Tuesday, July 30, 2013

idec 2013 program (pdf)

The ‪#‎IDEC2013‬ Program Has Arrived. Get excited!

Sunday, July 28, 2013

tweets - rich - ness

Jason Fried (@jasonfried)
7/26/13 3:14 PM
I recommend watching Inge Druckrey: Teaching to See. It's 40 minutes very well spent -->vimeo.com/45232468

George Siemens (@gsiemens)
7/26/13 3:17 PM
"Just asking that question is an insult to dedicated faculty members at universities everywhere." slate.com/articles/techn… via @jhrees

While providing a free education to the world is a noble thought, there's very little money in it. 

oh my.
I don't recall money making being the force behind these Canadians...

Ben Berkowitz (@benberkowitz)
7/26/13 3:23 PM
@nicco awesome. Just picked up my father's Steinway from storage. Time to learn how to play.

how many treasures do we have packed away - begging to be played?

Meenoo Rami (@meenoorami)
7/25/13 7:26 AM
What if you wrote the book you needed right now? What would it be about?#engchat #titletalk

a lab (mindset) book - in the city. as the day.

Jurgen Lust (@JurgenLust)
7/27/13 6:51 AM
Star Trek komt steeds dichterbij.m.demorgen.be/dm/m/nl/5401/M…

Nigel Cameron (@nigelcameron)
7/27/13 6:51 AM
THIS; superb. RT @MikeNelson RT @DrTonyWagner: Warren Buffett son tells it like it is. Charitable-Industrial Complex nyti.ms/1e17oPK

And with more business-minded folks getting into the act, business principles are trumpeted as an important element to add to the philanthropic sector. I now hear people ask, “what’s the R.O.I.?” when it comes to alleviating human suffering, as if return on investment were the only measure of success.

spot on.

more lives and communities are destroyed by the system that creates vast amounts of wealth for the few, the more heroic it sounds to “give back.” It’s what I would call “conscience laundering” — feeling better about accumulating more than any one person could possibly need to live on by sprinkling a little around as an act of charity

umair haque (@umairh)
7/27/13 1:10 PM
Poor is the new rich.

Peter Vander Auwera (@petervan)
7/28/13 6:39 AM
I’m Still Waiting for My Phone to Become My Walletnyti.ms/14VvZGc

The biggest problem for paying by cellphone is that so many kinds of businesses are competing to offer services. Companies as varied as phone carriers, banks, credit card companies and technology start-ups have had plans to get into the mobile payment business, but many are locking horns over who can profit the most, Mr. Dawson said.
“Everyone wants to be the primary payments provider,” he said.
so sounds like Ed.. no?
Part of the reason that Starbucks’ own app works so well is that the company invested significantly to build out the infrastructure in its stores — sleek phone-scanning kiosks and mobile apps that work reliably and efficiently.
Clinkle, a start-up, has persuaded a notable roster of venture capitalists to funnel $25 million into its mysterious and forthcoming mobile payment services. And a new company, Lemon, is working on its own digital wallet

cool. but for 20 mill.. why don't we first invest in 7mill people..
trusting them... then... to figure things that matter.. out.
imagine.. no waiting -ness

Peter Vander Auwera (@petervan)
7/28/13 6:41 AM
Your Body Is The Computer onforb.es/15UqnsAvia @Forbes

free to 7 bill users .. could roll out fall 2014?

doable. urgent. sustained thrivability for 100% of humanity.
start up... 20 mill 

Tony Wagner (@DrTonyWagner)
7/26/13 6:31 AM
Coming soon to a college near you: accountability!nyti.ms/12ZGqD2
“If it’s really about improvement, why not let the institutions be anonymous?” Dr. Peterson said.
“If the purpose is for institutions to use the data from this test for self-improvement, you’re not going to get there,” he said by telephone from Berkeley. “But once it’s in the market these things are hard to unseat.”
He compared Ahelo to the SAT college entrance exam in the United States. “The SAT has long been shown to correlate poorly with academic success,” he said. “But it’s impossible to get rid of because so many colleges use it and there is no incentive to develop a better replacement.”
“Ahelo has, surprisingly, become highly controversial in recent months,” said Philip Altbach, director of the Center for International Higher Education at Boston College. “Many continue to wonder whether it is possible to obtain reliable data from countries with quite different approaches to the curriculum, different arrangements for access to higher education, and other variables.”

