Tuesday, December 31, 2013








My talk “We Need to Talk About TED” published as an op-ed by The Guardian.theguardian.com/commentisfree/


David Weinberger (@dweinberger)
12/30/13 7:50 AM
Can amateur science make a comeback given the proliferation of security rules and red tape?science.slashdot.org/story/13/12/30… #TooBigToKnow

shrkey (@shrkey)
12/30/13 7:50 AM
So, erm, this got funded :) -indiegogo.com/projects/no-mo…

Harvard University (@Harvard)
12/30/13 7:50 AM
"I wanted to give some deserving kids an opportunity to reach as high as they can go”hvrd.me/rKpIW

who's not deserving..
let's fix that.
we can.
kudos to this guy.. but let's do equity..

Mark Barnes (@markbarnes19)
12/30/13 7:52 AM
What #school reformers can learn from Pope Francisbuff.ly/1fTjYTK

spaces of permission w/nothing to prove - no judgment

Jim Cordery (@jcordery)
12/30/13 6:32 AM
"Merely Posting Objectives, and other Pointless Ideas" by@grantwiggins
Post it and they will learn doesn't work!
Think about any long meeting. We have an agenda not only to remind us of what we must accomplish but what action items should follow. Why is that useful to provide a written agenda at the start – and, importantly, keep referring to? Because we easily lose track of time or focus unwisely on less important matters than the goals require.

In other words, an ongoing reminder of larger purpose (and a double-check on whether current talk is on-task and a good use of our time) is always wise, given human propensity to get lost in the moment
agenda/curiosity... begs to emerge from within each person....

Alas, having hundreds of times asked students in class Why are you doing and learning this?  I cay say that the results are not pretty. I dunno is the most common. (Older kids sometimes sullenly retort: I dunno; go ask the teacher.) And this is often in schools where there are posters on the wall or objectives on the board.

or research way back when... standing outside AP classrooms...
most couldn't tell you what just went on...

So, while the intent of the poster policy makes sense, there is little or no benefit to merely requiring the posting. That gets it all backward, as the agenda analogy suggests. The posting is a means; the end is understanding of the meaning of the work and a way to stay on track. So, merely requiring the posting shows that the policy is really not for the learners at all but for the satisfaction of supervisors to make us all think that focused learning is happening (by osmosis?).
So, merely requiring the posting shows that the policy is really not for the learners at all but for the satisfaction of supervisors to make us all think that focused learning is happening (by osmosis?).
But, Grant: even you suggest that teachers post Essential Questions!
That’s just 1 way to keep goals in view. I’m fine with posting it, but posting it isn’t the point. A reason for highlighting Essential Questions is to help students keep the broader goals and value of the immediate learning in view, to connect specifics to bigger ideas and issues which are easily lost in more specific lessons. 


That’s just 1 way to keep goals in view. I’m fine with posting it, but posting it isn’t the point. A reason for highlighting Essential Questions is to help students keep the broader goals and value of the immediate learning in view, to connect specifics to bigger ideas and issues which are easily lost in more specific lessons. So, in a unit on the writer’s craft, it makes sense for the teacher – and, eventually on their own, the students – to continually refer back to the Essential Question – whether it be on a poster, in one’s notes, or on a Google Doc: How do good authors hook and hold the attention of the reader? When the EQ is prominent, by whatever means – various Turn and Talk prompts, an exit slip, after each specific reading is considered, etc. – the available document is helpful.

oh my.

one’s notes, or on a Google Doc: How do good authors hook and hold the attention of the reader


Like an agenda, the EQ is there to remind all of us to self-assess, make inquiries, and take notes on the priority question as we engage in discrete and easily tunnel-vision-inducing activities.


time to let go of the (assumed) priority question ... no..?

The student has to be helped to understand the importance of what is written and referred to, in other words, not merely see it as a label for the activities. And that’s just what a good EQ does: it provides a larger perspective and a binding focus to the  otherwise unconnected ‘content’.

oh my..
so answer to author question... mandate it.. make it illegal to not recite back and/or appear to be engaged...

