Monday, November 15, 2010


great post on from leslie lindballe

i love this:
Presently our information is increasing exponentially, and knowledge seems elusive in a sea of post-modern relativism.  Siemens and Downes posit it is not that knowledge has been submerged under this wash of information, but that we are now able to see the non-propositional nature of knowledge as it really is.
In connectivism, knowledge is emergent from the connections between entities.  It is not a static thing that can be pinned down in words for all time, but contextual, process-driven, and constantly shifting.  This depiction of knowledge as something of an organic entity is reflected in the language of connectivism: connections and networks are grown and nurtured rather than constructed or formed.

Siemens and Downes argue that the connections between entities are more important than the information passed between entities.

In teaching students how to grow their own set of connections, professors liberate their students...
