.

let's focus on the sort of people who don't want to power down.. who crave doing something that matters.. not the ones that keep telling us we can’t.