i find it crazy we can even utter things like this .. without seeing the correlation to an individual... you?
ie: possible to obtain reliable data from people with quite different approaches to life...no?

There has also been considerable criticism of Ahelo’s cost. So far, the O.E.C.D. has spent about $13 million on the project, even though there is no confirmation it will go ahead.

let's bet on the sync.. no?
let's bet on a humane narrative/experiment for 100% of humanity...
let's try a bold alternative.. to waking people up..
to a sustainable thrivability ..

He used the standardized test for 15-year-olds as an example.

oh my.. strike one..

Michael J. Feuer, dean of the graduate school of education at George Washington University, remains skeptical about the relevance of such tasks.
“There’s a fantasy about educational testing — that we can come up with a dipstick and know exactly what the oil level is,” he said by telephone from Washington. “In relying on test scores to make judgments about institutions, you end up undermining the morale of people who are being judged with only part of their story included.”

Dr. Schleicher shares that concern. “A tool you design for improvement gets corrupted when you use it for accountability,” he said.
Still, he seemed unfazed by the controversy. “I’ve been through the same thing with PISA,” he said. “In the beginning everybody said, ‘Not me!’ Now they are all part of it.”
“Ahelo is going to reveal the truth about quality in higher education,” he said. “Not everybody is going to like the results.”

Amber Rae (@heyamberrae)
7/26/13 6:31 AM
My path to fulfillment? Super simple. Listen to my intuition. Act. Repeat.

Anne McCrossan (@Annemcx)
7/26/13 6:34 AM
These guys just ripped a Banksy off a wall in Tottenham to sell it > Sincura: About Usbit.ly/14PY0z0 bbc.in/14PY9Cz #vile

Bert van Lamoen (@transarchitect)
7/26/13 6:34 AM
The strength of the team is each individual member. The strength of each member is the team.

Tony Wagner (@DrTonyWagner)
7/26/13 6:43 AM
Move to teach interdisciplinary social science courses in college to study and solve human problems. Need same for HS nyti.ms/18t5slY

One reason citizens, politicians and university donors sometimes lack confidence in the social sciences is that social scientists too often miss the chance to declare victory and move on to new frontiers. Like natural scientists, they should be able to say, “We have figured this topic out to a reasonable degree of certainty, and we are now moving our attention to more exciting areas.” But they do not.
I’m not suggesting that social scientists stop teaching and investigating classic topics like monopoly power, racial profiling and health inequality. But everyone knows that monopoly power is bad for markets, that people are racially biased and that illness is unequally distributed by social class. There are diminishing returns from the continuing study of many such topics. And repeatedly observing these phenomena does not help us fix them.
oh my.
we are unteachimg ourselves ... daily.. what the compulsory core has sketched in us. no?
things like this seem so obvious to someone who lives awake.. no?
It is time to create new social science departments that reflect the breadth and complexity of the problems we face as well as the novelty of 21st-century science. These would include departments of biosocial science, network science, neuroeconomics, behavioral genetics and computational social science. Eventually, these departments would themselves be dismantled or transmuted as science continues to advance.

evidence.. perhaps... that we re still.... missing it...

