Monday, June 13, 2011

josh waitzkin

i've learned more from losses

watching myself think from across the room rather than losing myself in thought

i've always been known to cultivate peace in chaos
i lost my internal compass.. coaches asking me to think like my opposites
internal state of detachment

wrote the art of learning

the moment that psychology transcends technique

all this becomes a wide swirl - is he describing a rhizome - high level of integration of consciousness and unconsciousness
transform pain into energy - it's now positive - heightening your zone
opponents are so powerful, the only thing to do is to work with their strengths

i had to use his strength against him
wow - 13:35

use every ripple of the experience to your advantage
made a decision to stop feeling pain
when you look at competitors - we tend to gloss over the losses
most of my chess growth came from studying my losses very deeply
found a repetitive theme of error - he found it to be transitional moments - so focused on being at peace with transitional moments in chess and in life
such a painful loss that didn't study it till 3 months later
critical moment - little mistake - outside of conceptual scheme -
meeting aggression with empty space - is what he didn't know - and that's what he went on to use in the future

people are often paralyzed with mistakes.. as opposed to having a resilient relationship - ultimately defining
he said he hardly remembers the wins - the pain of defeat, the feelings of the earth shattering
how do you get over feeling of embarrassment - he mentions Carol Dweck - fixed mindset shatter when they fail, ..
feedback given  - if you say you're a winner, say i'm proud at how hard you worked, process vs result
if you puff yourself up - you stop growing - and you will be passed by

you have martial arts teachers that haven't been learning for the last 10 years
the weakness of an artist is dogma
false constructs
find people's personal dogma that leads to false constructs..
learn how to identify dogma and to create dogman
create rhythm between you and your competitor - they way i won the world championship was allowing my competitor to learn my weakness and use it.. then pull it
learn what is operating in your opponents minds, micro-tells

looking at the learning process thematically

my main passion is learning..
love starting over

biggest flaw in ed system.. trying to fit everyone into the same mold
people need to become more observant about their own character
so can't give a set mold to follow

learn from a personal locus point

the ones who succeed are the ones who are expressing themselves most purely through their discipline
and competitively - the ones who are able to dictate the style

everyone has a unique path
great teachers should listen first
teach kids how to have a working relationship with their intuition, their unconscious mind
all creative leaps tend to have some abstract connected to what we know

goal is to have a center in ny for kids - to learn about learning through chess, chit tsu? and music

when a kid loses and the parent says it doesn't matter. the kid knows it does - need to embrace that ?
believe in experiencing the moment fully - believe in experiencing the hurt

read zen the art of motorcycle maintenance

the center of the answer is an introspection
identify thought constructs
everything that i've learned - i've eventually unlearned (sounds like Feynman's the meaning of it all)
being relentless in your own personal dogma
the moment you think you have the answer - you've gotten stuck
the idea of essence
touching the essence vs reaching a higher level
in my experience so far - there is always a deeper essence
movement closer and closer to an unattainable truth
does that make you happy or sad - makes me happy -
tolerance of cognitive dissonance - robert thurman

way to change kids -
if the feedback relates to process as opposed to heirarchy
book - the brain that changes itself - neuroplasticity - norman doige
there's never an age where you stop remapping your brain
there's no moment that we can't take it on

at the highest levels.. don't ignore negative emotions.. take them in and use them as energy
roll with it and use it
learn how to not get thrown by them and then learn how to use them
understand that emotion is there for a reason
taking these things on organically

now he goes into competition hoping for the worst situation, cheating, etc.. because he knows how to be at peace in chaos - hopefully better than opponent