Saturday, December 14, 2013


Leave it to @easegill to start my day in such a poignant way!!! The power of music #ds106radio

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Philip Auerswald (@auerswald)
12/13/13 7:00 AM
RT @James_Kpatrick: These two books contain the sum total of all human

Milton Ramirez (@tonnet)
12/13/13 7:01 AM
"We need to stop putting words in the mouths of #children and pretending that they’re theirs."

Sonia Livingstone (@Livingstone_S)
12/13/13 7:01 AM
Communication expenditure per household - the same services cost least in UK, most in Germany…

  • Mid contract price rises: In October, Ofcom issued guidance that consumers and small businesses should be allowed to leave their landline, mobile or broadband contracts without penalty if providers increase the cost of monthly subscription price deals.

that's not penalty..?

Milton Ramirez (@tonnet)
12/13/13 7:02 AM
The Complete Guide to Twitter Lingo [Infographic]

Paolo Costa (@paolocosta)
12/12/13 11:22 PM
Per @barrywellman l'individualismo non è un difetto delle reti sociali online. Ne è semmai la cifra fondamentale. @MichelaEremita @TwLuciaM

per @ barrywellman individualism is not a defect of online social networks. It is rather the key figure

nancyflanagan (@nancyflanagan)
12/13/13 7:25 AM
The Nate Silver Of Education: Bruce (@SchlFinance101) Baker on
"never-ending flow of mis/disinformation out there”…

kipp price chart

uncommon is 2nd

James  Beckmann 

Miles Berry (@mberry)
12/13/13 7:26 AM
How cool is this? @Ofstednews's lead for computing and ICT is now on twitter:@DavidBrownHMI

sterlace (@sterlace)
12/13/13 7:06 AM
@tonnet @feedly Do you think it's more complicated than the fact that it's hard for teachers to relinquish control?

only that it's hard for admin, school board, dept of Ed... money managers et al.. parents... to relinquish control...

Krishnamurti speaks to all..

The day is beautiful. I am healthy and loved. I am aware enough to appreciate it all. Life is good.

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@intrepidteacher I love you & I've never met you! Or talked with you. I know you only through your tweets. Who you are comes through

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@intrepidteacher @hrheingold humanity is pretty simple, when you think of it, no? just reaching out and touching. I love it, sometimes.

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bacigalupe (@bacigalupe)
12/13/13 8:37 PM
A child or teen dies or is injured from guns every 30…

Rovy Branon (@rovybranon)
12/14/13 7:15 AM
500Mbps Internet over phone lines might solve fiber's "last mile" problem | Ars

Lolly Daskal (@LollyDaskal)
12/14/13 7:15 AM
JOIN US on #leadfromwithin tweetchat TOPIC: "HOW DO WE CREATE MEANING?" with@LollyDaskal and @PanteliT starts @8pm est.

do we create it...?
or listen for it...?

Dionne Lew (@DionneLew)
12/14/13 4:48 AM
Why being kind is more important than being right #kindness

haven't read yet... but...
kindness is always right..
rightness ... is it ever right...?
for 100% of humanity..

Jonathan Becker (@jonbecker)
12/14/13 7:16 AM
@EvidenceElf @irasocol have you looked at the individual items on the Grit scales? I find it disconcerting, too.

Ira Socol (@irasocol)
12/14/13 7:00 AM
Sorry @EvidenceElf the more I look into Angela Duckworth, the more disturbed I its ugly colonialist stuff

s Galton (1892) suggested, the inclination to pursue especially challenging aims over months, years, and even decades is distinct from the capacity to resist “the hourly temptations,” pursuits which bring momentary pleasure but are immediately regretted

oh my.. only because we've never set someone (in our test/research) group free long enough... and/or we've never let the goal be 100% curiosity/person/gut driven..

meaning... truly starts from persons gut... with option to change mind 24/7..
the it is me ness..

perhaps it would blow you away... but am thinking (via Krishnamurti et al). invisible to the eye.. in need of x d glasses... no doubt...

ie:to adults pushing all this.... how long does your "grit". self-control" last while listening to seemingly nothing....?

there's never nothing going on....
lets listen for that... no...?

we prototyped this intensive... year 1and 2 of lab...

Grit is the tendency to sustain interest in and effort toward very long-term goals

via who...?

unless long term goal is yourself... can't imagine it being sustainable...

Self-control is the voluntary regulation of behavioral, emotional, and attentional impulses in the presence of momentarily gratifying temptations or diversions.

my guess 99% ish people don't believe self control is voluntary... meaning... most people don't believe it's legal to think for themselves...

ie: I would venture to say I've been pretty self controlled my whole life... but not till age 45 sh... did I start deciding what/how/why to do... things.
very sad.
I can't keep on perpetuating that.. it's like I did 45 yrs of dis service...
all the while thinking I was making people happy...

You know what would be creepier than growling robots? Viruses.

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At the end of the day, people who tap into their deep intrinsic motivations are much more (PDF) likely to succeed on long-term projects and hit loftier goals than those who are powered by the praise of others. Focus on achieving your vision first, and you’ll be more visible than you can imagine.
posted on fb by john hagel



that it happens in the city. as the day. - more vital than any plans we'd make now.. no?