Thursday, April 14, 2011

patchwork school

only requirement - attend morning meeting..

scaffolding, modeling and mediating
zone of proximal development - raises level of operation - conflict resolution - zpd - gi

unscheduled time - boredom is a great teacher - helps you clear up who you are

4 teachers to 28 - one roams, one outside, 2 working with kids
the idea that we have to watch kids at all times

1) self-direction - inner compass
2) meaning
3) joy

safe as necessary - but not as safe as possible - 8:22 2nd video
encourage risk taking and instincts

3) provocations - provoke a thought
4) offerings -
role of teacher is just to deepen the thinking
show up in the morning and don't know what is going to happen
things are always led by someone's interest
and injustice - if you show up with an agenda

invitations... i'll be walking out side in the park later if you want to join me
less explicit with younger kids - to like 6 yrs, with kids over 7, might talk more about the process

kids have a sense of each other - because it's all about relationships
don't see one as the perpetrator and one as the victim because there is always a why (langer)

the kids are with me - because this is their question in the first place (track, research, clarify, share)

no other point for education other than relationships
from mary osborne
pay attention
be astonished
do something
adgent for change.. this is not working, we need to shift this..

morning meeting:
promotes community - 30 min, 30 min snack
any ideas for this day....
sing.... (dance too - no?)
space for disagreeing
you can disagree all you want as long as you have an alternate suggestion

used to make plans for meeting - but it pinned us down - like - this is what matters... - but they scraped it

they often just share what they are planning to do and add - join us ... if you're interested..
