Tuesday, January 13, 2015


"My alma mater is the Chicago Public Library."  - David Mamet  http://t.co/ftpEDRMDoi   (cc @trimtab2)

Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/philshapiro/status/554499273858220033


WONDERFUL. thanks Rohan RT @rohanmwilliams "11 Life Lessons from Amanda Palmer's The Art of Asking"http://t.co/OU3Lzi8pQA

Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/amandapalmer/status/554509001921003520



Britt Warg (@Britt_W)
1/11/15 7:48 AM
World leaders should walk arm in arm more often. Amazing footage.#CharlieHebdo #Paris

Dave Dixon (@DaveDixon4)
1/11/15 7:47 AM
A million genuine souls forced to stand behind a bunch of hypocrites.pic.twitter.com/mGUVbaYop5

was very next tweet

Gabriella Coleman (@BiellaColeman)
1/11/15 7:54 AM
Social engineering and hacking: "Don't do it to cause necessary mayhem" [just necessary mayhem]

Michael Kaplan (@mkaplanPMP)
1/11/15 7:49 AM
Be an optimist at all times. The optimist sees challenges as specific, while the pessimist sees them as pervasive.

Mark Jansen (@greenEnvSciThr)
1/11/15 4:59 AM
Lessig Nails It!\Letz make sure 30 leaderz nCon-gress c this #BigIdea bout Gov't nElectionz\Vote&RT! thinkbig.us/ideas/17011/

Melissa Techman (@mtechman)
1/11/15 7:57 AM
@Call_Me_Doyle @mdawriter I was thinking in larger sense - all students - schools fiddling w small stuff, while systems remain unchanged.

Francesco Carollo (@Innovandiamo)
1/11/15 7:58 AM
Ilya Sermin Used Cold Emails To Get Datayze Funded By Mark Cuban And Google - Business Insider buff.ly/1xFaRkH

The New York Times (@nytimes)
1/11/15 5:51 AM
The Depression’s Unheeded Lessonsnyti.ms/1BP435u

GianpieroPetriglieri (@gpetriglieri)
1/11/15 7:58 AM
We'd love to see our leaders advancing arm in arm when it comes to realize, not only to protect, our dreams. Signed, your European idealists

Co.Exist (@FastCoExist)
1/11/15 7:00 AM
This physicist knows which American cities are going to thrive--and which will fail f-st.co/DhwbHngpic.twitter.com/UvFYhlGjXh

@Bali_Maha @bonstewart @slamteacher @Jessifer @chris_friend @HybridPed I think (Sean would say) do what you’re comfortable with. Your voice.

Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/krisshaffer/status/554714385994625024


“An Old Fogey’s Analysis of a Teenager’s View on Social Media” by @zephoria https://t.co/bPlg6URe65

Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/quinnnorton/status/554717913177784321

Had a lovely time with @CaraSantaMaria talking about @ahumanright #education #bionics and more.  Give it a listen http://t.co/pjykkoYebo

Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/kgram/status/554719634213990401


Jeremy Scahill appeared on Democracy Now! today (watch herehttp://bit.ly/1C9V1OH and here http://bit.ly/14rPPdz) and posted a new piece at The Intercept (read here: http://bit.ly/14MLhzC) on the attacks in Paris, possible links to Yemen and Anwar al-Awlaki, and the "circus of hypocrisy" of having world leaders like Bibi and Sisi lead a march in defense of free expression.


maybe they come with that in them.

i'm perpetuating a disconnection from themselves and an inner guidance

getting to that still small voice

.@TheSyriaCmpgn @nellokie UNDP asked me to bring the @hexayurt a few months ago, then cancelled it. I could have stopped this. I still can.

Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/leashless/status/554783834898980864

Please share: @carlmalamud has an amazing plan to rescue American law from PACER paywall #AaronSwartz fought against. http://t.co/UIRH89tg6l

Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/xeni/status/554785620162134016

@leashless @TheSyriaCmpgn @nellokie @hexayurt well it goes to show that technical solutions exist but political ones do not

Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/zaidhassan/status/554786958460063746

In tears watching "The Evolution of a Criminal."  The biography is so complex...just like mine.  Thank you, @daclamo . #criminalevolution

Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/marlon_79/status/554849278989197312

Mass surveillance will never be able to stop all known terrorists http://t.co/i2B11fGW0R <— well worth a read. #SnoopersCharter

Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/Documentally/status/555000325028192256

Scott McLeod (@mcleod)
1/13/15 7:00 AM
Language Translation Tech Starts to Deliver on Its Promisebit.ly/14tzjtC #edtech

United Nations (@UN)
1/13/15 7:05 AM
With recent attacks & influxes, UNHCR says Chad is now hosting over 10,000 Nigerian @Refugeestrib.al/XLd1YrJ pic.twitter.com/MhhBpuINSv

Shadi Hamid (@shadihamid)
1/13/15 6:56 AM
9. And after a tragedy like Paris, tendency is to double down on a particular conception of national identity, rather than broadening it.

Hybrid Pedagogy (@HybridPed)
1/13/15 5:00 AM
“My attention to language is most faithful…when my eyes & ears work together.” —@JLSircyhybridpedagogy.com/journal/faithf… pic.twitter.com/rGkj6QKoGP

Michel Bauwens (@mbauwens)
1/13/15 7:27 AM
Fairness and the Commons, an Interview with Enric Duran | Commons Transitionow.ly/Hfafk

Cory Doctorow (@doctorow)
1/13/15 7:26 AM
1009 words on UTOPIA (working title), a novel for adults #dailywords [total to date: 201169]

Milad Kawas Cale (@miladkawas)
1/7/15 3:06 AM
By far, #Turkey#Sweden and #Germany are the leading nations in terms of responding to the humanitarian disaster in #Syria. Thanks.

Bill Fitzgerald (@funnymonkey)
1/12/15 10:43 PM
"people targeted do not have the luxury of disengaging" ohdeargodbees.tumblr.com/post/107838639… from @TheQuinnspiracy // teaching kids about tech? Read this.