Friday, January 8, 2010

my dream job description

This is how it's happening in my mind just now thanks to the good read... doing what you love:

 Plan/host/tweak/sustain a Thompson School District 
Innovation Lab (at TVHS). 
1. Facilitate student-centric (innovative/passion fed) courses for TSD start out w/secondary only?   
Students eligible for these courses will have completed required highschool coursework via State Standards for their grade level. Efficient/intense content acquisition needed may be included as part of their designed course. (ie)
Example courses: music composition, japanese, etc... 
similar to scenario in disrupting class, classes not currently offered/invented in our district, overseen by expert individual tutors, and collaborated within plns.
For some students - their passion is the "boxed" content... their work would become a valuable resource for the rest of the school (district) as their time would/could be spent making and housing tutorials.

a) Facilitate connections to info and people (via twitter/triiibes/ed plns).   
b) Submit courses/expert for credit approval (via district curriculum guidelines/committee.)


    2. Facilitate a course developing student tech experts specifically for hybrid classes. These students would become interns for hybrid teachers. 
    Example experts: Skype, Promethean, Mobile phone, Twitter,...

    3.Facilitate a course developing student media experts specifically for *the new library . These students would become interns for the hybrid library staff.

    *visions of the new library: A resource house for research/connections/creations - yes - multi-media center. But it would be staffed and designed to house areas such as: 
    Video expertise - for shooting/editing/publishing. Along with the more expensive equipment most won't have in their pocket...  
    Networking expertise ... a section would be coffeehouse-like for face-to-face conversations - girded with some type of projector for skyping and global conferencing. 
    Blogging expertise - girded with laptops for virtual conversations and working/logging.    

    College/Career expertise - for further conversations/research that counselors have started on future plans. Creating/envisioning some of those courses/internships from  #1 above.  
    Student voice expertise - to grow/sustain student voice on school site via blog/poll/announcements per text message 

      4.Facilitate a course/group developing student media experts for educating their public about these *new practices/needs for school. These Students would design commercials/advertising etc to educate the community about the need for change in public education.

      *ie: the power in networking, the abundance of info, the tools that are needed (netbook vs textbook), budget changes needed, ...
      The goal is to combine student/teacher voice so that the community is able to hear one clear message... so that changes that need to be made can will be made.


      art by keri smith

      driven by my...oh so many expert tutors over the last year ... steven,  
      alan, alec, david, seth, saul, bif, michael, clay, carl, ben, arjana, tomaz, danah, will, dan, ted, ...
      supported by my dear ... tvhs staff and tsd...
      oh my...., and of course inspired by all my short colleagues, .. the darlings...

      a brilliant palindrome of hope via my principal
      see 4 principles via Kaplan - in Rethinking Higher Ed
      it's all about one-on-one - read about Mark Andrews idiosyncratic ways..
