Monday, September 6, 2010

tsd innovation lab

                        The TSD
Currently the lab involves .4% of our district's students.
Students are creating/enhancing their own projects/courses.
The goal: learners own the learning.

The premise is for a student to create their own class/tribe/community,
with expert tutor(s) and mentors
for a project/action/course
they are choosing to research and/or act upon.
The Lab is a hatchery for
learning innovations.
We are working with Dr. James Folkestad at CSU via participatory action research,
in order to create/document a cohesive structure
to validate and scale/share our findings.
Lab participants have a daily commitment to research and growth,
to self-efficacy, and to an unquenchable thirst to
give back to our community.
Innovation has become a buzzword .
Invention and innovation are not the same.
Innovation is simply a better way to deliver value.
Often we don’t have to invent anything new to deliver value or solve a problem.
We have to get better at reconfiguring and combining existing capabilities to deliver value.
We have the inputs for innovation at our disposal.
Our focus needs to shift to the outputs.
Are there proof points that the solution works in the real worldand at scale?
We need to invest in platforms and tools to enable new model and system experiments.
We need to collaborate with unusual suspects across organizations, disciplines and sectors.
We need to organize safe zones where we can try new approaches in the real world
  designed around the end user.