Sunday, January 31, 2010

new school

go here:

1)  what is...

Sir Ken Robinson speaks after his 2006 Ted on creativity:

Education is about developing human beings, and human development is not mechanical or linear. 
The answer is not to standardize education, but to personalize and customize it to the needs of each child and community.  
There is no alternative. There never was. 

the ideas project  -Brian Solis is globally recognized as one of most prominent thought leaders in new media.
Brian Solis on how powerful being connected by ideas can be.. (1 min)
on being content curators
on how sharing info is changing -  not the technology... the sociology
Loic LeMeur - on social media and esp video


2) how should that  

via Kaplan: (the system has failed you)

mashup the best of everything...

i love this time..the age of mashing it up till we can mash it up even better...
it is your time.. as seen above - self-imposed pacing...but as seen below - make sure you're making the best use of it... a lecture is a lecture.. explore, create, share.....


3) what can we do?

... an option kids need 


The Schools We Need: chris lehmann at ignite philly 2008 5 min   

kids need to: research, collaborate, create, present and network
one thing left for teachers to teach:
wisdom - knowing what to do when you don't know what to do

educon 2010 sunday

session 4

expectation.... how you learned from others and what you brought to them

if we're going to be together.. there needs to be a reason... value of being together in a room

social learning... need to own
start out developing parameters together
Start with deconstructing criteria, exemplars, values.
darn sound went out

 question - how many "experts" are there and how can they be so available.

being a teacher and learner at the same time brings authenticity... how could you not? 

shared methods:
I record with audacity on laptop then upload to podomatic to embed on blog or use iPadio on cellphone

I use camtaisa and pre-record all of my lessons:  no more lecture.   class time is used to help kids with content that they are stuck on. @jonbergmann  and here

reference to Dan Meyer post

Dean's slides  - quote? 

maria's blog teaching college math 

pre-service teachers need to be taught different ways to think about education. @jon bergman

we have no idea...we have to imagine what we haven't experienced

zbpipe: Jan - I completely agree! It is about authenticy for them, has to be real and meaningful.

openschool : Are you wondering what blogs, wikis, and Web 2.0 have to do with teaching math? This group is a place to connect with other math teachers to share resources, ideas, questions, and feedback about trying new technology tools in math class.  wiki via Sue Hellman

if it's more about learning than teaching... we should be ok with not knowing it all.

einstein quote about if you can't explain your theory to a 5 year old...then rethink your theory @snydersensei

snydersensei: educators know it is about the desire to find out...not about what you know     mastery vs. fixed ability mindsets!

camera in classroom for pre-service, maybe less instrusive
Camille: I'd like to see teacher candidates skype their lessons

nydersensei: tossing out conjectures and getting familiar with VandeWalle and Fosnot (for math people)
ehvickery: What happens to traditional teachers when learning (not education) is more customized, personalized, when K-12 and higher ed institutions have imploded?  

GuyNBernie: Here's a question: where does the "passion" come from. Are you a good teacher if you're passionate about teaching or a good teacher if you're passionate about your subject?

have to be passionate about learning

durff: Madelin Hunter?
SueH: I like Wiggins and Tighe
durff: We all learned her lesson model in college, did we not?

no luck getting in... ditch the school building...

session 5:

 no one there

why no substantial change - author of disrupting class
 no visual

comment; Is this a general discussion or presentation, too many voices at once
hmmm...i thought it was supposed to be conversation.....

i wish we could quit using the word teach.. and start focusing on learning... together even

kids are free tech

the craziness that follows is a reminder to me - that this is the day i learned to copy the backchannel chat... and just have it as a link.. and not cut and paste the whole time...
don't laugh. just skip to session 6.

too much laughing... it's now linked here if you want to laugh.


no one there - but great resource in his link



can't hear very well


session 6

left - sound bad

 she was the smartest kid in class it turned out. She knew all the answers in backchannel. Helped other kids

shys can speak out, those that can't focus can  -or not
What are some other tools besides twitter or Elluminate that would work in a classroom setting?