New social science departments could also help to better train students by engaging in new types of pedagogy. For example, in the natural sciences, even college freshmen do laboratory experiments. Why is this rare in the social sciences? When students learn about social phenomena, why don’t they go to the lab to examine them — how markets reach equilibrium, how people cooperate, how social ties are formed? Newly invented tools make this feasible. It is now possible to use the Internet to enlist thousands of people to participate in randomized experiments. This seems radical only because our current social science departments weren’t organized to teach this way.

once we ve created a department/title/et al... it's time to change.

experimenting in mass... already happening..
Claire.. girl at Ted women.. youth all over.

they didn't ask permission for a department title.. so we tend to not notice them...

just thinking - mocking jay-ness

@courosa Grad student: you're not just hiring me, you're hiring everyone connected to me. #edchat #tlchat #blc13

Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/joycevalenza/status/360756530896846848

RT @c_durley: Profound. It's insane to have a culture that rewards people for locking up their best work. @dweinberger #blc13

Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/courosa/status/360559738108379138

Seth's Blog: Perhaps you could just make something awesome instead

Seth's Blog: Perhaps you could just make something awesome instead

By that analysis, every Supreme Court chief justice, US president and New York City police chief is going to be a man. Forever more.
ha - or that we are even going to keep having those positions.. no?

Man reunites with Gorilla he raised as his son VIDEO

oh my.

Thursday, July 25, 2013


Gandhi Institute (@GandhiWorldwide)
7/24/13 6:15 AM
Human trafficking will not end until it ends in India:opnionx.blogspot.com/2013/07/foxnew…

But with 27 million modern-day slaves around the world, 100,000 of which are child prostitutes in the United States, why do the Dalits matter?
By bringing an end to human trafficking in the number one source and destination for human trafficking victims in the world, we can end trafficking across the globe.
The Dalits matter because human trafficking will not come to an end around the world, until it comes to an end in India.
Didn't the End It Movement already raise enough awareness of human trafficking to make a mark for 2013? Do we really need another organization shouting their anti-trafficking cause from the rooftops?
Yes, we do. And here's why:
- Buying and selling human beings is larger now than any other time in history, and it includes a global industry built on forcing children into sex.
- India is the epicenter of human trafficking—including 100 million people, with 1.2 million child prostitutes. It tops the list of countries when it comes to transit, destination and source of human trafficking victims. According to the United Nations, the most dangerous place in the world to a girl or woman is India.

- Two hundred thousand Indian children a year are sold into slavery, many by their parents for a mere $17 dollars.
- Dalits are uneducated and illiterate, and have been taught for hundreds of years that they are worthless. They have no idea the caste system, in which they are the bottom of the proverbial food chain, has beenoutlawed. They have no idea they have rights. They have no idea they are human.

tombarrett (@tombarrett)
7/24/13 6:19 AM
Today at 1pm at #blc13 you can come and chat to me about my book and I can sign one for you bit.ly/14sQk2X #staycurious

Publishing / Can Computers Keep Secrets? How a Six-Year-Old's Curiosity Could Change the World

Ewan McIntosh (@ewanmcintosh)
7/24/13 6:38 AM
Throughout #isummitconf keynote I'll refer to research & steps you might take in class. Many links are on our lab: notosh.com/lab/

@dweinberger speaks on the problems of atoms: they can only be in one place. That has shaped how we create knowledge. #BLC13

Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/Braddo/status/360419450371051520

Derryl Murphy (@derrylm)
7/23/13 6:45 PM
@doctorow This might be of interest to you. htl.li/nf9rE (High bandwidth, small town, community owned.)

