Friday, April 1, 2011

tim brown

we fear the judgment of our peers
it's this fear that keeps us conservative in our thinking..
same exercise with kids (drawing neighbor) no fears
but as become adults, much more sensitive to opinions of peers
if in a trusted environment.. most free to play

before founding ideo - david kelly said - he wanted to form a company where all his employees were friends.. friends are a pathway to play

symbols in the workplace to remind us to play

thinking through your hands.. through play

how to play.. when to play.
play isn't an anarchy - there are rules

divergent modes - more playful
convergent modes - more serious
but not absolutes... not an either or - it's an and

we need trust to play and we need trust to be creative
there are a series of things we did as kids that would behoove us as adults:
  • exploration - going for quantity
  • building and thinking with hands
  • role play - adds empathy - and authenticity

some more great videos - and ideas of play via

off to bed..