Me: noticed that here

Carole McCulloch: META: can offer our thoughts on conversation or presentation by prefacing txt chat with META

SueH: depends on the speaker. Natural speech speed is a little fast it you're listening online
Me: cell and polleverywhere
hadleyjf: edmodo
Patti R: etherpad? how many can that accomodate?
Tom Krawczewicz: I mean discourage listening to others
BethAdamczyk: chatzy  and backnoise
Carole McCulloch: Disruptive learning - is an easy process for Gen Y students - happy with multi tasking
META: actually back channelling requires you to LISTEN harder in order to make constructive comments
shift tasking
save the chats

Scott S: @hadleyjf I have found that to be the case in my classroom with the quiet shy kids
in college - class of 300 - backchannel is a way for more participants

use of backchannel when several groups are watching video at same time

New classroom jobs - camera person, backchannel moderator, blog poster, etc.

That's why I like Cover It Live...a direct message can go to the bad behavior participant, and you can see in RED on the student computers who is misbehaving
back channels should become participatory notes for cllass
invite parents to join
I like the concept of the Google jockey, had not heard of that term before.
vScott S: By the way, this doesn't have to be a 1 to 1 ussue either. I've seen two kids share a computer successfully in a backchannel
with phone - cover it live
if backchanneling is a group based summary /overview with built in expansion/research  to follow then i think you have more control
backchannel offers something to kids who have to be doing something else to pay attention
use wave to backchannel
democratization of the classroom

mrsdurff: I will have 7th graders use Edmodo to form groups with another school - that backchannel will be available to them till the end of schoolyear
rudder-directs, anchor-drives, jockey of google jockey - url finder
united discovery streaming
Carole McCulloch: META: knowing the purpose of the back channelling prior to a conference for example, would he helpful - same for a live session - explain why and how then the back channel becomes an excellent reflection by all participcants
arole McCulloch: Use CoverItLive and place the panel inside the wiki or ning that they use

Carole McCulloch: Set up a #hashtag and encourage the use of Tweets to feed into the back channel, elect an anchor, rudder and jockey

Cliff Thompson: Backchanneling while showing a video is my "take away" from this session.

need to check out coveritlive
do you archive your backchannel..

@cmcculloch  - ask how she organizes the saving of her chat archives..

Saturday, January 30, 2010

play is more than fun

the opposite of play is not work, it's depression
         session on student-centric model of learning today at educon - spoke of play..quite a bit... session 2 with Jackie Gerstein

neoteny - retention of immature qualities into adulthood - gives us a leg up on adaptability 

your own personal play history is unique:
go back to the most clear, joyful, playful image that you have, and connect it to now... 
ie: Kevin Caroll - author of Red Rubber Ball, came from extremely deprived circumstances, gives play as a transformative force over his entire life...

From Play to Innovation... class at Stanford..
FLOW - fully immersed in what he or she is doing..
one of their projects: What make meetings boring... cool video..
energized focus, full involvement, success

don't do the work/play differential, where you set aside time for play... but let your life become infused, minute by minute, hour by hour, with body, object, social, transformational kinds of play.

A pioneer in research on play, Dr. Stuart Brown says humor, games, roughhousing, flirtation and fantasy are more than just fun. Plenty of play in childhood makes for happy, smart adults -- and keeping it up can make us smarter at any age.


an authentic student-centric model of ed

find a great resource for educon via steve anderson here:
tweets from each session, etc.
and a post via Tony Baldasrao @baldy here

fri night panel
s   a   t   u   r   d   a   y

session 1:
kind of a wash... i think i entered maybe 9 sessions... couldn't hear and/or see... or some said no presenter...

caught a trifle of Jeff Han.

session 2:
loved this one... 
 An Authentic Student-Centric Model of Ed
via Jackie Gerstein
and her lovely moderator Peggy George

this is huge: Jackie's wiki on user generated ed
so.....huge grazie Jackie - for sharing..
spent a while going over guidelines for socratic seminar - then she modeled it perfectly
[tokbox - like webcam and etherpad combine]

main point: refer to text (rather than opinion) - develops rigor - "i don't think so because stats show..."
these are all in her wiki... 
like a tool kit of knowledge for a kid to play with...