Had a good conversation with BBC's Click about #Rewire and the limits of online tools:http://t.co/lhtGA4FUah

Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/EthanZ/status/359746804134326273

Saw @austinkleon 's book at the National Gallery in DC http://t.co/hKKrOb2TOD

Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/wcraghead/status/360114850405416960

Tony Wagner (@DrTonyWagner)
7/24/13 6:16 AM
@bhodge2727 I'm really enjoying Creating Innovators-what else should I read on the topic?" David Kelley, Keith Sawyer, Sr. Ken, Christensen

Sabrina Stevens (@TeacherSabrina)
7/23/13 6:49 PM
"I think that if a child has some kind of artistic experience early in life, they learn how to express themselves constructively.." #TEACH13

AJ Juliani (@ajjuliani)
7/23/13 6:22 AM
Average Internet speed up 17% year-over-year, finally pass 3 Mbps, while mobile data traffic doubled zite.to/18x1tkY

John Jones (@johnmjones)
7/19/13 7:13 AM
RT @zephoria: Why does Edward Snowden matter? Because "Whistleblowing Is the New Civil Disobedience" bit.ly/12S1RVF (by moi)

mine – computer scientist Nadia Heninger – flipped my thinking upside down with a simple argument: Snowden is offering the public a template for how to whistleblow; leaking information is going to be the civil disobedience of our age.

Thus, questioning authority by leaking information that shows that power is being abused becomes a more valuable and notable form of civil disobedience. As with all forms of civil disobedience, there are significant consequences. But when secrecy is what’s being challenged, the biggest risk is not being beaten by a police officer for staging an event, but being disappeared or silenced by the institutions being challenged or embarrassed. And thus, as much as I hate to accept it, becoming a diplomatic incident is extraordinarily powerful not just for self-protection, but also as a way to make sure that the media doesn’t lose interest in the issues at play

Peter Vander Auwera (@petervan)
7/18/13 6:28 AM
Viewing The Future Beyond Old Vantage Points bit.ly/1bKMPss via@JDeragon

slide 19ish... for every person on web ... two are not... Schmidt predicts 2020 for all

Inside Higher Ed (@insidehighered)
7/18/13 6:35 AM
Bachelor's-degree holders are less likely to be involved in and enthusiastic about their work:bit.ly/15JWU4b

John Love (@curiousjohn)
7/17/13 9:07 PM
You know you don’t want to visit a town when there are literally ZERO @Meetup groups in the surrounding 10 miles.

Global Voices (@globalvoices)
7/18/13 7:04 AM
Today's digest - Tainted School Lunches Kill Children in Indiaeepurl.com/CwygT

book shelves


the loft. no?

Seth's Blog: Your permanent record

Seth's Blog: Your permanent record

Perfect can't possibly be the goal, we're left with generous, important and human instead.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Why High Schoolers Should Be In Charge: Sam Levin at TEDxOxford

ray kurzweil - oxytocin research


The findings surprised the researchers, who were expecting oxytocin to modulate positive emotions in memory, based on its long association with love and social bonding.

john holt


Seth's Blog: The future is messy...

Seth's Blog: The future is messy...

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

amber rae - surrender

..in the ongoing search to understand, be understood, and plot our way forward, we get so caught up with proving that we forget about living.

The Anatomy of Average

The Anatomy of Average

Average seeks validation from “experts”.
Average awaits sufficient case study to prove that it’s worth it, and is therefore late to everything.
Average praises incremental change because it is afraid of revolution.

Seth's Blog: Q&A: The writing process

Seth's Blog: Q&A: The writing process

In the words my late friend Isaac Asimov shared with Carl Sagan, "You are my idea of a good writer because you have an unmannered style, and when I read what you write, I hear you talking."

Seth's Blog: Change the culture, change the world

Seth's Blog: Change the culture, change the world

hagel and van andera

The world enters a level of complexity that cannot be addressed anymore by conventional, binary, linear thinking.


There are many ways to think about complexity, but one key dimension is the degree of connection and interaction among participants. Thanks to the forces described above, we are more connected on a global scale than ever before. Not only are there more connections among more people, the speed of interactions has increased significantly, so that even small events in remote areas can propagate quickly, setting off cascades of events that evolve beyond anyone's expectations. 