And that’s just what a good EQ does: it provides a larger perspective and a binding focus to the  otherwise unconnected ‘content’.

unless the eq is unconnected itself... ie:not written ... asked ... by learner


.@moehlert one of my resolutions at this turn of the year is 2 hoard ideas less, so much more 2 say on this. hard 2 express all in tweets :)

Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/jerrymichalski/status/418036242282852352

.@moehlert u bet :). 1) Consumerization means simplification, making clunky easier; 2) C means making everything like selling Cheerios

Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/jerrymichalski/status/418035543570513921

Lisa Nielsen (@InnovativeEdu)
12/31/13 8:11 AM
Looking back and forward at my New Year predictions for educationnblo.gs/SrxXS


is there really grandiose.. ness? when we look to our souls..

Fave tweet of 2013: MT @mollycrabapple Avoid burnout by creating things meant to be read in 20 years, not eclipsed by controversy in 20 hrs.

Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/maudnewton/status/418070485742530561

The Priority Boxes on the iconic screens of #TimesSquare #NYC #NYE #peaceboxes http://t.co/5YUObV2KNR

Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/PeaceBoxes/status/418085294827917313

When the copyright industries don't get the laws they want, they've turned to "voluntary" agreements in 2013.https://t.co/7E2c2XQ4jF

Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/EFF/status/418085597383626752

Seth's Blog: Broken English

Seth's Blog: Broken English

Monday, December 30, 2013


“Unease, anxiety, tension, stress, worry - all forms of fear - are caused by too much future, and not enough presence.” -  Eckhart Tolle

Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/danpallotta/status/417498855283130369

eight inspiring examples of urban art

Mass suicide attempt on Tiananmen Square: six petitioners drink pesticide http://t.co/aTJAlw63fU

Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/limlouisa/status/417420535832645632

70 journalists died on the job in 2013 http://t.co/DIzfbZnGDu

Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/TheNewsChick/status/417522723590397953

13 fearless teens

audrey's top 10 tech start ups

on perfectionism ..

Ruby Ku (@rubyku)
12/30/13 7:27 AM
Austin transit woes: We can't build our way outbit.ly/18TFB7t

Lorri Peltz-Lewis (@lapeltz)
12/29/13 8:17 PM
"Cubelets: Small robots teach big science lessons - Science360 News Service | National Science Foundation" news.science360.gov/obj/video/36c6…

HuffPostEducation (@HuffPostEdu)
12/30/13 7:30 AM
15 things you need to do freshman year of collegehuff.to/1egk73A

 Hold on tightly to that feeling of not knowing anything. 

Inside Higher Ed (@insidehighered)
12/30/13 7:34 AM
As college application deadlines approach, will the new Common App be up to the task?insidehighered.com/news/2013/12/3…

imagine the whole sr year... or whenever..not being spent on this,..
life/via app as a trail.. while you do/be awesome ness that matter to you..

NationSwell (@nationswell)
12/30/13 7:35 AM
"In the past, the city paid its mayor; Mr. Bloomberg paid to be the city’s mayor."nytimes.com/2013/12/30/nyr…

Shauna Reisewitz (@shaunareisewitz)
12/28/13 1:47 AM
Our time on Earth is a grand gift not to be squandered. Grace Llewellyn. Free your teen. Hack/unschool #teens#parenting

nancyflanagan (@nancyflanagan)
12/30/13 7:35 AM
Donald Sutherland wants "Hunger Games" to stir a revolution. Good luck w/ that. But--right revolution, anyway. theguardian.com/film/2013/nov/

mockingjay.. happening..

Professor K (@HeideggerFan)
12/30/13 7:41 AM
@readywriting @pankisseskafka This cannot continue. I've been living this near-poverty nightmare for 10 years - even w/a full-time position.

Michael Josefowicz (@toughLoveforx)
12/30/13 7:42 AM
@PredictSwan Seems to me the distribution strings are in place. Indian diaspora is just one.. perhaps multilingual like Ghandi...

Dibyendu De (@PredictSwan)
12/30/13 7:43 AM
@toughLoveforx Sure. Our site is about rapidinnovation & we have young technology ppl who might be interested.

Susan Baroncini-Moe (@suebmoe)
12/30/13 7:33 AM
If you're going to connect your #business to a cause, make sure you're really doing good for the world and not just #marketing.

dennehypr (@dennehypr)
12/30/13 7:28 AM
I just donated to the Framingham Mural by Bica project on @Citizinvestor - Join me in donating here:citizinvestor.com/project/downto…

can we iterate more... go even deeper than this...? so all forms of marketing disperse...