 Been given the tools now self-directing my own learning ~ guess I'm officially tinkering!
                                              great comment in the backchannel via marie

my take on session: offer the text... let kids play... converse... rinse and repeat

(vt is blocked at sla - interesting)

question came up - when do you do this student-centric?
some saying we can't in early ed - others saying - if not, we don't have enouth faith in kids

al levine... mental obesity... why expect adults to know everything

all kinds of minds  someone offered it in backchannel

me: think the best skill to leave kids with is self-regulation... so they design, they assess, they know what to do when they don't know what to do, and when no one is around... so this is sweet

3rd graders own learning...someone offered in bc

check out: 7-up series from bbc

Curt Bonk's book "The World is Open" provides lots of examples of ways to change learning!

via Jackie... post one new question you're leaving with... if you leave with one new question.. i know i did my job

my question... how do i educate my public... so that school board is ok,, super is ok, admin, is ok, and teachers are free to do...?
and Peggy George answered... transaprency is best way to educate... via wikis, blogs, podcasts...


tried to sneak into some of this as well: 
from real life with dlaughen

session 3: 

the disrupters...  examples to use?

the crisis - kids choosing to do school outside of school

does smart = passion

get list of questions.... how do we make these questions a valuable part of the conversation around change..

just caught snippets of Chris Lehmann's who do we need our leaders to be

need to consider infused vs. enhanced - I often think of infused as adding tech to what we already do - I like to think of enhance since that is looking at what tech can offer that we couldn't do before  via scott
Paul Kolenick (pkolenick)  - connect with him on student driven curriculum (before i could - he was following me.. i love the web)

When Chris was wrapping up.. talked of the need for
consensus even though it's tough & takes a while... he defined it as not necessarily agreeing on something, but agreeing to move forward
sustainability we need to avoid turnover as much as possible

didn't attend Rod Lucier's (& Ben Hazzard?) Field Guide for Change Agents - but wanted to ... here's something he just tweeted


didn't attend but this one looks good... 
portfolios, open content and educon by Bill Fitzgerald @funnymonkey

Thursday, January 28, 2010

educon 2010

This weekend is this huge conference - Educon in Philly -... maybe you've heard of it... (i want to be there so bad i can taste it... even after i brush)
They will be having conversations about all of the things we are wanting to do...
I'm attending virtually.. you can sign up to do the same here and read about the conversations/sessions here - see a grid of the sessions here - or just catch all the archived sessions at your convenience later.


quiet the lizard brain


he looks big, scary even, ....

he'll tell you to back off, be careful, go slow, compromise.. 

it's very very important...that you quiet the lizard brain.

read Mr. Godin's post: Quieting the Lizard Brain
read Mr. Godin's latest book: Linchpin


Monday, January 25, 2010

who owns the learning...

ongoing conversations that relate to our innovation lab idea:

 Zander's book - a reminder of the places we could be ... going..

response to Deron Durflinger's post, We Have a Teacher for That.

I've got a group of 30 kids piloting ideas to make the 7 hour days more meaningful.
What we have come up with... is an innovation lab, where we connect students with an expert individual tutor (career person) and a pln - like you say.. not bound by geography but connected per passion. 

We think the career tutor and student design of curriculum brings in that intrinsic value. Which not only allows for great creativity on the student part, but also motivation to get what we call the *boxed content done in a most efficient way.
*content found on act/sat/csap, not bad, just fixed.
We see the face to face teacher as more a facilitator of these connections rather than a content provider.

Here's the plan we have.. 
#1 speaks specifically to it.. #2-4 help make it happen.

Would love critique, insight,... hoping to make it happen next year.


response to a great question posed by Stephen Downes on his site Half an Hour:

Excellent question.. I think kids owning the learning, (designing/creating the curriculum even)... is the only way this 7hr-a-day thing we call school could/should work. So asking - under what conditions is huge to making it happen.

My thoughts on those conditions... (and the only reason I'm writing here in your spot - is because I'm craving yours):
1) absence of standardized testing
2) until standardized testing is removed.. allowance of a more efficient, student owned way to learn the standardized content
3) once time is freed, by removal or by efficiency, access (via a facilitator of connections) to individual expert tutors and plns per passion, will become the conditions needed.

