Sunday, February 5, 2012

on teaching

via Kenneth Bernstein (@teacherken)
Why are teachers left out of the reform debate?… - an interesting post I encountered at Daily Kos

my response:
what if it's not just that teachers are left out of the debate..
what if it's that we need to leave teaching (as we know it) out of the reform?

what if it's more about deliberately not teaching.
but rather, mentoring alongside..
facilitating the curriculum, the curiosity, inside each learner..
rather than insisting they learn some basic, so that they can later learn some bigger basic...

what if we trusted learning and life and the learner.. so that we were just about deliberate practice, deep practice, ... rather than daily pushing a publicly prescribed curriculum, that then comes with .7(650) billion dollars worth of training and resources for classroom management, and the fallout thereof.

