Saturday, December 26, 2009

open source via tech infused

One tweet.... that's all it takes...
this one took me all over the place - 


While I'm always morphing/learning... I came to a much clearer picture of what the heck we need to be doing these days.

After reading the student article - your heart can't help but go with the student... Steven Anderson writes:
Is this more proof we need to a) Slow down when it comes to tech in schools and b) always, always, have the student perspective?

Absolutely listen more... but dang... slower?....

Yes - slower in the sense of senseless tech purchase... but we are so far behind in understanding the potential of the connections open sourcing and web use allows us. I'm afraid that our hang up about understanding/not understanding tech is what keeps getting in our way.

Here's the kicker for me - in the incredible comments conversation between the author of the post (discussing the student post), Clay Burrell and Nathan Lowell, Lowell writes:

Does the challenge become one of changing the politics so that learning is more important than coverage? If you can take away the opportunity cost of floundering and instead *use* that floundering as the lesson, then this is no longer an obstacle but an advantage.

Flashback to Eria Mcwilliam insight on the greatest trait of a teachers these days, to be usefully ignorant, know what to do when you don't know what to do.

Content is no longer the lesson...connections are. 
Connections to information via your connections with people.

it's "with" whom we learn rather than "from" whom we learn. Will Richardson

And so it's not technology integration, not even tech-infusion - although that does sound more romantic....

It's being open sourced to the world... it's global connections... to information - and even more importantly - to people...

The school that is unleashed, is fumbling and messy, and alive, because it's learning how to learn.

and now... because Clay Burell's post is alive... the beat goes on.