Sunday, January 15, 2012


deleuze and guattari - rhizomes pdf
thank you Adam

some notes:

the two of us wrote antioedipus together. since each of us was several, there was already quite a crowd.
on using names or not:
to reach not the point where no one says i, but the point where it is no longer of any importance whether one says i.
a book is unattributable. ... it exists only through the outside and on the outside.
the world has become chaos, but the book remins the image of the world
a book, all the more total for being fragmented.
no typographical, lexical, or even syntactical cleverness is enough to make it heard, the multiple must be made, not by always adding a higher dimension, but rather in the simplest of ways, by dint of sobriety, with the number of dimensions one already has available - always n-1 (the only way the one belongs to the multiple: always subtracted). subtract the unique from the multiplicity to be constituted; write at n-1 dimensions. a system of this kind could be called a rhizome.

ok. whoa. : ) loving it.

1) connection
any point can be connected to anything other, and must be
2) heterogeneity

Web definitions:
the quality of being diverse and not comparable in kind.
  - Ellen Langer - prejudice decreases as discrimination increases  [the universal flag - as thumbprint]

no ideal speaker/listener, there is no mother tongue, only a power takeover by a dominant language within a political multiplicity. 
a language is never closed upon itself, except as a function of impotence.
3) multiplicity
a multiplicity has neither subject nor object, only determinations, magnitudes, and dimensions that cannot increase in number without the multiplicity changing in nature.
there are no points or positions in a rhizome, ...there are only lines..
we do not have units of measure only multiplicities or varieties of measurement.  
a rhizome or multiplicity never allows itself to be overcoded,
line of flight: the possibility and necessity of flattening all of the multiplicities on a single plane of consistency or exteriority, regardless of their number of dimensions
the ideal for a book would be to lay everything out on a plane of exteriority of this kind, on a single page, the same sheet: lived events, historical determinations, concepts, individuals, groups, social formations.

4. asignifying rupture
one can never posit a dualism or a dichotomy, even in the rudimentary form of the good and the bad.
good and bad are only the products of an active and temporary selection, which must be renewed
mimicry is a very bad concept, since it relies on binary logic to describe phenomena of an entirely different nature.
drunkenness as a triumphant irruption fo the plant in us.

5. cartography
rhizome is a map, not a tracing. make a map, not a tracing. the orchid does not reproduce the tracing of the wasp; it forms a map with the wasp, in a rhizome. what distinguishes the map from the tracing is that it is entirely oriented toward an experimentation in contact with the real. the map does not reproduce an unconscious closed in upon itself; it constructs the unconscious.
the map is ... susceptible to constant modification. 
open to remix

6. decalcomania

... has multiple entryways, as opposed to the tracing, which always comes back "to the same." The map has to do with performance (doing), whereas the tracing always involves an alleged "competence."
it is a question of method: the tracing should always be put back on the map.
the imitator always creates the model, and attracts it.
it has already transformed the rhizome into roots and radicles.
when it thinks it is reproducing something else it is in fact only reproducing itself.
that is why the tracing is so dangerous. it injects redundancies and propagates them.
left off p. 17

Mary Ann- the spaces between lines  and reimagining learning as lines of flight