Here's the plan we're hoping will allow for kids to own the learning...
#1 speaks specifically to it.. #2-4 help make it happen.


making art


making art post by Seth Godin

his new book linchpin out tomorrow... yay.


Saturday, January 23, 2010

the i can button

Thank you @shellterrell..
it's 5:08 am and i've already had the most incredible lesson of the day..

it started with this...

so i retweeted.... 

and tweeted.....

she responded... 

and the beat goes on...

what was this beat about?...

Take a listen to Kiran Bir Sethi, as she talks at Ted in November 2009... about teaching kids to take charge.

my notes (straight from Kiran, bty - you can see her script to the right of her Ted talk):

The i can button.
If learning is embedded in real world.. that is... we blur the boundaries between school and life... then children go through a journey of.....

 where they can see the change

 where they can be changed

where they can lead the change
This directly increased students' well being, students became more competent and less helpless.
Before showing a clip from her school, Riverside, in India, she adds:
But this is all common sense, I'd like to show you what common practice looks like....
Her challenge to her kids... Take one idea - anything that bothers you - then take one week and change lives.  (they tackled: adult illiteracy, loneliness, potholes, alcoholism, recycling...)
Her profound comment,... It doesn't surprise me that they had to much inside them.

If not us, then who
If not now, then when

The flow... we are currently gathering "story" for a movement (#4) to educate our public about school. This video is just more feed for the contagiosity soon to follow..

ok so then comes another tweet... so I have to add this.. 
it's all about one-on-one - take a listen to Mark Andrews talk about ... their idiosyncratic ways..


Monday, January 18, 2010

seth godin's linchpin

I'm currently reading Seth Godin's latest book, Linchpin.
Due out Jan 26.

Someone who is indispensable.
They invent, lead, connect others, make things happen and create order out of chaos.
They figure out what to do when there is not rule book.
They love their work, pour their best selves into it, and turn each day into a kind of art.

Another book that is hard to put down. I need to take some time off to read.
I'll be logging as I read here... so please don't expect any kind of formality or order. (why would you be expecting that from me anyway? just saying... this could be even worse.)

I just watched this interview of Seth about the book... I love his take on art..
go you linchpins...

n  o  t  e  s:
please note: obviously this book is striking a chord in me. i can't imagine it not doing the same for you. at any point - if you feel this post is too long.. you're right.. if you feel it's plagiarism... it is. read on if you so choose. but please don't miss the part close to the end...after the big... this is not ridiculous.

where average comes from:
everyone has a little voice in their head that's angry and afraid. that voice is the resistance - your lizard brain - and it wants you to be average (and safe).  p. 5
you can train yourself to matter
via godin's linchpin "if you've got something to say, say it & think well of yourself while you're learning to say it better." -david mamet  p. 6
today we need original thinkers, provocateurs, and people who care...  p. 8
linchpin:  the one person that can bring it all together and make a difference.
some organizations haven't realized this yet - but we need artists...
artists are people with a genius for finding a new answer, a new connections, or a new way of getting things done.   p. 8
today- all the joy and profit have been squeezed out of following the rules...
outsourcing and automation punish anyone who is  merely good, merely obedient, merely reliable.
bring humanity, connection and art to your organization.
purple cow = product worth talking about
linchpin = person worth talking about... indispensable
p.9 if every corp in every country in the world, people are waiting to be told what to do. sure, many of us pretend that we'd love to have control and authority and to bring out humanity to work. but given half a chance, we give it up, in a heartbeat.  
people want to be told what to do because they are afraid (petrified) of figuring it out for themselves. p.10 the goal was to leverage and defend the system, not the people.
interchangeable parts.. always changing..
p. 13 consumers crave: the unique, the remarkable, the human
There are no longer any great jobs where someone else tells you precisely what to do.
p. 24 owning the means of production... changes everything. 
it starts with bloggers, musicians, writers and others who don't need anyone's support or permission to do their thing.
the thriving organization: well-organized linchpins doing their thing in concert, creating more  value than any factory ever could
p. 25 hugh macleod: the web has made kicking ass easier to achieve, and mediocrity harder to sustain. mediocrity now howls in protest.
there's more junk than ever before, more lousy writing, more pointless products. but this abundance of trash is overwhelmed by the market's ability to distribute news about the great stuff.
almost no one puts in the work to create or invent. up to you.
only way to succeed: to be remarkable - to be talked about... if we're going to talk them, we're going to discuss what they do, not who they are.
the only way to get what your worth......produce interactions that organization and people care deeply about.
p. 28 becoming indispensable is not impossible. it's not about what you're born with, it's about what you do.
be human.
take the risk that you might make someone upset with your initiative, innovation, and insight - it turns out that you'll probably delight them instead.
consumers say they want cheap...though, most of us, most of the time, seek out art.
p. 30 if you want a job where you get to do more than follow instructions, don't be surprised if you get asked to do things they never taught you in school.
[this makes me think of erica mcwilliams saying that the key to teaching now is knowing what to do when you don't know what to do... being usefully ignorant.]
generosity is the very best strategy.
used to be:
keep your head down
follow instructions
show up on time
work hard
suck it up
be remarkable
be generous
create art
make judgment calls
connect people and ideas
i love all of these things...

