Saturday, January 30, 2010

an authentic student-centric model of ed

find a great resource for educon via steve anderson here:
tweets from each session, etc.
and a post via Tony Baldasrao @baldy here

fri night panel
s   a   t   u   r   d   a   y

session 1:
kind of a wash... i think i entered maybe 9 sessions... couldn't hear and/or see... or some said no presenter...

caught a trifle of Jeff Han.

session 2:
loved this one... 
 An Authentic Student-Centric Model of Ed
via Jackie Gerstein
and her lovely moderator Peggy George

this is huge: Jackie's wiki on user generated ed
so.....huge grazie Jackie - for sharing..
spent a while going over guidelines for socratic seminar - then she modeled it perfectly
[tokbox - like webcam and etherpad combine]

main point: refer to text (rather than opinion) - develops rigor - "i don't think so because stats show..."
these are all in her wiki... 
like a tool kit of knowledge for a kid to play with...

 Been given the tools now self-directing my own learning ~ guess I'm officially tinkering!
                                              great comment in the backchannel via marie

my take on session: offer the text... let kids play... converse... rinse and repeat

(vt is blocked at sla - interesting)

question came up - when do you do this student-centric?
some saying we can't in early ed - others saying - if not, we don't have enouth faith in kids

al levine... mental obesity... why expect adults to know everything

all kinds of minds  someone offered it in backchannel

me: think the best skill to leave kids with is self-regulation... so they design, they assess, they know what to do when they don't know what to do, and when no one is around... so this is sweet

3rd graders own learning...someone offered in bc

check out: 7-up series from bbc

Curt Bonk's book "The World is Open" provides lots of examples of ways to change learning!

via Jackie... post one new question you're leaving with... if you leave with one new question.. i know i did my job

my question... how do i educate my public... so that school board is ok,, super is ok, admin, is ok, and teachers are free to do...?
and Peggy George answered... transaprency is best way to educate... via wikis, blogs, podcasts...


tried to sneak into some of this as well: 
from real life with dlaughen

session 3: 

the disrupters...  examples to use?

the crisis - kids choosing to do school outside of school

does smart = passion

get list of questions.... how do we make these questions a valuable part of the conversation around change..

just caught snippets of Chris Lehmann's who do we need our leaders to be

need to consider infused vs. enhanced - I often think of infused as adding tech to what we already do - I like to think of enhance since that is looking at what tech can offer that we couldn't do before  via scott
Paul Kolenick (pkolenick)  - connect with him on student driven curriculum (before i could - he was following me.. i love the web)

When Chris was wrapping up.. talked of the need for
consensus even though it's tough & takes a while... he defined it as not necessarily agreeing on something, but agreeing to move forward
sustainability we need to avoid turnover as much as possible

didn't attend Rod Lucier's (& Ben Hazzard?) Field Guide for Change Agents - but wanted to ... here's something he just tweeted


didn't attend but this one looks good... 
portfolios, open content and educon by Bill Fitzgerald @funnymonkey