Wednesday, August 12, 2009

why do we learn? not how or what, but why?

inundated with training and professional development and meetings.

observing behaviors/attitudes/etc of teachers.

conversations around focus.

why are we here: to help kids
what is the purpose of school: to learn how to learn (although today's meeting - achievement - who defines that?)

as i leave these people - my mind wrestles on - why learn?

i'm content.
i have darlings i would love to spend more time with. more time playing. so why this pursuit? why spend so much time learning? what's the purpose. what's my goal.

oh - my goal.
now i remember.
my personal life goal is to help others. i get to keep learning and i must keep learning - if i want to help others.

once i step outside the fishbowl - especially of my family - where - ya - we'd be ok w/o learning any more ---- there are people who do need to learn stuff in order to help themselves. for some - in order to survive.

in the wide world - people need to learn things as drastic as how to get clean water.
in close proximity - people need to learn things as simple as doing school right.

i learn - so that i can help others.

there will always be people who need help.
i will always need to learn more.

and gosh i'm glad there are others who feel the same.
because i so need them - in this helping others pursuit.
thank you to my many tutors/coaches/mentors - for helping me learn.

and thank you @bengrey for nudging me to think this through.