Wednesday, September 22, 2010

steven berlin johnson

on ted: where good ideas comes from -
what is the space of creativity:

shared patterns of creativity and innovation.
have to steer away from which our content and metaphor and verbiage describe this now..
now = an idea is a single thing.
but in fact - and idea is a network on the most elemental level.
how do you get your brain into environments where these networks can perform.

infant mortality rates - tech is there.
problem - it will work for 2 yrs then break - because you don't have the systerm and 40000 dollars to fix it.
what are the abundant resources in these developing companies
seem to have expertise to keep cars working.
so - could we build an incubator built from car parts.
all you need are spare parts and ability to fix a headlight.

 the spaces that have tended to lead to innovation.. look very chaotic... filled with people with many different backgrounds.
people are notoriously unreliable when they report on where they have had their best ideas.
dunbar - video taped everyone when doing jobs and tried to figure out where most important ideas happened.
most break through ideas happened at the conference table when they shared their ideas - mostly their mistakes... led to innovation.
people want to tell the story of the eureka moment.
a lot of important ideas have very long incubation periods.. sometimes for decades.
interesting ideas but not tools yet... or one piece missing.. darwin - natural selection.
howard gruver - found darwin's full theory months and months before he claimed his eureka moment.

fade into view over a long period of time.
so how do you create space for these ideas to ferment..
allow those hunches to connect with other people's hunches.
we should spend at least as much time if not more valuing the connecting of ideas rather than protecting them.