all of the attributes are choices, not talents, ... all are available to you.
p. 36   o n    s c h o o l
the ones you free to be artists, will rise to a level you can't even imagine... because everyone is a person. and people crave connections and respect.
what every boss really wants is an artist - someone who changes everything, someone who makes dreams come true.
p. 40 we've been trained to believe that mediocre obedience is a genetic fact for most the population, but .....this trait doesn't show up until after a few years of schooling.
the launch of universal (public and free) education was a profound change in the way our society works, and it was a deliberate attempt to transform out culture. and it worked. we trained millions of factory workers.
keeping up with the joneses is not a genetic predisposition. it's an invented need, and a recent one.
a sign schools need out front:
we teach people to take initiative and become remarkable artists, to question the status quo, and to interact with transparency. and our graduates understand that consumption is not the answer to social problems.

p. 44 we ask someone to do something wacky or original and they change the tiniest surface element instead of finding the root of a creative solution. that's no accident. that's what we taught them to do. the opportunity is in changing the game, changing the interaction, or even changing the question.

classroom become fear-based, test-based battlefields, when they could so easily be organized to encourage the heretical thought we so badly need.
i strongly believe this... with the power of networking... we can do this..are we building the sort of people our society needs?p. 46 on school - the problem lies with the system that punishes artists and reward bureaucrats instead.woodrow wilson on public ed: we want one class of persons to have a liberal education, and we want another... a very much larger class, of necessity, in every society, to forgo the privileges of a liberal ed and fit themselves to perform specific difficult manual tasks.
[sounds crazy... like most people today would read that and say... that's wack. but that's exactly what the public ed system is doing.]

what school should teach:
1. solve interesting problems = not the kind google can answer... ones like... what should i do next...
2. lead = leading is a skill, not a gift, you learn how.. schools can teach leadership as easily as they figured out how to teach compliance. schools can teach us to be socially smart, to be open to connection, to understand the elements that build a tribe. while schools provide outlets for natural-born leaders, they don't teach it. and leadership is now worth far more than compliance is.

oh my mr godin......

thank you keri smith for this image...
saving me just now at 2am..

per friend request, i'm marking the book because they don't have time to read it.- funny - we're so preoccupied with what think is important we miss out on what's matters. so my brilliant mind thought, instead of just marking my book,
i'll take notes in a post, 
then i don't have to loan my book out, and more than one friend can benefit.

i told my kids yesterday... this book is so good... 
we should stop "school" and read the book
they were momentarily delighted because most get 
that "school" needs to be different. 
but they've been trained to be inactive and most often *unbelievably respectful rebels.
i know - that doesn't make sense. that's the point.
*i'm afraid much of what we do in the name of public ed is abusive. 
so the kicker... i am 50 pages into this incredible book of 236 pages (yeah - not even to 101 yet)..
this post is crazy long..
i'm feeling the need to share every other sentence... 
this is ridiculous... 
b  u  y      t  h  e      b  o  o  k
if you care about anything...
this is a book you want to read.
for yourself.

time to sleep.

i need to sleep devijver