Wednesday, January 18, 2012

venessa miemis

brilliant dear.
intentcasting an epic vision
reading Venessa's words/vision (and the multitude of serendipitous happenings in the last few days sparked this)

CoCreatr Fresh meme: "the we among us".  #knowmad on #stopsopaday (i) inspired by @monk51295 and @Venessa Miemis and
the next edge
brilliant sir.

The we among us
Project: Polytopia
A meme
to meditate about
what it means
to be in a tribe,
to lead, to follow, or
to get out of the way.

Embrace the we among us.

Let them thrive.

By choice, you are part of the we.

And if not you,

someone is.

Making you part of us. 
