Tuesday, June 7, 2011

randy nelson

  • accept every offer   [raining a lot in here, you don't say, raining inside, you say, that's why we have umbrellas]
  • make your partner look good
search for men to walk on the moon
need people who had failed and recovered - core skill of innovators is error recovery, not failure avoidance
mastery in anything is a really good predictor in anything you want done.
that sense of - i'm going to get to the top of the mtn separates them from most else..
one of the great things about the proof of a portfolio vs the promise of a resume
we want someone who is more interested than interesting
involves translation
collaboration: (most important of these four)
cooperation - protocol that allows you not to get in each other's way
collaboration means amplification - brings depth, breath and allows to communicate on multiple levels.

school - we have this untapped resource - our students are the solution -

thanks to Steve Mogg for posting this on colllabo