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

tweets & such

Brad Ovenell-Carter (@Braddo)
7/15/13 6:10 PM
My sketchnotesa for day 1 at #ADE2013 are up on Basecamp and here ow.ly/mZFIN

Global Voices (@globalvoices)
7/17/13 7:04 AM
Today's digest - Artists Capture a Bloody Ramadan in Syriaeepurl.com/CsfKf

Maybe a start to open convo? RT @jgfong: To the anti-TFA folks at #FMFP2013, my open letter to you as a TFA staffer: http://t.co/SWRMWCHE0i

Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/DanaBennis/status/357145342866763776

Saul Kaplan (@skap5)
7/15/13 6:43 AM
The graffiti we get all bent out of shape about looks better than the billboard ads strewn around town.

"Most wouldn't comment on the record about Gates..because nearly..all have received grants from the foundation"http://t.co/pXYoEmdGvQ

Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/gsiemens/status/356754135254708225

theresagray (@theresagray)
7/13/13 7:02 AM
"Instead of Reading Education Books . . ." The learning behind Pixar movies! feedproxy.google.com/~r/JohnSpencer…

Teny Oded Gross (@tenygross)
7/13/13 7:00 AM
The Sadness Lingers, via @nytimesnyti.ms/16zgqj4

behind the breastbone, where the conscience can speak freely without fear of legal implications or social condemnation, surely there can be an admission that, if he’d done some things differently — like staying in his vehicle and not following the young man — Martin would still be alive t

Whatever the verdict in this case is, it must be respected. The lawyers presented the cases they had, presumably to the best of their abilities, and the jurors will presumably do their best to be fair.
or perhaps.. we completely change the system..no?

As Mahatma Gandhi once said: “There is a higher court than courts of justice and that is the court of conscience. It supersedes all other courts.”
In that court, it is hard to avoid righteous conviction. Maybe that’s part of God’s plan.
perhaps that is closer than we think.

Tony Wagner (@DrTonyWagner)
7/13/13 6:58 AM
Great commentary from @IgnatianEd on the need for meaning makers as well as makers today.mydesert.co/18TUBAN

TonySearl (@TonySearl)
7/12/13 3:45 PM
Interview: Ben Lee -- 'It's Not About Psychedelics, It's About Being Fre...: youtu.be/VQD38WPAYDY via@YouTube

“There is a war that makes us adore our conquerors and despise ourselves.” 
― Arundhati Roy, The God of Small Things

Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/jeremyscahill/status/355726036790550528

Never believe the cynics. Love even the haters. Refuse to stop at good enough. Repeat every day. Your life will begin to change.

Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/umairh/status/355714880998879232

We need more apps that make accessing important data look and feel this good. http://t.co/yCJWJKfbnM

Original Tweet: https://twitter.com/curiousjohn/status/355710131297730561

Christopher S. Rice (@ricetopher)
7/12/13 6:43 AM
@BryanAlexander Proctoring/Certification seems to be the money making point in the stream. See also Pearson's moves into that area.



I guess I'm struggling to get at least 1 percent of this feeling back, from all this protective numbness I've built around me, to keep me from feeling. Because, at the end of the day, I'm still human.
... Right?

Seth's Blog: Not even once?

Seth's Blog: Not even once?

Monday, July 15, 2013

The Boss Stops Here

The Boss Stops Here

 “I realized that the organization couldn’t move any faster than me,” he said. “That I was the bottleneck.”

victor saad


where do you come alive?
pay attention to that..

what change do you want to create? 

Any Child Can Poke Holes in a Balloon

Any Child Can Poke Holes in a Balloon

Friday, July 12, 2013

andrew pochter


how to live your life..

"Go on hikes in forests, canyons and mountains, go fishing, research wildlife, and get out of city Life if you can. Surround yourself with good friends who care about your future. Fall in love with someone. Get your heart broken. And then move on and fall in love again.

Breathe life every day like it is your first. Find something that you love to do and never stop doing that thing unless you find something else you love more."

—21-year-old Andrew Pochter who was recently killed in Egypt.