MindShareNews (@MindShareNews)
12/30/13 7:45 AM
#Canadian #teachers deadline for Digital Learning Video Challenge 2014 is JANUARY 31. #win over $50k in #Tech #Prizes mindsharelearning.ca/videochallenge…

 In addition, “in accordance with Hendy’s Law (a derivative of Moore’s Law), pixel count per dollar for digital cameras has been doubling approximately every twelve months. This 

same as throw money at this art.  project.   etc... no...?

Global Voices (@globalvoices)
12/30/13 7:44 AM
Chinese President Xi Jinping Eats Steam Buns bit.ly/Kd8GQc "with the common people"

joebires (@joebires)
12/29/13 6:00 PM
"We Are Creating Walmarts of Higher Education"
walmart may be a problem for the employees but not for the customers

or both...
the web we weave ness...

of dependency...

Michael Josefowicz (@toughLoveforx)
12/30/13 7:47 AM
@PredictSwan So the non profit piece is already in place. I think I read Indian diaspora can easily invest in Indian businesses. True?

Al Jazeera America (@ajam)
12/30/13 7:47 AM
Photos: Dual bomb blasts in Volgograd kill over two dozen (Reuters) alj.am/19W0uNLpic.twitter.com/7ezUS9y9Hv

Digg (@digg)
12/30/13 6:07 AM
The U.S. is falling dangerously behind in offering high-speed, affordable broadband service:di.gg/1cBUDOr

In terms of Internet speed and cost, “ours seems completely out of whack with what we see in the rest of the world,” said Susan Crawford, a law professor at Yeshiva University in Manhattan, a former Obama administration technology adviser and a leading critic of American broadband.
The World Economic Forum ranked the United States 35th out of 148 countries in Internet bandwidth, a measure of available capacity in a country. Other studies rank the United States anywhere from 14th to 31st in average connection speed.
Generally, fast broadband is considered anything above 10 megabits a second.
In Riga, speeds average 42 megabits a second, but many users had service of 100 to 500 megabits as of mid-December, according to Ookla. In San Antonio, broadband speeds average about 16 megabits a second. While higher speeds are available through cable television or phone companies, the expense is such that many households in the city cannot afford a connection.

Sabrina Stevens (@TeacherSabrina)
12/30/13 7:48 AM
@realsaramerica@ParentsUnitedPA Love Helen's answer to the stupid question at the end. I HATE that false paradigm!” Best ever, right??

It's a scale-able answer easily reproducible that demos my college and career ready vocabulary skills.

✜ Stephen Ransom (@ransomtech)
12/30/13 7:48 AM
This is why I don’t like the “rock star”/guru badge tossed around. “The Red Flag Of Self-Proclamation”dculberh.wordpress.com/2013/12/29/the…

HuffPost Impact (@HuffPostImpact)
12/30/13 7:49 AM
Japan's homeless recruited for Fukushima clean uphuff.to/1ggd0ce

oh my...

Jose Antonio Vargas (@joseiswriting)
12/30/13 7:49 AM
.@michellemalkin, happy holidays to you and your family. Can we finally meet for adobo dinner and talk #immigration in 2014?!?

more than one story ness..?

michelle cordy

Hacking The Classroom with Michelle Cordy, aka, "Teacher on an Urgent Quest" from DML Research Hub on Vimeo.

via http://dmlcentral.net/blog/howard-rheingold/hacking-classroom-michelle-cordy-aka-%E2%80%9Cteacher-urgent-quest%E2%80%9D

we need to get into the source code for education and just start rewriting it..

7 min – when learners aren’t the one’s deciding the questions/curiosities/itch.. they they lose touch
9:57 – asides to yourself – to model thinking about thinking

Seth's Blog: The geek chorus

Seth's Blog: The geek chorus

Sunday, December 29, 2013




Conservative groups spent one billion this year to fight action on climate change. I gave $100 to @350. #scarymath http://t.co/ynMESjmRrz

Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/astradisastra/status/417021389485264896

Chinese rural migrants' life is also closely connected with the train system. http://t.co/ME5JK8tN3z

Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/amberwanguk/status/416501722773610496


“Most of our ancestors didn’t use money very much, not for food, shelter, clothing, or entertainment. All these were done by people helping each other out in the family or extended family,

Robert Scoble (@Scobleizer)
12/28/13 7:24 PM
This Silicon Valley startup will blow you away like it did me: @metaglassesplus.google.com/+Scobleizer/po… Future of wearable glasses?

