Tuesday, September 14, 2010

chris anderson

crowd accelerated innovation

online video - learning innovation

web taught dancers dancing at the oscars
evolution of dance

cycles of improvement by people watching web videos
crowd excelerated innovation
the bigger the crowd the more potential
find the crowd, light in the light, dial up the desire
on the web - all 3 dials are ratcheted right up, esp the desire level
hardest part - light - you have to open up -it's by giving a way your deepest secret, in order to improve it
at ted  - radical openness works
we're a social species, we spark off each other

what is underreported - is the significance of the rise of online video, this is the tech that is going to allow the rest of the world's talents to share their talents, which launches a whole new brand of innovation
1st few yrs of web, video free, because so large, but bandwidth has exploded
video packs a huge amount of data and our brains are uniquely wired to decode it

unicycle  - can't communicate in words - but through video, global community unites

jove  - scientists peer review via video

that nonverbal portion is some serious magic

the primal medium that your brain was wired for, just went global
1st time in human history, students can sit in front of the world's finest

change in ed will take many educators, but they are out there, in the crowd, and the crowd is switching on lights and we can see them for the first time

chris has always been an inspiring guy - but now, we get to see them
i love this, ted's now immersed with video of others talking as well.

