Saturday, February 13, 2010

if i were king for a day

found this in my drafts...  ok - queen does sound better...

1. i'd stop the world for a week - a siesta - for pd and innovation and one marketing plan - all ages - [yes - specific to school.. but wouldn't the world change quite a bit, if we played differently at school?]

2. the new professional development
we all take a week off to read - 
a. linchpin (aka - how to save your job) - 
b. tribes (how to run class - your business).

3. one of many - now freed, acknowledged, craved, realized, ... innovation plans:
for school - empower kids to own the learning.

4. one of many - now freed, acknowledged, craved, realized, ... marketing plans:
tell stories. share stories of success... let the remarkableness (refrigerator worthiness) of those stories trickle to the places where decisions are made.

the people refreshingly said, ... ta da..
and no one even asked about capitalization.