James Rhodes (@JRhodesPianist)
12/29/13 7:43 AM
My 3 New Year Resolutions (hopefully in glorious HD)
1. Kindness
2. Self-belief
3. Improvement at the piano

You guys?

Brendan Murphy (@dendari)
12/29/13 7:35 AM
RT @courosa: Here's a really great short video about a kid's experience with #ADHD - must watch.youtube.com/watch?v=Bq1iXU… True story of ADHD

Aron Solomon (@aronsolomon)
12/29/13 7:36 AM
Love this @beltzner piece (via @markzohar) "Why I Want Bitcoin to Die in a Fire"antipope.org/charlie/blog-s…

Al Jazeera America (@ajam)
12/29/13 7:36 AM
Glenn Greenwald lambasts media for complacency after NSA leaksalj.am/Ke5uU1

"[W]e knew in particular that one of our most formidable adversaries was not simply going to be the intelligence agencies on which we were reporting and who we were trying to expose but also their most loyal, devoted servants, which calls itself the United States and British media," Greenwald said."For me, in terms of personal satisfaction, the mission's already accomplished," he told the Post. "I already won. As soon as the journalists were able to work, everything that I had been trying to do was validated. Because, remember, I didn't want to change society. I wanted to give society a chance to determine if it should change itself."because, remember, I didn't want to change society. I wanted to give society a chance to determine if it should change itself
On Friday, a New York-based federal judge ruled that the NSA's programs were constitutional, and did not violate the privacy of Americans.
That ruling was in stark contrast to another federal judge's ruling this month that said the NSA was likely in violation of the U.S. constitution.
And while the Obama administration has expressed some desire to reform the NSA's data collection, no policy changes have been put into place. Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., announced this week that the Senate Judiciary Committee, which he chairs, will hold a hearing Jan. 14 on the findings of a presidential task force about the NSA's sprawling program.
But because of the relative inaction on a federal level, and the disparate outcomes of the federal court cases, it has become increasingly likely the ultimate fate of the NSA's programs will be decided by the U.S. Supreme Court.

Glyn Moody (@glynmoody)
12/29/13 2:43 AM
Capturing images of bystanders by zooming in on pictures of corneas - bit.ly/1cehM8y & they will only get more detailed
 In addition, “in accordance with Hendy’s Law (a derivative of Moore’s Law), pixel count per dollar for digital cameras has been doubling approximately every twelve months. This 

Aaron Thiell (@althiell)
12/29/13 7:38 AM
Via @nprnews: Closing The 'Word Gap' Between Rich And Poorn.pr/1afzyFe

unless.. we aren't heading (in our souks) toward academic/economic success as we know it.
if instead.. we re headed toward what our sous crave.. attachment and authenticity...fewer words in a tight knit p"poor" family .. mean much more.
community as curriculum ish 

Nigel Cameron (@nigelcameron)
12/29/13 7:39 AM
A caution. But feel free to use my selfies. RT @JeffSheehan: How Using Google Images Can Cost You $8K @MarkRaganCEO bit.ly/15Qlh0z

so why copyright.. who owns what? 
imagine no possessions..
we really prefer fighting over moneys..? what might we be doing instead..?

 @AlysColeKing @thebestjoan thanks for the work you do❤️

Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/jackandraka/status/417373575184932867

Top Ed-Tech Trends of 2013: What Counts "For Credit" http://t.co/LWM74thXhc

Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/hackeducation/status/417378123689099264

"The most powerful way to change the world is to live our lives in front of our children in the way we would like the world to be." -- Graham R White,

"It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit." — Harry Truman

Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/grantspanier/status/415867123852775425


so french use coercion and abuse rather than pills?

not following..  tell me more..

Science Friday@scifri
"all children have an intact sense of wonder...something dreadful happens to students between 1st & 12th grades"bit.ly/KaVzPA